Thanks for the input! Steve Berlin (Fort Myers) will do the survey. This boat has had epoxy all over the interior, so the potential is there for a similar situation. That's a reason I think having no glass above the waterline is a good thing... one can confirm that the wood is ok, and then use it as a moisture content reference going into the part that does have the glass added. It brings up another point... having a survey is only as good as the surveyor. A friend had a boat surveyed here in Maine by an extremely well respected wooden boat surveyor, was told it would need a refastening... half way through the refastening it was determined there were serious frame problems, which more that tripled the cost (since all the new fasteners needed to be backed out).
Very true. I'm not familiar with Steve Berlin. From his listing on the SAMS website, it looks like he's been surveying for a while. If he knows wood boats, he'll probably do well for you. If you decide that you need a second opinion, you may want to speak with Henry Pickersgill. Henry knows wood boats.
I have a '68 53' Sportsman. It was factory glassed outside and epoxy coted inside at time of build. I believe they started doing this in the mid-60s. Call Huckins and they can tell you for sure. Dick Rogers there is a wealth of information and very helpful to any prospective Huckins owner.
Well, the survey turned up enough hull issues to essentially make her a river / ICW only boat, with the need for a significant hull rebuild in the near future if she's to survive over the long haul. So we're passing on purchase. All the other aspects of the boat (engines, electrical, systems) are in very serviceable condition, she's a very qualified candidate for being restored. The thing that our inspection did confirm is that we're very partial to Huckins, and hope to find one sometime in our future.
Our 1955 was glassed over at Huckins in 1961 when my grandfather bought it and brought it around to the east coast from Texas. Not sure if they were glassing the hulls at the time of build by then or not. was Dick Rogers I spoke to when I was looking at Dry Martini. He's still in my phone address book. Does he have a brother named Carl? I'm too young for my memory to be going... (904)389-1134 ATB- Dan
I'm emailing with him... and he's a wealth of good info. I really think the boat should be saved, its a rare case where I think the end value could exceed the $$ spent (famous last words!!!). But its a moot point at this time, I own one too many houses!
chuckb, Take a look at 52' 1961 Huckins, Dry Martini in Pt. Washington, NY. It may be what you are looking for. (and see my previous posts here and others). I can also give you the name of a great wooden boat surveyor (plenty of Huckins experience) from NE. I would have taken another look if not for the Viking I found. ATB- Dan
Dan, I saw Dry Martini and she didn't do it for me. I think first impressions are important and I felt she would need more attention than I could offer. I talked with Dick Rogers today, and am still talking with the owner. If we can sell our big house (one of three), then I'm inclined to undertake a restoration... however the timing is off for all of this insofar as cash flow. So, we'll wait and see. Funny thing, all my married life my spouse has said "charter, don't buy!". When I told her the survey was not looking good, she looked like she was about to cry, she had already bonded with this boat and expected to become an owner. I spent a day explaining why we shouldn't do this... and now today I'm all for buying the boat and the spouse is being the voice of reason. If I only had a crystal ball and could see into the future..... Chuck
Repower Huckins with Pod Drives Huckins Motoryacht With a Pod Drive Just thought some might be interested in this article from ProBoat
Paul Waring (of Stephens Waring Yacht Design) did a multi-part blog write up of this project which can be read starting at
I currently captain 2 Huckins and we did look at dry martini 3 years and ran away she needs our surveyor thought over 500,000 to put right .there are much better boats out there .if you want more info please feel free to message me and I will give you a cell phone number
Si-Go for sale Seafarer - Given your connection to her, you may already know that Si-Go is up for sale. She was just posted on Yacht world. After seeing a family friend's Huckins in person a few summer's ago, I became a big admirer of the builder. I especially like the lines of Si-Go - just gorgeous. I sincerely hope someone with the means (unlike me) and the passion for Huckins (like me!) will purchase her and undertake a complete restoration. If she stays in NE, I volunteer free help! Charles
Huckins 1962 Sedan "Downwind" Has anyone any information on the 1962 Huckins 46' Sedan Cruiser names "Downwind" in CT.? I am considering a close look, but being in SC makes the trips to CT. a serious venture. Any information would be very welcome. Many thanks.
She is reputed to be in good shape, although I have not seen her in about 7 years, I have been told she is one of the best Huckins under $ 100000. Best, Maldwin