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Higher Oil Prices Coming

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by brian eiland, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Maybe Knot

    Maybe Knot Member

    Apr 28, 2014
    Nashville Tn
    Viet Nam was about rubber. The French (Michelin Tire) got their collective asses kicked fighting for rubber, then brought the Americans into it.

    Desert Shield, and ultimately Desert Storm was about oil. Even Saddam Hussein knew it. Why else do you think he set the Kuwaiti oil fields on fire upon his departure? That was his way of giving the U.S.A. a middle want the oil, there it is, going up in smoke.

    The most recent Iraqui conflict's genesis was two-pronged. Yes, to the general public, it was WMDs, but the underlying reason was to get retribution for Saddam's boast of putting a "contract" out on the elder Bush.

    For whatever reason, I support both Bushes in leading us into that war. The Iraqi people were liberated, their military was trained and given equipment support, and their police were trained. It's time to remove the training wheels and let them stand on their own.

    I believe Kuwait is probably ready to deliver on their promise of oil, but to do so, would collapse the world oil market. Fact is, our elected officials don't want oil prices to fall. The United States has more than enough in the strategic oil reserves, and is also a major oil producer. Our consumption and importation keeps the world market going.
  2. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Secret Energy Meetings, Dividing up Iraq's Oil

    Yes, there were a lot of Congressmen who made bad decisions. And I believe it was surely in the 'heat of the situation' (retaliate to 9/11), and then misleading information fed to them. Some of us were not sold this bill of goods, but our voices were not heard as the clamor for war and retaliation won out.

    Ask me about those 'theories I am chasing' if we ever get a chance to view the minutes of those energy (oil) company meetings that Cheney fought all the way to the Supreme Court to keep secret. Do you recall that?

    Judicial Watch
    8. Secrets of Cheney?s Energy Task Force Come to Light – Top 25 of 2005
    Wonder why these meetings had to be kept SO SECRET!
    Were they divided up Iraq, before we even invaded :eek::rolleyes: You betcha!!
  3. Maybe Knot

    Maybe Knot Member

    Apr 28, 2014
    Nashville Tn
    To get back on track...

    Gasoline at our marina is $4.99 a gallon. If you are a tenant, it is reduced .75 a gallon.

    While prices at the pump here hover at $3.50 +/-

    Marina neighbors are pretty creative in fueling their boats. Myself, I bring mine in 25-30 gallons at a time until full. If and when pump prices reach $5.00, I'll be happy my boat has 3 a/c units. ;)
  4. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    I am not aware of the Judicial Watch but I can assure you that I put 0% factual belief into anything produced by the Sierra Club, so I am leery at best with a "guilt by association" approach.

    These are the same wacko's that banned 2- strokes from Lake Tahoe in favor of "cleaner" 4-strokes without any true science / data behind them, just their typical public hysteria program. Industry proved them wrong but at a huge expense thanks to all the deep pockets from those old ladies from "Pasadena".

    So I will let it rest that you think it was about oil, although the statistics do not really support it, and I'll go on the record as saying it felt like it was more about feeding the huge defense contractor beasts (US and abroad) to the tune of almost $900 Billion USD and counting.

    Either way, their was a lot of Congress people that did not do us any favors in regards to their job duties and their collective "misjudgment" is reason enough to clean house of ALL of them :)
  5. OrthoKevin

    OrthoKevin Member

    Jul 10, 2010
    Greenville, NC
    And replace them with more narcissists, elected by an increasingly narcissistic electorate, who will in turn leverage our narcissism for their own narcissistic ends. Do I hear "Circle of Life" playing?

    Times like these make a 3000 nm range trawler very attractive....
  6. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Don't forget to stash some cash for the return voyage.

    Sometimes the destination can be more of a nightmare than a paradise.

    You headed for Pitcairn Islands via Isla Santa Cruz?

    Bon Voyage.
  7. OrthoKevin

    OrthoKevin Member

    Jul 10, 2010
    Greenville, NC
  8. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Have you seen any news recently, it looks like the training wheels and handlebars have well and truly come off that bike and now the puppet leaders are calling for support once again.
  9. TeKeela

    TeKeela Member

    May 1, 2012
    NC & Puerto Rico
    I think we can all agree that oil is evil and downright detrimental to mother earth! Therefore....

    I suggest we suck all of it out of the ground to save the planet and then burn it!

    For those that don't have the stomach to burn it like the evil witches of Salem (the best way to rid that nasty oil from this life) send it to me (freight prepaid) in the form of diesel or gasoline and I will use my "fuel elimination combustion chamber machines" to rid us of it forever!!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2014
  10. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    The training wheels came off too soon. This mess with terrorists taking over Iraq would have never happen if a status of force agreement had been negotiated and the residual force left behind as recommended by the military. Instead, fulfilling an irrealistic campaign promise was deemed more important.

    We are paying the price, just like we are paying the price at the fuel dock because of drilling restriction and not building keystone.
  11. Aeronca7

    Aeronca7 New Member

    Jun 25, 2014
    Technical Analysis and the price of oil

    There is no doubt that the political realities and the geo/political circumstances influence the price of oil. They constitute a part of what would be in the "fundamentals" basket. Those influences can be measured with a fairly high degree of accuracy. Measuring those influences without regard to the fundamental factors falls within the area of technical analysis.

    That said, the technical numbers, as I interpret them, say to me that if Light Sweet Crude (CL) breaks 106.93 that puts us on a trajectory to reach 112.00 within the third quarter of 2014. That trajectory will break the 108.53 high of August 2013. That in turn would clear the way to 114.00, possibly in the same third quarter or at the outside by the end of the year.

    Certainly you will understand that this is only one persons opinion and should not be taken as advice or encouragement to go long in oil. But it does at address the thread topic.
  12. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Sure worked well in 2008. :D

  13. Dave Stranks

    Dave Stranks Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    Coal Harbor Vancouver
    Funny I have a motorcycle and a member of the KLR forum--- Same type of string .
    They all hurting to as far away as Italy.
    Little bit of a difference between a $15 buck fill and our tanks