We're back in Charlevoix. Sustained some damage from the gales that blew though during the past few days. Evidently Valhalla blew off her fenders. Our boarding ladder and a clam shell vent got ripped off. Tried grappling, but no luck. In fact, with one of the brackets still attached I suspect someone took it off to keep it from getting damaged further. Wish they'd left it on our deck, but hopefully we'll hear from a good Samaritan over the next few days once the dockmaster is back in town. It looked like we'd have a weather window for the last part of the week, but tonight's forecast says it's going to close on Thursday with seas heading back to the 4'-6' with some 8's. So we have (2) routes planned for tomorrow. One is to Manistee where we'll squat at the closed marina until we can make the last leg. The other for a long day down to Grand Haven, which would have us coming in around midnight. We'll make the decision around 1600 tomorrow as we near Manistee. The bow cam is back on although the view should be fairly boring since it'll be open water cruising. Those interested should tune in around 0715 as we leave Charlevoix, and around 1600 when (if) we go into Manistee. At Grand Haven we'll be shutting the camera until spring, and (mostly) take the winter off. It's been fun and interesting.
You can get the clamshell vent from Sam's Marine parts....but it has to be painted to match the hull color.
Yep, know Sam's well. Thanks. Losing the ladder is the big thing. They're fairly expensive, and my old knees will be left with a long jump onto a frosted dock when I pull in tonight. Oh well, such is boating, Into every life a little rain...or snow... must fall (33*F this morning).
Nice day for a boat ride. Looks like it might be a nice night for one, too. http://www.intellicast.com/National/Radar/Current.aspx?region=default&animate=true https://www.google.com/#q=weather+grand+haven+mi+hour+by+hour
It's been kicking for the last 3 weeks and it'll be kicking for at least the next several days (with a possible short window on Friday although I don't believe it). We timed this perfect. What a grand day for the last day before winter layup. Someone upstairs must like me for some reason. (assuming we get in safe tonight.) .THURSDAY...SOUTH WINDS 15 TO 25 KT. CHANCE OF SHOWERS IN THE AFTERNOON. WAVES BUILDING TO 3 TO 5 FT OCCASIONALLY TO 7 FT. .THURSDAY NIGHT...SOUTH WINDS 15 TO 25 KT EARLY BECOMING WEST AT 10 TO 20 KT. CHANCE OF SHOWERS IN THE EVENING. WAVES 3 TO 5 FT OCCASIONALLY TO 7 FT SUBSIDING TO 2 TO 4 FT. .FRIDAY...SOUTHWEST WINDS 10 TO 15 KT. WAVES 1 TO 3 FT. .FRIDAY NIGHT...SOUTHWEST WINDS 15 TO 25 KT. WAVES 3 TO 5 FT OCCASIONALLY TO 7 FT. .SATURDAY...WEST WINDS 15 TO 25 KT. WAVES 4 TO 6 FT OCCASIONALLY TO 8 FT. .SATURDAY NIGHT...NORTHWEST WINDS 15 TO 25 KT. A FEW GUSTS TO 30 KT POSSIBLE. WAVES 4 TO 6 FT OCCASIONALLY TO 8 FT. .SUNDAY...NORTHWEST WINDS 15 TO 25 KT DIMINISHING TO 10 TO 15 KT AND BACKING SOUTHWEST. WAVES 4 TO 6 FT OCCASIONALLY TO 8 FT. .MONDAY...SOUTH WINDS 15 TO 25 KT. CHANCE OF SHOWERS AND SLIGHT CHANCE OF THUNDERSTORMS. WAVES 4 TO 6 FT OCCASIONALLY TO 8 FT.
Glad to see you you had a good trip as it has been windy for the last two weeks. My last trip down the Welland wont be until around November 1/14. It is a client coming from Holland Michigan . He has more than weather to worry about as the Seaway employees took a strike vote last week of 98 %. Looking forward to you trip down the rivers next year.
November 1 is really pushing it. Heard yesterday that Superior never got above 39*F this summer. So I anticipate some serious ice coming in fast and possibly soon. On top of that most of the marinas are closed or closing which means no water or electric. Between that and the potential strike on the canal, good luck to them. Thanks again for all the good wishes and the help on the canal. Michael says Hi.
Just curious, generator able to keep the coffee hot; or are you using toothpicks to keep the old eyelids open?
No coffee. Just lots of Coke (a-cola) and smokes. Interesting inlet here in Grand Haven. They have a promenade going all the way out the south jetty with low streetlights on it. Looks like some sort of lit up picket fence when coming from the north, and obliterates the green. Other than that though it's a very easy inlet. So after a little over a 15 hour run today, my season is over. Been working on the purchase of the boat, supervising refits and mechanical work, planning or running the boat for about 2 years now. Time for a rest. We'll take her back out with the mechanic or yard manager here for a short run just to go over some of the jobs that need doing, then fly home and forget boats exist except for a flight back out here about once a month to check on the boat and the jobs. Figure I'll be done with boats in my life for at least a month before the itch of my addiction starts in. Then next spring I'll scratch the itch cruising around the Great Lakes some more before heading for the Gulf around August. By spring 2016 we should be heading back up the east coast with a for sale sign flying, and I'll retire. Of course, with my addiction, that will mean I'll probably have to join he rest of the crazy people who throw their money in a big wet hole.
It is a good thing you put Valhala away for the winter. Winds actualy hit 49 knots out of the north to day. Gales forecast for Friday; vessels seek shelter 10/31 - Grand Rapids, Mich. – A strengthening storm system will move straight over Michigan Friday, while deepening at the same time. A deepening storm means the wind speeds will increase. The winds will be straight out of the north, which really builds the wave heights, especially on Lake Michigan. The flow of air down the entire length of Lake Michigan will cause waves to increase heading south on Lake Michigan. Winds are expected to gust over 40 mph on all of the Great Lakes shores. There is a storm warning in effect, and waves could build to 23 feet at the south end of Lake Michigan. On Thursday evening, likely in anticipation of the blow, the lakers Joseph H. Thompson, CSL Assinibone and Stewart J. Cort were anchored in the lee of Seul Choix Point on northern Lake Michigan, while the Wilfred Sykes was headed to anchor off Manistique. Joseph L. Block was loading at the Port Inland dock. Lake Huron and Lake Superior will also have big waves. The north wind on Lake Huron will make the tallest waves on the south end of Lake Huron from Harbor Beach to Port Huron, where 14 foot waves are expected. Lake Superior will have about the same situation with 14 foot waves along the southern shore of Lake Superior. November is a famous month for dangerous storms on the Great Lakes. The basic reason is Great Lakes water temperatures are relatively warm, and the air aloft can turn much colder. The warm air over the lakes is light and wants to rise, much like a hot air ballon rises. The cold air aloft is heavier and wants to fall to the ground. The opposing movement of these different air masses causes part of the wind. This happens at the same time the strength of low-pressure systems is getting stronger. The combination of stronger large-scale storm systems with the water-to-air temperature difference makes the wind on the Great Lakes a unique weather situation. The cold air coming will also make it look like winter at times Friday afternoon and evening.
Saw that coming, and alerted the marina. Hopefully I've got her well fended. Over the last 4 weeks I think there have been about 4 good days, and not in a row. Lake Michigan is living up to its reputation. I'm flying back out on monday to do a sea trial after some work, and hope my "Luck 'O The Irish" continues to hold and gets me a calm day. Since March I think we've had two days of rain, one day of fog and no days of really rough seas. People in Canada had been thanking me for bringing the sunshine. My last week in Michigan my wife had gales here. I had sunshine, and I brought the sunshine home with me. There was a 32 GB following us our last few days in Canada. They were intending to continue on to the Gulf. Glad he took my advice and laid her up for winter. At 7 kts. he was heading for no fun.
I just came across this series of videos of the Great Loop and thought I would share the link in case we have not seen these before, if we have please excuse the post. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC98LzPiqnAJEyNYUHTwl0Xg/videos
I clipped on the vid from Coinjock to AYB. With it being condenced it was a lot faster than any time I've done the trip. lol. Very cool Discokachina, and a good resource. Thanks.
Last year I was running from Southport to Georgetown in that ice storm, breaking 2" of ice off our decks and sliding down the dock ramps. This year I'm sitting in front of a roaring fire in NY for this 10* F temp (wind chill of -11*). Wouldn't want to be on the boat out in Michigan where Valhala is right now. Could be worse though. At least it's not Minnisota, or I could still be out working the crew boats on L.I. Sound. So OK Mother Nature. We're ready for summer now.
Well NYCAP you can stoke that fire for a few more months before you can get Valhalla out. Below is the entrance to Grand Haven pictures taken this week end.