Well, We had some work boats. Floater was one name. What a fine running pos. I can not type here the other work boat names. On the radio, they were MS 1, MS 2 and so on. One of the Ortega bridge operators knew the real name of MS 4 and would say its name on the radio, Floater Boat. I was accused of being a pirate, Yes,,, I am Captain Crapitan and my crew of crappers. But in the end, we are all happy to be crappy.
There is a real boat from Ortega that comms with the bridges,, No Stuff,, "TITAN URANUS" Come to find this is a real ships name based on historical stuff. It takes a real swamp redneck to find humor in this.
I had a couple boats that we named Snafu. Snafu & Snafu II, Snafu II began to live up to it's name and I thought it was better to retire the name with the selling of the boat.