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I'm under contract to buy a 2011 Azimut 58...

Discussion in 'Azimut Yacht' started by makesumwake2, Jan 5, 2020.

  1. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Out of idle curiosity, how long ago?
    I'm only asking because I find it strange that at AziBen HQs they don't do something about that.
    This is not how they built their outstanding reputation in Europe - if anything, the opposite, in fact.
  2. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    As you indicate, buyer can back out based on any of those things. Buyer can look at it and say "I don't like it." Now, buyer may not get all their deposit back as if seller has incurred any expenses, they may be deducted.

    There are two key dates. The first requires the buyer either to say "yes" or "no" as to whether they're buying the boat. They can say no and be free from the purchase. However, if they say "yes", then they're required to close by the second date and failure to do so could void the agreement. 9 times out of 10 a seller would extend the closing date if there was just a slight delay. However, if they've got a higher offer waiting, they may jump on it.
  3. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    All very reasonable.
    Which also means, since the inspection approval is entirely at the buyer's discretion, that if he does like the boat, before saying yes, he could tell the seller/broker that if they don't accept a postponement (within reason, obviously) of the closing date, he just walks away there and then.
    And I have a funny feeling that their current refusal to accept any postponement would immediately become less strict... :D

    You are of course right in saying that they might have a higher offer waiting, but in the OP boots, I'd take the risk.
    My philosophy is that with used boats, there's no such thing as a lost opportunity.
    There are only other opportunities out there, waiting to be found. :cool:
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Correct but the buyer has to go inspect the boat
  5. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I stated that I ran a boat, with a CAPTAIN FROM THE FACTORY. Not the boat from the factory.

    We don't use maneuvering winches in the United States, rarely if ever. U.S. Captains are very good at maneuvering generally and we do not med moor over in this region, hardly ever.

    All of the Hatteras MY's have a sealed water tight bulkhead on both sides of the engine room that I know of. The 60'/75'/90' all do I'm sure of. I haven't been on any new Vikings in a good while, so I cannot comment. Azimut has had their share of hull delamination issues as well. Hatteras, none that I know of.

    Do you work for the Azimut factory or sell Azimuts? As you seem to have a strong interest in stating that Azimuts are something they are not. Compared to a Hatteras/Viking, Azimuts interior goods and woodwork are lesser quality, their electrical is far below, plumbing also, teak as well, equipment, exterior soft goods as well, warranty support in their main markets far subpar. Azimut sells the sizzle, but not the steak. They're a price point boat with a very average quality at a price. They usually are pretty good sea boats.

    Highest quality is EASY to measure. Go look at several 10 year old yachts from each brand and see how they have faired. Their is a HUGE difference in the exterior condition, interior woodwork and condition, systems, between Hatteras/Viking and many other brands.
  6. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    "Buyer's Inspection" means the buyer can inspect the photos and re read the listing specifications and reject the boat. He doesn't have to step foot on board. A reputable brokerage would return the Buyer's deposit under those terms.
  7. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    i hope that s true. A bit unfair to the seller to hold a vessel for a few weeks without making an effort to inspect in person.
  8. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    They probably wouldn't do so, but I believe if the buyer didn't inspect in person or have a sea trial or survey or send someone to inspect for them, you could reasonably withhold all or part of the deposit for lack of good faith. The agreement is very lose on reasons to reject and not move forward. However, tying the boat up off the market and making no effort to really check it out is not what the provisions are designed for.
  9. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I find it laughable to even attempt to compare hatteras or Viking quality with Azimut. It s not even close

    For instance hatteras still supports pretty much every single boat they built, going back to he late 60s early 70s. They have the blueprints in their archives. I have not had to call them in years but soon after I bought my 53 I got information from the factory. Try calling Azimut about a 1970 boat. Did they even exist in 1970 :) if so I don’t see too many still afloat

    construction wise, they never had a hull failure or delamination. Remember what happened after the Ferreti group bought Bertram? The sportfish that disintegrated off myrtle beach?

    Hatteras systems like electrical are as good as it gets for production boats. All documented, blue printed and easy to maintain. No undocumented shortcuts by sub contractors

    fiberglass fuel tanks.... do you want anything else? I don’t want to have to replace them after 15 or 20 years which is often the service life of alum tanks.

    where Hatteras has failed in the last 15 or 20 years is by focusing way too much on interior spaces vs aft decks.l along with overly conservative styling. That has changed in the last 5 to 10 years but from the early 90s into the early 10s, if you wanted something with a nice aft deck and modern styling you had to look elsewhere....
  10. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    A Buyer walking away without a sea trial or survey happens more than you might think. An honorable person will bail out sooner rather than later so as not to tie up the boat. Broker communication plays a big part in this.

    Withholding a Buyer's deposit when they have not signed final acceptance is very rare. I've done hundreds of deals including many co-brokerage deals with MarineMax. I've only seen it happen a few times, and never with a reputable Broker - only with Brokers who were known for being dishonest and even in those cases the Buyer eventually recovered all or most of their deposit. Of course any contract can be contested by anyone who is a party to it.
  11. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    Yes it is, especially during prime selling season. It's not uncommon for Sellers to be reluctant to accept offers from Buyers who have not seen the boat. And in addition if the Buyer is from out of the area things can really get off to a slow start. In my experience those kinds of offers do fall out more often.

    Sellers with boats that have been on the market for a while without much action are more likely to accept them.
  12. Oscarvan

    Oscarvan Senior Member

    Nov 10, 2015
    Chesapeake Bay
    I would not, nor have I ever, gone under contract on a boat I haven't seen, smelt and felt. Now, if my time was worth more than the boat and I had a full time Pascal or Capt J that had been with me for years and they went and saw, smelt and felt and called me and said "It's a good one boss".... that's different. But SOMEONE other than the other side of the table has to go and THEN we start signing papers and checks subject to paragraph 1-12.

    By the same token I would never accept a sight unseen offer from a buyer.
  13. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Well... I found the lazzara 84 I m running now for the owners who had been charter guests for years and wanted their own boat. The first time they saw the boat in the flesh was after closing when I brought it to Miami from Naples. Turned out they loved it... :)
  14. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    You are now making me very curious about your reason for asking.
    Would you possibly be interested to start praising their boats, if I could give you a commission?

    Listen, I wrote that I don't like Azimut boats and I never owned one.
    What part of that you are struggling to understand, exactly?
    I can write it in French, Spanish, German or Italian, if you have troubles with English.

    Talking of which, there was no comma in your original sentence about the boat you ran from the factory.
    Besides, I added that I was only joking. Again, not so difficult to understand. Or is it?
  15. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    You'd better tell that to the remarkably opinionated Capt J, then. That's what he is insisting to do, not me.
    My point was about boatbuilders, not about their products.
  16. Oscarvan

    Oscarvan Senior Member

    Nov 10, 2015
    Chesapeake Bay
    I did mention you .... lol.
  17. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    Nothing wrong with an offer subject personal inspection and surveys. A good way to see where the seller is at. Neither would I ever go to survey without doing a personal inspection. If you pass on the inspection it is game on.
  18. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    yeah he may be a bit opinionated but With his experience... that’s ok.

    maybe I, and others, misread your (very opinionated) posts. It sounded like you were under the impression mutts were a high quality product.

    even your last sentence makes no sense. How could your point be about boat builders and not their products?? It s all about the product. It s all about the boat...
  19. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    Exactly right! And the Captain could even Boat-face time the darn thing while walking around for you to see....along with the old adage '' No splashy, no cashy!'' needs to be added to the sales contract..Lol.
  20. makesumwake2

    makesumwake2 Member

    Dec 17, 2019
    miami, fl
    thanks for all the help everyone.

    contract states: "Whether or not Buyer has inspected the Vessel, Buyer will be deemed to have rejected the Vessel if he fails to give timely written notice of its acceptance". in this case, by the 17th.

    i called a few local people in MI and it wasnt looking promising for a sea trial. the logistics are crazy. so i cancelled the contract. it was only under contract for 3 days (deposit wasnt received until the 3rd). i didn't want to waste anyone's time.

    im looking at a 2005 (2009 delivery to US) 64 Aicon now. US spec. 2019 refit. MTU-183-TE94 engines. located where i live. seller is down a lot below the list price. ......feel free to rip it apart!!
    already saw the boat, and i brought a captain along. it looks good.
