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Fuel Filler Hose Replacement - 2002 Carver 564 CPMY

Discussion in 'Carver Yacht' started by BigCarver, Dec 28, 2023.

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  1. BigCarver

    BigCarver New Member

    Dec 27, 2023
    This is our first Carver and to our knowledge, the fuel fill hoses have not ever been replaced. We believe that they may be cracked because we smelled diesel in the salon but mostly in the aft master stateroom after about an hour after refueling. We only filled the tanks to about 2/3 full, so it isn't due to overfilling. I suspect that the hose(s) are cracked, but the access to replace them seems nearly impossible to get to. Are there any methods/tricks that I am missing to get to them? The issue seems to be particularly related to the starboard mid fuel tank. The fill hose seems to be sandwiched between the outer hull wall and the outer salon wall so that the fill opening is on the top of the railing wall...if that makes sense.
    Any help would be appreciated as we really don't want to operate the vessel until this is solved!
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Carver fuel tanks are notorious leakers.
    Inspect them very well.
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Is it just a smell or do you actually have diesel in the bilge? It could be an issue with other the vent hose as well.

    carvers have aluminum tanks and at 20 years old they could be leaking and need replacement
  4. BigCarver

    BigCarver New Member

    Dec 27, 2023
    It is strange...we get only the smell after refueling. But we get the smell AND about 2 cups of fuel that appears in the bilge underneath the master stateroom if we have been running the boat fast enough to put it on an angle (over 15 MPH)...if it is run about 10 MPH, there is no smell/fuel at all. And the crazy part is that there isn't a smell or fuel in the engine room where the tank actually is. It seems to only be related to the starboard tank(s). I think it is the fill hose due to the location of the smell and the small amount of fuel appearing so far away from the tank. There is no evidence of any fuel on the outside of the tank itself. Also the fact that no liquid shows up after fueling but does if we are underway traveling over 15 MPH would lead me to think that the fuel is sloshing to the back of the tank and partially into the fill hose. This would allow a small amount of fuel to seep through the cracked part of the hose since it would be saturated over the travel time. Like I said, we don't want to operate it until this is fixed.
    Thanks in advance for your help and ideas!!
  5. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Look at fill and vent hose.
    Also, tank tops may collect and puddle fuel that won't run off till the boat is in motion.

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    For what it's worth, it is not uncommon to have fill hoses and/or vent lines that are virtually impossible to get to. On my boat we had to cut a temporary access to get to the fuel vent hose connections and glass it back after hoses were replaced. In another spot we added an access cover to get to them and have future accessibility if needed.
  7. BigCarver

    BigCarver New Member

    Dec 27, 2023
    Cutting an access and putting an access cover over it to use in the future is not something that I had considered. I like it!
    I wish that there was a creative solution like that to deal with the Malber clothes dryer that is broken and is irremovable from the boat...I'm likely just going to have to take it out piece by piece.
  8. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Sawzall is our friend.
    You would be amazed how stuff comes out of a boat,,,, In cut up slices..
    AND, You feel better cutting it up, like therapy..