I bought a 40 year old sailboat for 16,000. Paid the yard $140,000. for a refit. Enjoyed it for 3 years and sold it for $22,500. Probably not a good source of fuel tank or any boat repair value.
You both do. I consider our 43 years the biggest success in a fairly successful life, but the worst I did (boat related) was to walk away from a $2,000 deposit once. But your lady gets a special one for not reminding you every morning about that move. In fact I'm surprised she still lets you on YF (or anywhere near boats). You've got a good one. Years ago we went to look at a 70' FBMY advertised with "Divorce causes sale". When we got there and saw this mostly home built POS with a 115 Mec OB strapped to its transom my wife said 'Yeah and boat caused divorce'.