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High Flying Miss

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by Yacht News, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Yup, before every flight but usually to check the brakes, landing gear, tires, any hydrukic leaks, damage from ground vehicles, pitot tubes, static ports, etc, etc.
    To find the missing fasteners for the wing/body fairings, one would have to climb out on the wing..Don't do that too often.

    The shoddy work should have been discovered in China, not in every day operations by flight crews doing pre-flight inspections.
    (We don't climb up the tail either to look for loose rivets.:D)
  2. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    BOEING B-737 standardised procedures pre-flight procedures (exterior inspections - see page 5) and adapted for the average 50m superyacht:

    Prior to leaving port, the Master, or 1st Officer should conduct the following interior / exterior visual inspections:

    1) Kick the fenders (or verify that they are correctly pressurised).
    2) Check that the ram air deflector door is OPEN and extended... :confused:
    3) Confirm that all crew are back on-board.
    4) Confirm that any / all guests are back on-board.
    5) Verify that the chef / steward have assured adequate supplies of our favourite foods and tipples.
    6) Check that the Chief Engineer has sufficient bunkers etc.
    7) Confirm with the agent that any unpaid bills outstanding will be paid to suppliers in due course.
    8) Check weather forecast.
    9) Request harbour tug push-back (or use engines and "nose-wheel" thruster)...
    10) Handover to 1st Officer and logon to YF.