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From $2.00 gas to $5.00 gas in 4 years

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Codger, May 18, 2008.

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  1. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The first casualty of war is truth", and make no mistake, we are at war. Anybody who expects truth to come from any government or any politician anywhere.....
  2. zudnic

    zudnic Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2011

    The problem with all the above in the US, its so wide spread doesn't matter what party is in the White House. Nothing left to steal and giveaway. In the US county govs also got into the spending act and know with real estate as it is don't have the tax base to support. The county I have a vacation house at spent $80 million on giving the community high speed net fiber in every home and building. They've borrowed billions via their public utilities and know have very little in the way of paying it back. It is simular to California, but not many are talking about that yet. Nor what the county elected officials are getting in salary and retirement benefits, etcetera.

    Its more than oil and gas. The other commodities that we need to live are going up and up because of out of control borrowing and spending.

    I still like America over Canada government system wise. But see why America is more broken and in a major recession!!!! Its turned into a system that from the bottom on up began borrowing and spending including the people.
  3. zudnic

    zudnic Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    The boat part is when looking for tax revenue like the early 1990's recession they'll look for revenue via taxation. Boats will get hit!!!!!!

    In the UK they've hit live aboard folks with simular taxes as property. Most states have license schemes that are yearly permit type. The fees are small but what if counties that are broke want more revenue? Very easily could turn into a property tax grab on moored boats here as well in North America.
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Not that you're wrong in most of what you said, but this is not a political forum. This thread is specifically about the price of gas and oil. The oil companies love to confuse the topics of these discussions. Anytime this thread varies from the topic you can count on it being prompted by the oil companies trying to take the heat off themselves. This has nothing to do with republicans, democrats, liberals, conservatives, tea drinkers or even the U.S. or Canada. This is about the oil companies ripping off the world and profiteering at the expense of the citizens of the world. Don't take you eyes off the culprit.
  5. zudnic

    zudnic Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    I agree.
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Well someone's making money

    Exxon2Q profit up 41%.
    The largest publicly traded oil company reported earnings of $10.68 billion, or $2.18 per share, for the three months ended June 30. That compares with $7.56 billion, or $1.60 per share, for the same part of 2010. Revenue grew 36 percent to $125.5 billion.
    Given the state of the world's ecconomy, is this really acceptable? How much more of this do we take?
  7. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    It's a company, it's main purpose as a company is to make the highest profit it can. That profit is also being distributed to it's shareholders via dividends and share price appreciation. Keep in mind that hundreds of thousands of Americans own a part of that company. They're currently paying $1.88 per share a year in dividends to their shareholders. So how can you point the finger at a publicly traded company, owned by hundreds of thousands of people and say something needs to be done about it? It's a very large company that has 4.9 BILLION shares of stock, so to make a $2 profit per share is not really that outstanding.

    To put it into perspective, Johnson and Johnson is a smaller company 50% the size of Exxon/Mobil, with only 2.7 BILLION shares outstanding and is paying out $2.28 a share in dividends per year. Should we chastice them for making a profit off of someone that needs medicine??????? They are running a much higher profit margin than Exxon.

    Please, for the life of us on this forum read deeper than the biased newspaper article and put what you're writing into perspective with facts. Maybe a book on basic economics. It's REALLY easy to increase your profit 41% over the last quarter, if you hardly made a profit the last quarter. If you have 1 Dollar in your pocket, and someone gives you 50 cents, you just increased your money 50%, get the idea? However if you have 1000 dollars in your pocket and someone gives you 50 cents, it's only .05%

    If you owned 100 shares of Exxon Mobil stock, it would cost you $8200, you would then recieve $188 a year in dividends (money), is a $188 a year on your $8200 investment a very good return, would you say you're making a lot of profit at a 2.26% return NYCAP?
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Oh I don't question they're trying, I question our permitting. In these hard times I wouldn't blame someone for putting a gun in my face and robbing me, but I'd sure do my best to kill him. Why are we still giving these companies one dime of subsidies, and why aren't we taxing their profits at 90% or why aren't we just nationalizing them. No, I don't blame the thief. I blame those who allow them to go on their merry way.
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Nationalize them? Do you think you're Hugo Chavez? Since he Nationalized the oil companies the production has dropped to about 20-30% of what it was. Who owes you anything, a company is selling their goods for what someone is willing to pay for it. Blame the speculators that are driving the price up. Taxing their profits takes food out of the mouths of normal citizens like you and I, because they will not recieve the dividends they rely on. Taxing their profits will drive the price up even further. Do you know ANYTHING about economics?
  10. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale
    Me agreeing with who !

    There I was thinking for once I had to agree with CaptJ but then he goes and spoil it by his (IMO) insulting reply. Kind of like you are finding out what it feels like when we are describing C-18 horsepower or Torque on boats and some professional is quoting 18 wheeler stats but do we insult you, yes we have all tried.

    Now I suggest that you go back to NYCAP123 and agree to disagree and understand that when running a business it kind of sticks in your throat when you have to pay so much for fuel and yet the oil companies make so much profit.

    I agree they should make profits just like my shares of Apple bought at under $15 per share.

    Maybe we could go back after both Exxon and BP for more money as they both were involved in the major oil spills and yet in a 6 to 12 month period there costs for those spills will have been recovered.

    So in your own words:

    "Please, for the life of us on this forum read more about what the Horsepower rating prominently displayed on the label on each C-18 states and get the deeper meaning of Torque before putting what you're writing into any thread. Maybe a book on basic engineering. It's REALLY easy. " :D
  11. W. Arthur

    W. Arthur New Member

    May 15, 2011
    SF Bay and Delta
    If I May Add:

    We (the citizens, the populace) must clearly keep in mind that the only way these fossil fuel corporations can accomplish such a scandalous ongoing and increasing scope of national and international rape upon the general public’s financial capabilities is politicians passing laws and holding committees that allow it to occur. Fossil fuel industry bought and paid for (owns) a global coalition of political leaders. Imbedded throughout the U.S. political ranks are prime examples of their political ownership positions. Other countries are similar to the U.S. in political-to-EnergySource skullduggery. There are two to four high paid “fossil fuel industry” lobbyists for every empowered politician in Washington DC. And, the politicians who side with the lobbyists in passing laws in favor of the fuel industry are thusly well funded by energy companies to help their campaigns for reelection. Again, I repeat – This Is Scandalous!

    To quickly stop a snake... it is best to cut off its head! ALL politicians who “specifically work” for improvement of fossil fuel organizations’ financial/legal interests that are an affront to the personal rights and financial capabilities of general citizens should be called on the carpet and REPLACED. General Citizens are the true owners of the USA – and – General Citizens need to take this bull by the horns. This will happen... it will take time and effort... but this WILL happen!

    BTW – These vote-elected, "fuel-owned", law passing representitives are primarily the same politicians that have helped to place our country into DEBT CRISIS! Can you think of ANY reason why these politicians (they are basically bought and paid for “legal” crooks) should be allowed to stay in office? There is an overriding need to NOW open the political books and Clean House. This is unfortunate, but way too true! – W.

    PS: I'm Chair and CEO of an energy business... I know of what I speak.
  12. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Also, if you want to blame anyone for the higher fuel prices, then you need to blame the current administration for their "quantitative easing" which has caused our dollar to be worth less, making oil (a foreign import) cost more. That is one of the major factors behind the higher gas prices you see at the pump. Ohh and yeah, if it weren't for our Governments taxes we'd be paying about $2.50 a gallon for gasoline right now.

    The more the current administration increases our deficit the further the dollar will be worth less and the higher things like oil will cost us. So keep raising the debt ceiling without cutting expenses and gas will cost us $8 a gallon. You cannot keep spending money you do not have, and that is currently what our government is doing. Increasing the deficit 40% in less than 2 years. Sooner or later people run out of credit if you keep spending like a college kid with shiny new credit cards and hit a brick wall and then the outcome becomes very nasty, which is exactly where the US is heading with what it's currently doing.
  13. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale
    So can we assume you do not use oil in your Energy Business :confused:
  14. W. Arthur

    W. Arthur New Member

    May 15, 2011
    SF Bay and Delta
  15. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I don't think there is a single business that does not rely on oil in one shape or form. Goods are delivered by Tractor Trailers, ships, airlines. Energy is used to produce them in one way shape or form......Unfortunately everything we buy and produce rely's on oil.
  16. W. Arthur

    W. Arthur New Member

    May 15, 2011
    SF Bay and Delta
    You are so very correct Capt J.

    That said; there is a vast difference between the use of oil and the misuse of oil. During the last 150 years, fossil fuel energies (particularly crude oil, coal, and natural gas) helped to quickly elevate our human race / civilization to its current level(s) of development. 21st Century is a new frontier for energy-source improvements and resulting eco-systemic/climate regeneration/protection. There are huge opportunities ahead for all concerned. Unfortunately, in a global context, BIG energy companies, and BIG energy resource-holding nations have begun to improperly utilize their unprecedented financial clout to take advantage of citizens in general. This situation has been one of the levers that pushed global finance to its current point of value-related crisis. I firmly believe that our world will eventually push past this temporary environmental, economic, and lack-of-employment bottle neck. And, I believe the U.S. will be a leader to do so. I and my associates plan to assist in the best and most efficient ways possible.

    In the mean time... Let’s enjoy the heck out of boating – I SURE DO! ;)
  17. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The politicians I voted for and the country I pay taxes to.
    I do, and more than them, the commodity brokers. I'd like to see them all jailed or shot.
    Sorry, but this goes back way before them, and to other countries as well.
    Of course, why produce it there when the are so many countries willing to take the bribes and let them rake their citizens over the coals. Plus they're a little country. Let the U.S. and the UK and a few others nationalize the companies and they can cut their production all they want. There are plenty of people who have been put out of work by the oil company's (and yes, the speculators and commodity brokers) greed, who would be more than willing to get a government paycheck to take over the production.
  18. W. Arthur

    W. Arthur New Member

    May 15, 2011
    SF Bay and Delta
    Two prized accomplishments that can help to make human-life on this planet bearable and society’s ongoing development efficient, equitable, and attainable:

    1. Follow The Golden Rule
    2. State Truths – NOT – Lies

    Unfortunately, #1’s Golden Rule seems no longer practiced by a too many political and business leaders; therefore allowing “greed” to take lead position.

    Equally unfortunately, amongst political and business leaders, #2’s word Lie is beginning to considerably outpace Truth... again, “greed” is taking lead position.

    “IF” the majority of leaders throughout every sector of civilization would simply practice the clearly outlined basis of #1 and #2, I believe that many current problems could soon be resolved. If not, then global problems will likely get worse before getting better. Simply said: Such is Life!

    OK – I’m done for this week! Heading for the boat in a couple hours; we leave dock this evening. Cruising, and hooking, and diving, and swimming, and playing in our tow-behind speed boat. Mon at AM... I’ll be back at desk!

    Happy Boating! – W.
  19. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Have a safe and fun weekend.:)
  20. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Here it comes folks. In case the boat business hasn't gotten its final nail in the coffin, the oil companies have started releasing the stories to get you used to hearing the numbers so you'l accept them when they hit. Today's headline: "Gas prices soaring and expected to keep climbing. Some analysts predict a national average of $3.95 a gallon by Memorial Day. NBC’s John Yang reports." That should bring marine fuel costs over $5 a gallon here (It was announced this morning that NY currently has the highest gas prices in the country), and Europe will probably require your first born. Still no calls to nationalize the oil companies? I know, it's capitalism. They're entitled to as much as they can screw out of us.
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