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Global Warming & rising sea level

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by OutMyWindow, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    For us older folk, isn't it nice to have lived when we did. We'll probably get out of this world with a few pennies left in our pockets; and not have to wear survival gear for trips to the store. To our grandkids, great-grandkids and cockroaches (who will probably be ruling the world by then) sorry about that, but we did have fun.:eek:
  2. Loren Schweizer

    Loren Schweizer YF Associate Writer

    Apr 20, 2004
    Coral Gables/Ft. Laud., FL
    Swing has a good question regarding personal knowledge of anyone's local sea level rising.
    In poking around doing some unrelated research, I came across some interesting and perhaps thought-provoking items.
    The Alaskan quake of 1964 resulted in upheavals of land due to the plate tectonics at work in that region: a net local drop in sea level.

    In recent years, someone determined that the New Orleans area was actually sinking (not being washed away) relative to some datum: a net local rise in sea level. This is occurring in Venice as well?

    Is there anything in all the literature that mentions these in the same breath as Glob*l Warm*ng? Is it even a factor?

    Local observation from South Florida: we are not part of any active plate movement, as best I know, and the humongous Miami Oolite limestone foundation that this part of the peninsula sits atop, would not have the land going either up or down (relative to sea level). During the last fifty years, from the vantage point--up close & personal--of many small craft, I cannot say that our sea levels have changed (the boat can still get caught under the dock at very low tide).

    BTW, is the shrinking of the Martian polar icecap related to Rover emissions?
  3. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    That could also be regional.

    Here in Canada (Quebec specifically) we didn't have any significant snowfall during the 06-07 winter until mid January. This year, we set an all-time record for most recorded snowfall. Parts of western Canada are still getting snow this week. Around Montreal we actually ran out of room to put the snow removed from the city streets... the city had to ship it off-island in trucks.

    April has been pretty nice for us this year... as it should be. Over the weekend I was out and about in shorts & a t-shirt. This morning though, it was -1C when I left the house.
  4. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Since I posted this prediction which many scientist has had as a timeframe, new research will postpone the global warming up to a decade: (With a lot of comments to read as well...)

    Today BBC had a similar report, with the usual reservations...
  5. Hazzardous

    Hazzardous New Member

    Apr 29, 2008
    Monaco/Cote D'Azur
    less of "wikipedia" as a reliable source please!
    wikipedia is almost as accurate as a "man in a pub said to me" reference, sounds good when you hear it, but when you delve deeper and check real sources most content has no worth
  6. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
  7. aeronautic1

    aeronautic1 Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Global Warming? Myth or Liberal Fantasy

    Can anyone explain to me how purchasing carbon credits will help to reduce the recession of the polar ice cap... on MARS?

    That's right folks, the polar ice cap on Mars has been in recession for as long as earthings have been viewing same.

    Therefore, shouldn't the effect be called Solar System Warming?
  8. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Interesting point aeronautic1
  9. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    You almost yanked my leg out of it's socket with that one. ;) :D
  10. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    I was reading this article from the UN, and wondering what do the deniers know that the World’s scientists and Leaders do not:

    Finding this puzzling, I referred to my life guide manual of “do’s and don’ts”.
    Interesting enough;
    #12 states, no matter what you type into your search engine, you will get countless opinions on any subject (for or against).
    #36 states, never take Scientific advice from a Boat Builder.
    #86 states, never take Stock tips from a Taxi driver
    #21 states, milk is good for your bones

    The Future in our Hands: Addressing the Leadership Challenge of Climate Change
    UN Headquarters, New York, 24 September 2007

    Chair's summary
    At the conclusion of the high-level event, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon presented a summary of the day's deliberations:
    I am extremely encouraged by the fact that climate change was so directly and constructively discussed at the highest level for the first time in history. This Event has taken us into a new era. Today I heard a clear call from world leaders for a breakthrough on climate change in Bali. And I now believe we have a major political commitment to achieving that.
    The science, the impacts and the need for swift action
    I heard the world’s leaders confirm that climate change is indeed happening and is largely caused by human activity. The accounts offered by leaders of the most vulnerable nations, especially Small Island Developing States, were particularly telling. They brought home loud and clear the message that economic and social development cannot be sustainable unless we deal decisively with this issue.

    Action is possible now and it makes economic sense. The cost of inaction will far outweigh the cost of early action.
  11. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    You may call Tim Ball a denier, but it is still interesting to hear his opinion on what is behind the UN statements:

    And while we are on it, this is what some people think of the latest figures from NASA on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation:
  12. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Yes, I’m familiar with the CFP, they are a small “left wing” voice using "sensationalism" to drum up readership and market share, kind off like the Enquirer or Hello Magazines.

    They will probably have some success, as the economic picture shifts and inflation kicks in, people will always look for a place to vent.

    *See life guide manual #12.
  13. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I think that all of the world's leaders should vote on whether to present a resolution that states we should hire a consulting firm to determine if we should ask the world's scientist to write a joint paper in support of forming a committee to figure out who should be consulted for their opinion on convening an international conference to decide if global warming should be studied in a formal setting, the results of said conference to be brought before the united nations to determine the feasibility of asking the world court to intervene with developing international treaties to study.....
    Or we could just look at the size of our landfills, taste the air in our cities, try drinking water from half the world's rivers and streams, look at the smoke billowing from exhaust pipes and smokestacks, look at the stockpiles of nuclear and chemical waste, etc., etc. and just admit that maybe we've screwed up and STOP. Oh yeah, where's the money in that? We need more debate. Let's form a committee :cool:
  15. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    The topic is Global Warming and the problem (for some of us) is that our politicians have moved the focus from what you mention and instead are imposing taxes on carbon dioxide, which is not considered a pollutant. This is why at least I am very interested to find out if AGW is a scam or for real.
  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Taxes on "carbon footprint", "green" cars, products and building programs, eliminate bacteria. It's all just a game of 3 card monte. We stand around debating dueling experts while our pockets get picked. Try just using common (very uncommon) sense and as soon as there is a buck to be made be suspicious.
    Do we really need a study to determine that we are destroying our world. Is it global warming? Is it Benzine? Is it mercury or lead? What it is is salesmanship, greed and stupidity. I can buy a respected expert to counter any argument brought by the most respected expert you can buy.
    I'd like to hear what can actually be done about it.
  17. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    I think the underlying sentiment is that “nobody knows”, and the smarter ones like The National Geographic use a cautious approach.
    Quoting a paragraph from the link that you posted:
    Observe the use of “may” or “could” or “short term” or “temporary”.

    Cooler Climate May Hit N. America, Europe Next Decade

    Shifting ocean currents could throw some cold water on global warming over the next decade, a new study suggests.
    Europe and North America may soon experience chillier temperatures, thanks to natural North Atlantic variations that could temporarily mask the effects of human-driven, or anthropogenic, climate change.

    "We believe that ocean currents and systems could, in the short term, change global warming patterns and even mean temperatures," said Noel Keenlyside of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences in Kiel, Germany.
    Keenlyside explained that since record keeping began in the 19th century, the North Atlantic climate has changed in natural cycles that last a decade or more.
    These shifts are likely associated, at least in part, with natural variations in ocean currents. (Related: "Ocean 'Thermostat' May Be Secret Weapon Against Warming [February 8, 2008].)
    A new forecasting model, based on past and present sea surface temperatures, suggests the imminent onset of a cool-down cycle for currents in both the North Atlantic and tropical Pacific.
    Keenlyside and colleagues, whose study appears in this week's issue of the journal Nature, hope to further quantify this effect and incorporate it into future climate predictions on the decade scale.
    "I think it's just naive to think that there won't continue to be multi-decadal fluctuations in the [ocean] climate," he said.
    Temporary Change
  18. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    This is the language most often found in scientific reports. In the IPCC reports it is all over the pages, like this: "There is medium confidence that other effects of regional climate change on natural and human environments are emerging, although many are difficult to discern due to adaptation and non-climatic drivers."

    About the "temporary change" we don´t know much either. On the Jisao website they say: "From a societal impacts perspective, recognition of PDO is important because it shows that "normal" climate conditions can vary over time periods comparable to the length of a human's lifetime."
  19. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    It's called equivocation and means take what I'm saying with a grain of salt for that's what it's worth.
  20. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    It rather means, this is what we know today. Like in all science.