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HRO/Sea Recovery Watermakers

Discussion in 'Watermakers' started by dev0n60, Jul 24, 2012.

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  1. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I think this says it all:

    "he would send us another diaphragm pump (free). No apology for the mistake made by his company in supplying customers with pumps they never performed due diligence on."

    Get over yourself, who cares about an apology.. You got a free pump even though it was way out of warranty!!!
  2. twnich

    twnich Member

    Apr 1, 2010

  3. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Yeah, but if the pump fails at 250 hours, you could put that much usage on a 200 GPD watermaker in 2 weeks of cruising and living aboard. It's pretty ******......If the pump lasted 1000 hours or 2000 hours I could see it being a nucience and dealable problem......
  4. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Remember that the original pump was delivered in 2003 and replaced with the rebuilt one in 2010. (These pumps were abandoned in 2006 at the latest from what we know.)

    Of course it is bad if they should not last more than 250 hours, but add six years (52.560 hours) to this equation. Compare that to changing timing belts on your Ferrari every third year, even if it has been parked all the time...
  5. Bill106

    Bill106 Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    Beaufort NC
    And I can't help but wonder if that 250 hour life expectancy would have been extended if it were used a little more frequently. We all know a rubber diaphram's worst enemy is sitting dry for extended periods, four year shelf life is probably pushing it as it is. Sea Recovery probably looked for the best available pump that fit their design criteria and selected that one from Shur-flo, a reputable company with vast experience in pumps. No doubt they too are sick and tired of eating the cost of replacing those pumps especially when they do it out of warranty trying to satisfy customers who sometimes can't be satisfied no matter what you do!
  6. dev0n60

    dev0n60 Guest

    Thank you AMG for taking the time.
    You never answered our question: where did you get it that a vane pump was ever a part of our system? We never wrote this...
    Like it our not, you are the one that wrote this and it is misleading.
    'Drama'? All we have done is state our experience and answer questions for the forum as they came up.
    Using an adjective like 'drama' in your response is exactly what we mean when we talk about misleading.. It is not necessary and it is disparaging; it takes the attention off the purpose of the original post.
  7. dev0n60

    dev0n60 Guest

    You left out the rest:
    "Of course, replacing a our supplied diaphragm pump with another doomed diaphragm pump was just pushing the problem back a bit: eventually we needed to sort the problem. 250 hours is just not that much time when the machine is in steady use."
    More bashing.... not productive
  8. dev0n60

    dev0n60 Guest

    The second diaphragm pump supplied, used more frequently, quit after just 15months: March 2011 to July2012.
    Frequency does not seem to be the issue in this case, rather the hours are.
    Thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts.
  9. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Yes, drama! Why are you otherwise bringing up something I have never said, instead of answering relevant questions, like what is the real problem with the last delivered pump?

    But never mind, this thread is a dead end.
  10. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    regarding the pump in the oily box, I guess the oil leaked from a breather or loose fitting ?
    It was definitely from that pump and not some other culprit like some adjioning parcel or can in the shipping truck/container etc.

    Did you ever try the oily motor and did it run ?
  11. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Dear Devon60,

    I have just waded through the endless drivel spewing from your keyboard and I'm appalled by your accusations and comments to AMG in Private Messages. In 8 years, I have come to know AMG as fair, tolerant and insightful. He is one of the finest gentlemen I've ever known and one of Sweden's most prolific yacht designers.

    In what world do you think he actually has time to respond to your relentless allegations and complaints. You were questioned by not only Lars, but also several of the most respected build engineers in the superyacht industry. If they raised a jaunt brow, that's reason enough for me to question your motives.

    This forum was not established as your personal platform to wage war against a manufacturer. YF was built on the back of knowledge, by experts, who bring forward credible, substantiated information. Your little rant has only served to deteriorate the value of the media.

    We are done with this saga and we are done with you. Your membership is being removed and the thread is being closed.
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