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Going from Cruise industry to Yacht industry...

Discussion in 'Yacht Crews' started by NicoBZHatsea, Aug 28, 2020.

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  1. NicoBZHatsea

    NicoBZHatsea New Member

    Aug 28, 2020
    Good evening Captains and All,
    I am 46 y.o. and lost my job onboard luxury Cruise Ships due to the expansion of the COVID-19.
    I have spent 20 years onboard these beautiful Cruise Ships, making my way up from Barwaiter to Food & Beverage Manager.
    I have all required maritime certificates ( STCW, PSDS, Crowd & Crisis Mgt, ENG1, ... ), also some extra-qualifications such as Boat and Diving Licences, and 20 years of experience in high luxury service for VIP groups, private events and charters.
    I am deeply interested in moving my career forward to Yachting, where I believe the position of Chief Steward would match my expectations for busy yet exciting challenges...
    I am thinking of signing up for a GUEST-accredited training on Interior Service, in order to get my foot in the industry and show my motivation to join on the long run...and even to find a few opportunities of daywork to get familiar with this new (for me) environment.
    I would appreciate any thoughts/suggestions you may feel like sharing !
    Thank you All...
  2. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I really like your post. I'm often tough on those coming here and asking about entering the industry, but seems you recognize the difficulty while having significant experience. I think taking a course and then taking some brief runs as a steward, even 2nd or 3rd, just to get your foot in the door and to learn the routine of yachts.

    I would think your experience is excellent. Your main challenge will be translating it to a different pace and different environment and working with a different type crew.

    I do think as you've risen in your roles on cruise ships, you've gotten less hands no and reversing that will be a challenge. As a chief stew on a 100' yacht you have to do it all. At 150' you do a little less hands on and a little more planning and supervising, at 200' and 250' far less hands on and far more directing and cruise ships are at the size extreme.

    In yachting there is a huge difference between owner cruising and charter. Also, from one boat to another a big difference in expectations. You just have to pick up some work at any level to familiarize yourself more. You will find that yachts do a poorer job of following rules on hours of work and rest. That's unfortunate. There are some like us who do well, but it's more common to try to get by with the least crew possible. On charters, where guests may party long and late, that can really deprive stews of sleep.
  3. NicoBZHatsea

    NicoBZHatsea New Member

    Aug 28, 2020
    @olderboater Thank you very much for your kind and honest feedback.
    You are absolutely right that I should accept any position to get me in...and I am ready for that without a doubt in mind.
    Like I said, I have planned to go down to Antibes soon, in order to get some training and to meet people from the industry, hoping my age will not be an issue and that my motivation and my long years on Cruise Ships can make up for it.
    ...and I have a lot of experience with neverending party events and working 2 shifts back-to-back for the price of 1...;))
    Thank you again for your comments...very appreciated.
  4. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Best of luck to you.