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Information on 1993 Palmer Johnson 76' Sport Fisher "Prime Time"

Discussion in 'Palmer Johnson Yacht' started by markubicz, May 15, 2020.

  1. Danvilletim

    Danvilletim Senior Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    isleton, ca
    Connect with a buyers broker. Let them give you advice. Try Peter Q from Denison who had the listing. But seriously if you don’t have $300-$400k for immediate usage , walk. The boat is likely fairly priced.
  2. markubicz

    markubicz New Member

    Sep 19, 2018
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thanks everybody, advice, input and recommendations much appreciated. Broker called today saying he has 3 potential offers coming in. Told him to keep me in the loop. If the boat were on this end it would be a different story. Hard to compete with other buyers when I'm $62k in the hole for the shipping on top of what would be needed to get done. I plan on living aboard as a second home as I'm getting ready to develop a property in Arizona and need to have a place to stay when I'm back in L.A., otherwise plan on chartering it out with a couple of Captain buddies of mine. So 100k a year maintenance and such would be doable and a tax right off. That's the plan, maybe this one won't work out but something else will pop up. I do love this boat though. Definitely would be turning some heads on the West coast. Thanks again. Keep you posted on what happens.