The democratic family Yep, it is a big and democratic family. The old man and his "Admiral" plus four grown up children, 2 boys and 2 daughters, all married (that means 4 more husbands and wifes) and 4 grandchildren. And they stick together like a wolfpack, especially when voting against me. But if you are in the process of retiring, you like to take things easy. Dont worry, my flag is still flying, also the Admirals pennant sometimes flies above. Cheers
For those interested in seeing the Great Loop (at least vicariously) Valhalla will be pulling out of Norwalk, Ct. Friday, 5/31, and heading down Long Island Sound, the East River and around to the Hudson on Friday 5/31. We'll be staying at Chelsea for a couple of nights and then heading up the Hudson on Leg 1. Go to Valhalladoestheloop dot com and you'll be looking out our bow. After a 5 month refit it came down to the final moments tonight to finish things up. Unfortunately no time for a shake-down cruise. So here's hoping. P.S. Thanks to Pascal for the idea. I so enjoyed his trip up the coast a couple of years ago that I figured a camera on over the brow would be a good idea. Hope you enjoy. Also hope I don't do anything stupid while you're watching.
Good Luck Ed! Hello NYCAP! I enjoyed Pascal's trip a couple of years back as well. Looking forward to following your awesome journey as well! All the best, ROCKY
Hi, Departure must be looming. The vessel seems to have turned 90deg since I last looked this morning.
NYCAP check your six o'clock position. We will be some 9 weeks behind you. But catching up on you on the Great Lakes.
Here's a few shots from along the way Ft. Totten, The U.N., Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and the new Freedom Tower.
Erie Canal Re-opened NYS Canal Corporation Home New York State Canal Corporation Office of Canals Maintenance & Operations Catherine T. Sheridan, P.E., Director (518) 436-3055 (518) 471-5936 (Fax) Home » News & Meetings » 2013 Notices to Mariners » Notice to Mariners Notice to Mariners Chart 14786 Erie Canal – Lock E-7 to Lock E-19 Re-opened May 31, 2013 Mariners are advised that the Erie Canal from Lock E-7 in Vischer Ferry to Lock E-19 in Frankfort has re-opened for navigation. Mariners should be aware that some aids to navigation may be off station due to high currents from recent heavy rainfall and heavy debris in some Canal locations.
Erie Canal Be careful Ed there is a lot of submerged objects in the canal, I no off five yachts that damage their props and had to be pulled to repair props in the last two weeks.
Appreciate that Rodger. That was a real concern when I heard the news about the closure the othe day, and I know these things don't go away without a trace fast. If all goes on schedule (and it hasn't come even close so far) we expect to enter the canal next Friday. Hopefully things will have cleaned up a bit by then. The weather for the coming week looks pretty stabile. We're not pushing to meet a schedule thankfully.
And people wonder why I don't want to own a boat. After a 6 month refit (2 months delayed) we were unable to do a shake-down cruise. So it's trial by fire. Day one was a beautiful cruise into the city, but on the way in we found that the fuel and water gauges weren't operational (minor problem that can be fixed down the way). Then the forward bilge light keeps coming on. I wasn't able to track down the leak yet, but it's salt water. (Yes I tasted it. We've had that discussion. I'm old school and lived long enough.) So that's something that could involve a haulout and there's not many place on our route that can handle 74,000 lbs. So my plan for Sunday was to cram this old 6' body down into the forward bilge while we're running to find the leak and to see if we can proceed or need to be hauled. Well this morning I hooked up the shore water with the bypass closed so it'd fill the tanks aslo, and the aft bilge light went on. Went under the owners bunk and found water pouring in. (Fresh, yes I tasted it.). Our aft water tank leaks. So the boat goes back into the yard, and we start setting up a new schedule for the Loop. Such is the life of a boater. HTM09, we may be on the canal together after all.
Boy, am I looking forward to those views?! Great pictures NYCAP. But take your time. As we say, the journey is the reward, You are not on the run. Good luck! I will watch your postings daily. This will be our starting point, when being kicked off the deck of the cargo vessel. I am still wondering, how much trouble our foreign flag will cause during the loop, even all the preceding paperwork will be done as perfect as possible. Cheers
I know, that was the reason for my post. Do not take any unnecessary risk, remember its pleasure boating.
Loop Ed if you have time take a look at PowerBoat Television They have three half hour movies on crusing Georgian Bay. It will be good information for your trip. You can watch online, just watched on TV.