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Grand banks thoughts?

Discussion in 'Grand Banks Yacht' started by The Revenge, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. Capt Bill11

    Capt Bill11 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Sarasota/Ft. Lauderdale FL
    "3) @Capt.Bill11- Marlow makes a very nice boat, I've stated that already. All I'm saying is that with some small efforts the brand could go to the next level, but maybe then so will the price. For example, the boat deck lights are just bolted on. With time the ocean will wear on them and you either keep polishing or replace them. Custom sportfishing boats mold these same lights into the hard tops completely encasing them and protecting them. The result is both attractive and intelligent. Another example is their exterior side railing. It's bolted on from the top to the deck. Not only are the screws a pain to keep clean, but with time the wear and tear on the rails usually means removing and rebedding the rails to prevent or stop little leaks that form from gaps in the caulking. It happens to many, many boats. A nice fix is to do what many megayachts and custom boats do and that's to use a base that screws from the bottom so that there are no exterior horizontal screws to collect water and dust. There's no denying that the Marlow hawses and engraving work is very attractive, but there's always room for improvement."

    I don't disagree with that. Perhaps it was your first examples I found as less that convincing. :)
  2. Ian smith

    Ian smith New Member

    Dec 29, 2012
    Sunsetbay Marina, Stuart Florida
    Marlow 57 with Lugger 700 hp

    I presently have a 49 Grand Banks Eastbay which we love and have cruised the Keys and Bahamas for two years. Great vessel and handles great in crossings leaving most vessels to return to West End. However my problem is we live a board and find space a little cramped.
    Presently looking at a Marlow 57 2005 model with Lugger engines.
    Does anyone out there have Lugger experience especially with a Marlow. Also boaters keep telling to have a good sea trial because many Marlows have a hull delamination problem..
    Would appreciate comments, also interested in G.b. Aleuttion however very few on market and pricy
  3. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Not just a sea trial. You need a survey as well. Typically an offer you'd make would be subject to both. As to the Lugger Engines, Northern Lights no longer manufactures engines in that size range. The specific engines in this boat are designed for continuous use with the 700 hp at 1800 rpm. While we like Northern Lights products and the company, it's still a discontinued engine range and out of the mainstream.

    I personally would choose Grand Banks over Marlow both because of quality of boat and the company. They have held up very well over the years. I do realize though that there are no 59's that old. Also I don't see any Flemings that age available in the US presently.

    As to pricey, do keep in mind that Marlow's cost considerably less new than Grand Banks. One thing I do think of is that you've been happy with GB. Often times when one is happy with a brand and use to certain features and quality, to switch to another brand not quite it's equal can be disappointing. For instance, the lighter weight of a Marlow is not going to handle the Bahamas crossings as well. It will handle it, just not the same.