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Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by NYCAP123, Aug 1, 2013.

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  1. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    New Bern Grand Marina

    Very nice looking marina with very nice staff and friendly people around, but stay away. They put transients on A dock which is about 75' from a train tressle. I questioned it when we arrived and was told that only 3 trains come through and that's during the day.

    My idea of "during the day" is NOT 1900, 2300, and the coupe d'gras from 0300 to 0345. It's a slow moving freight train that sounds like a bilge pump running and running and running. Show me a captain who can sleep through that and I'll show you one who's in the wrong line of work.:mad:

    Let me note on the good side that I love the small section of town that I've been able to see so far, and the people are lovely.
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    You've got to go eat at Captain Ratty's.......the food is phenomenal there.......The steaks, crab cakes and other things are really's as famous to anyone who runs Hatteras' or Cabo's as Coinjock is....LOLOLOLOL
  3. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Last I heard it was for sale, bank owned. Irene caused a lot of damage. They were asking a little over $4 million but I'm sure it's negotiable. lol. Comes with train tracks near as well. No extra charge for that. Maybe you could build a sound barrier to the tracks.

    A shame honestly that a marina like that finds itself subject to being a lousy place to sleep. I've experienced hotels like that and one I use to frequent, gave the regulars the rooms away from the tracks and the interstate travelers the back rooms by the tracks.
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    It's still for sale. It's a nice facility, bit those running it evidently have screw them cause we can attitude (although they seemed nice). There was tons of space open on the T-docks at the other end of the marina. Absolutely no reason to put us here, and absolutely no reason to tell us that the trains only run during the day. They weren't all that loud. I can handle being awakened a few times, but their rythem sounded like bilge pumps running, and running, and running. Livaboards can get used to that quickly, but a boat captain is trained to hear those noises or odd feels (changes in throttle speed, list, different wave action and especially bilge pumps). I shot out of bed in a stupor, then I fell down the galley steps. Took a picture of the train. Finally passed out near 0500, had a horrible nightmare, and awoke to the 0700 train wondering if I'd dreamt the whole ordeal. Then I turned on my computer, saw the picture, and knew that just cause I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me. It really happened.
    I've been in a lot of marinas, some better than other and some pretty bad. Them sticking us here and lying about the train earns them a definite "STAY AWAY" in my book.

    Capt. Ratty's came highly recommended, but from the same person who said there were no trains at night. So they may lose my business also. We ate at Morgan's Tavern and Grill on Craven St. last night. OMG, such good food, atmosphere and attitude. Can not say enough good things about them, especially the staff.
  5. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Quite honestly some of the things you've experienced are typical of businesses that are on the market. Accountability diminishes. I've never seen a bank owned business well run (and I'm not excluding banks from that comment either). I saw a 24 year old bank trainee put in charge of running a huge boat dealership. How do you think that worked out? I knew of a bank owned marina in South Florida and they turned down my short sale offer prior to the auction. Two years later they offered it to me for half the price and I turned them down as they had done that much damage to the business. Went from 84% occupancy to 37%, both lifts were basically destroyed and needed replacing. The docks were falling apart and they'd had their fuel pumps shut down. Oh and their very first move was replacing a good manager who they thought was paid too much and cut back on the other employees to reduce costs. The business was profitable under that manager, except for the debt service.
  6. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Perhaps, although, a number of recent customers seem to have enjoyed the experience.
  7. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    The majority of reviews I've read on other sites for the marina have been positive as well. Just seems to be the occasional opposite. Inconsistency of uncertainty.

    I look forward to spending time in that area as I really haven't to this point. Our only trip through there so far we jumped from Beaufort to Hampton with no stops in between.
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    There's a big difference between the average boater and a boat captain. To the average boater the boat is like a car or a house or suit of clothes. To a captain she's our lover. We're tuned to her nuances like a musician to his instrument. A guitarist (as opposed to a guitar player) hears the moment one of his strings is out of tune or going flat. He's listening and feeling for it with every note. Boats give me life and they may one day give me death.
    So the average boater may be quite happy here. I'm on boats constantly. I don't just want a slip in a marina where I'm going. I want the best slip available, and I expect it. You have a professional coming in who knows the difference. The destination is secondary. I can deal with whatever I have to, but don't give me your worst when your best is available, and don't tell be there'll be no trains at night when there are, and then have me wake up thinking that the boat is sinking, because the train at 3 AM sounds like bilge pumps. Tonight I'll sleep fine. If the train wakes me I'll fall right back to sleep. Tonight I know it's coming. When I asked about it as soon as the lines were being tied, the other slip should have been offered. I won't be back. If they take transients they must be treated like guests. All Coinjock has is a good restaurant and a quick in/out. I've been there 20 odd times and recommended them to hundreds, because of the way Lewis and his staff treats you. I could go right across the canal, but I won't.

    Beaufort the other night was not nearly as nice a facility, but they gave me the best they had. There I'll go back to.
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Understood, and it does suck. What about staying at the Sheraton's marina? I don't remember trains going by that one. You have to try Ratty's, the food IS awesome.
  10. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I was planning to pass on Capt. Ratty's because of who gave us the recommendation, but since you also recommended it we went. I'm curious about what you found appealing about it. Loud, zero atmosphere and the food was lousy. Boss had a steak and I had a cheesburger. Poor quality meat cooked poorly, presented poorly. The server were nice, but nothing to write home about. Next time you're here try Morgan's Tavern. No comparrison. Morgan's was one of the most enjoyable eating experiences I've ever had. Personally, IF I ever come back to New Bern it will be by car. Very nice little town, and very nice people. Nothing here makes it worth the fuel and time to come here by boat though.
  11. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Well, yes Captains are different but just common sense dictates that the rooms or spaces nearest the tracks go last and only when they are all you have left. In hotels they go to the person who shows up after 6 with no reservations. Many marinas have more than one area and become known that the North dock gets more wind than the South or the South dock is nearer the bar where there is music until late. Dockmasters and dock hands take those things into consideration. This summer we changed plans and showed up somewhere that was almost full. They asked if we were leaving early the following morning and we said yes. So instead of a T they had that was a very exposed location they said for us just to use the fuel dock. That even with us there would be space for one boat to fuel. They presented the situation and allowed us to select among the options. We were very thankful. Those who had the best spaces had planned and made reservations sooner. Simple, answer the questions honestly and if you don't know the answer, say so. And use your head to make decisions. Plus you start off like that and it often doesn't matter what you do after, such a sour taste has already been left. Just a little common sense and they would have had a happy Nycap.
  12. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Where did you dock in Beaufort? Beaufort Docks? Have you tried Olde Towne?
  13. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    In Beaufort I always go into Beaufort Docks. Clawson's is right across the street. (Love their burgers and atmosphere):D I like the location, atmosphere and people at B.D.. Had a friend who went into Old Towne for repairs on his running gear after meeting the bottom. He was happy. This time though we're going into Jarrett Bay to have work done.
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    You would think. Hense why I'm ticked off. We came in for 2+ nights, starting on Monday and arrived at 1430. There were several hundred feet of empty slips on the outside of their T's and close to the marina office (we couldn't be further), plus several side boarding slips near the front ends of the fairways in the middle of the marina. The power on this dock was 220V when we arrived and quickly dropped to about 204V when the livaboards came home from work at 1600. So then I had to pull out the 2nd 50 amp cord as I was popping the breaker on the pedistal every 3 minutes (old worn out breakers). The pedistals were locked "so thieves can't steal electric". I know there's a latch that can recieve a very small lock, but has anyone actually seen one locked?
    P.S. They were well tipped on the way in. There will be none on the way out.
  15. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Coming into Wilmington, N.C. now. Never been up this end of the Cape Fear River before. Beautiful River. And new territory for me. My favorite thing.:D
  16. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    A lot to enjoy there. Another of those areas that we really enjoyed exploring on our tender. Oh and if you stick around until Saturday, Bennett is having an anniversary celebration and oyster festival. Now, I imagine things might get a bit crowded by then as they are offering one week's free dockage.

    Wilmington is known for oysters. Actually first oysters I ever ate were there and still the only ones I liked.
  17. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    We got to Bennett Bros. and found only one spot that would fit us, which was right under the bridge. Besides that there would be no satelite service, it was way too dangerous with that current. Lose a motor and lose a boat. So plan B it is. We moved down to the city dock, were the dockhand warned us about trouble in the area. 20 minutes later a dinghy pulled up and told us that friends stayed here last year and were boarded by armed robbers.:eek: Oh well, it looks nice and we've got satelite.:rolleyes: Tomorrow we'll move up to Bennett when they clear some space for us. What's life without adventure?:cool:
  18. Bill106

    Bill106 Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    Beaufort NC
    Great to meet you Saturday morning Ed, fog sometimes has it's benefits (even if it meant I had to drive the long way around instead of the ferry)!

    It's always good to finally put a face to an internet contact but I have to admit you were way younger than I envisioned. I didn't notice a yankee accent either, my youth spent in Buffalo apparently hasn't completely worn off yet! :D

    You should have stopped for the night at the Bridge Tender instead of downtown. Thugs wandering around the docks late at night shouldn't be a big concern for a "newyowker" but the food and crowd is so much better in WB. Good luck with the endeavor and let me know next time you pass through, first shot of Geritol is on me!

  19. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Wilmington really needs Port City Marina to get open. There are some excellent restaurants in Wilmington. It's just they aren't within walking distance. As to the crowd, we liked both places. We actually hit Wilmington the night after we stayed in Wrightsville Beach so a quieter setting was nice too. Still Bald Head Island was our most incredible stop in that area. We've only been through one time at this point. At WB we docked at WB Marina and didn't make it across to Bridge Tender.
  20. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Good meeting you too Bill. Yeah, I'm pretty good for an old guy. I figure if you abuse yoursellf enough it either kills you or makes you stronger. Plus getting salt in your face regularly helps. It's a great preservative.:D Don't worry about not pegging my accent as a Noo Yawka. Irish mother and a lot of traveling around got rid of my 'toidy twee toid stweet' pretty good. Nobody ever believes it from my accent, only by my attitude.:D

    Can't say why people warned me about security around here. I see no problem. This is a nice town. Besides, as Noo Yawkas we call thugs from other places lunch.:D

    The hour's fog delay coming out of Beaufort, and a bridge being held up by a sailboat put us in at Topsail an hour after sunset, instead of Wrightsville. All good though. Today the bridgetenders at Figure 8 and Wrightsville held for us and we made great time.