Well what I said has a question mark so it is a question. I am beginning to see suggestions towards she might have been sold or is in the process of.
My question is .....is she being chartered? If not why is she moving? I was under the impression his sister didn't really care about the boat.
Octopus seems to be just sold. The news said that she will be put for charter by her new owner in January after a short Yard period
Yeah she is going on an extensive cruise around the world and she being offered for charter. If she attracts guests then that would help to offset some costs.
Does anyone know if any of the research equipment was kept on Octopus, or did it all get relocated to Petrel?
Great news to hear that she was sold and will be back to traveling again. Didn't feel right seeing her just sitting at one spot for an extendend amount of time. I am hoping that after her "short yard" visit that she will make it to Miami.