You didn't mention your budget, but I'd definitely lean to a searay over those 3 brands. Speaking of Bluewaters. I ran a 70' bluewater to Nassau from Fort Lauderdale in 4-6' once. Everytime we hit a wave, the entire bow shuddered and the bow rail moved 12" from the hull flexing. The washer and dryer were in the hallway because they weren't bolted down and the hull flexed so much we cracked an exhaust riser on the Cummins. It was a special treat. The boat was very stable, no rolling, but boy did it pound going into waves. One motor was directly under the master stateroom mattress and the other inside a closet in the master. I can only imagine how much heat would radiate through the mattress if you had to sleep on it after a day of running. I saw one like in the picture that had a blown motor. It was a nightmare to change it and they had to remove all of that big side window to get it out of the boat. Build construction well, leaves very little to be desired.
Sounds like you have a nice budget, I would look at a well maintained / clean Ocean Yachts 48' Motor Yacht.. nice roomy boat and can take a moderate beating at sea. There are a few out on the market now. Built 1988 through 1992 I think.
Budget is still up in the air depending on a few different personal situations, selling an RV and a second home, etc....... $150-300k seems to be the ball park at the moment
I'll take you budget , and ''problem'' anytime! you should be able to find a real nice boat ! They made a 53' MY too...
We like the layout of the 53' and 56' because the salon flows out to the swim platform and the galley is "open" to the salon. Don't necessarily need the extra bunk room but it certainly would be nice for the extra storage. That budget is more of a wish list at the moment
No Carver, bucket of bolts in the ocean.... although over 50’ is better. But probably over your budget. Meridian and Bayliner pretty much the same. Sea ray much better build. 48 Navigator good but not a lot of them. Grand Banks makes a sports cruiser too. Listen to Capt J. Sea ray.