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From $2.00 gas to $5.00 gas in 4 years

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Codger, May 18, 2008.

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  1. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    No shortage of culprits, however I think the U.S. and UK are about to take the lead. I don't think it will be long before we hear those 4 letters that catch everyone's attention and makes them wonder if they'll ever get to spend their spoils...RICO.
  2. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
  3. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    WOW Liam, I'm still reading about Joule. Thanks for posting that link. I have a stepson up in Boston area studying physics, and I had to let him know about this technology. It sure would be great if it turns out good. And it sure would be great to have another great technology developed in the USA.

    I copied a bit of one of their press releases here in case some folks happen to skim over and miss your posted links.

    Joule Awarded Patent on Renewable Diesel Production from Sunlight and CO2 - Breakthrough process overcomes the costs and complexities of biomass-to-fuel

    14 Sept 2010
    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Joule Unlimited, Inc., pioneer of Liquid Fuel from the Sun™, today announced the issuance of a U.S. patent covering its breakthrough conversion of sunlight and waste carbon dioxide (CO2) directly into liquid hydrocarbons that are fungible with conventional diesel fuel. Unlike biofuel processes that require costly intermediates such as sugar, algal or agricultural biomass, Joule is the first to achieve and patent a direct, single-step, continuous process for the production of hydrocarbon fuels requiring no raw material feedstocks – setting the stage for fossil fuel replacement at unprecedented efficiencies and costs as low as $30 per barrel equivalent.

    U.S. Patent #7,794,969, titled “Methods and Compositions for the Recombinant Biosynthesis of n-Alkanes,” covers the use of engineered photosynthetic microorganisms for the direct synthesis of diesel molecules. Joule’s microorganisms function as biocatalysts that use only sunlight, waste CO2 and non-fresh water to directly and continuously produce diesel-range hydrocarbons, which are chemically distinct from biodiesel and are compatible with existing infrastructure.

    This landmark achievement in industrial bioprocessing clears the path for large-scale renewable fuel production, addressing the cost, resource constraints and energy-intensive steps associated with biomass growth, harvesting, extraction and refining to reach an end product. The entire process produces more net energy than it consumes and yields sulfur-free, ultra-clean diesel.

    “This patent award represents a critical milestone for our IP strategy and validates the truly revolutionary nature of our process, which has the potential to yield infrastructure-compatible replacements for fossil fuels at meaningful scale and highly-competitive costs, even before subsidies,” said Bill Sims, President and CEO, Joule.

    “Our vision since inception has been to overcome the limitations of biomass-based technologies, from feedstock costs and logistics to inefficient, energy-intensive processing. The result is the world’s first platform for converting sunlight and waste CO2 directly into diesel, requiring no costly intermediates, no use of agricultural land or fresh water, and no downstream processing.”

    Joule’s advances in biology are one critical aspect of the company’s integrated Helioculture™ platform, which also incorporates process, materials, photonic and thermal engineering to create an optimal system for the efficient production of fuels and chemicals. Joule’s novel SolarConverter™ system has been developed to maximize photon-to-fuel conversion efficiency, and features a modular, scalable design for ease of deployment, dependent only on land and waste CO2 availability. The integrated platform will enable productivities above any other closed-system approach, with a commercial target of 15,000 gallons of diesel per acre annually.

    Joule has already proven the direct production of diesel, and will begin pilot production by the end of 2010. The company has also proven the direct production of ethanol via the same process at a rate of 10,000 gallons/acre/year, 40% of its ultimate productivity target, and pilot operations are underway in Leander, Texas.

    Since inception Joule has pursued a strong IP position, operating in “stealth mode” for its first two years as patent applications were filed. Joule’s IP portfolio now includes two issued U.S. patents and numerous patent filings resulting from more than three years of on-going development, covering its core technologies, system and integrated process. The company’s first patent, U.S. Patent #7,785,861, “Hyperphotosynthetic Organisms,” relates to aspects of an engineered photosynthetic microorganism for fuel production, and was granted on August 31, 2010.
  4. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    CRUDE Oil....great video presentation

    Might be a good time to look at this video presentation again (too bad it has been closed off from additional discussion)
    "CRUDE" oil, an absolute must see program !!!

    ...and have a look down at item #1617,
    The Great Oil Hoax (Discover the biggest lie of the last 30 years...)
  5. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Exxon feels unfairly demonized just because they made $11 Billion in the last quarter

    Exxon said it had no control over high oil prices. It said it's one of the biggest taxpayers in the United States. It cast federal subsidies as "legitimate tax provisions" that keep jobs at home, and cast itself as a victim of Washington scapegoating.
  6. intheocean

    intheocean New Member

    Apr 5, 2011
    San Diego
    It sure is outrageous
  7. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Gas Pump Increases verses Crude Oil Increases

    I don't think I've seen (or I haven't looked in detail) any of these intrepid reporters do a little investigative reporting on what sort of comparison there is between the increase in fuel cost at the pump verses the increase in crude oil prices?? It would be interesting to look at this comparison over the period of Sept 2010 till today.

    I think we would find a significant bigger increase percentage wise in the fuel price at the pump verses the crude increase over that same period.

    And in case no one really recognized it there was a very big start to this increase back in the fall of 2010 before crude started to increase, and while there was certainly a glut of supply. I theorize that the oil companies were well aware that Congress was seriously looking at a tax increase on fuel as part of a new energy policy and a revenue source. The oil companies figured they better get a jump on things or they might not be able to make there increase so readily. Once the upward spiral began Congress put their increase on hold.

    And finally why do we continue to give BIG subsides to companies that operate for profit, and are nowhere near a poor financial condition that would justify government help??
  8. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    That was a rhetorical question, right?

    Maybe the answer is related to the same reason the supreme court made it legal for corporations to give unlimited "campaign contributions." Since there is no longer any sense of shame among the ruling class in DC, and bribery has become pretty much standard operating procedure for that lot of parasites, the biggest payers own the most votes.

    Until only registered voters can give a single dollar to a candidate, and only those on that voter's ballot, the criminals in DC will pave our way back to the days of robber barons and monopolies. Until corporate contributions to any political organization are a felony offense on the part of the corporations leadership from CEO to board members to recipient we will not have a representative government in this country.

    We are those frogs who are just beginning to notice the water is a bit too warm but it's too late to hop out.
  9. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Marmot, the Robber Barons have been back for a long time. Many are docked in your neighborhood. And there is no such thing as bribery. We have PACS and lobbying efforts and favors for constituents. Bribery is such a dirty word.:rolleyes:
    Brian, I believe the last time crude went to $150 a barrel gas prices went to about $2.00 a gallon. Price of crude has nothing, zero, zilch to do with the price at the pump other than giving more excuses besides endless greed. $11B in one quarter, and they still take subsidies. an we still give them.
  10. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    A letter from an Elite Business Owner ...

    "Dear U.S. Congress ... I just want to thank the current administration and those of the last 30 years for taking care of the ELITES on the backs of the little man. Shhhhh ... I know one of the parties pretends to be a friend of the little man but we all know that BIG GOVERNMENT is ONLY a friend to the Elites who have the big jobs in the big government and flip back and forth from big public to big private jobs all on the backs of the little man of course .. but I won't tell... I just want to thank the current administration for making the stock market soar!!! This benefits the Elites of course. I am one of them and of course, so are ALL of you Congressmen and our President. Wall Street is our best friend!!! All on the backs of the little man. High commodity prices and low dollar??? Who cares. This just further depresses the little man and elevates the Elites. Remember ... I'm one of them and so are the Congressmen AND the President ... My friends. Thanks buds!

    Also ... just want to give a big shout out to ... Congress and the President for destroying the job market. Now my staff is to scared to ask for or worry about raises or stock options or employment contracts. They are just happy to have a job. And so, my business is MORE PROFITABLE THAN EVER!!! So thanks Mr. President and Congress! You are doing a great job growing our government, having lots of wars and spending the peoples money. This keeps the little man down and the elites ...well ... ELITE!!! YEA!!! Like our own little Monarchy! You know how William and Kate feel don't you!!! On the backs of the little man!

    Please don't reduce the size of government or encourage people to be self reliant. This will just give the little man a chance. I prefer to keep them down like you Mr. President ... and your Congress.

    Oh ... and don't worry about whether an old school Republican wins the White House this time because we both know those Progressive Republicans are in on it too!!!

    Hey ... I'm going to go fill up the boat for $10k but I'm not worried ... I just bought a pile of GOLD Short Options. I'm going to make enough to buy a million gallons of fuel for the boat ... All on the backs of the little man Mr. President ... just like you!"
    It's not my letter ... but I am one of the Elites. I wish I could convince these fools to reduce the size of government and cut costs and stop spending our grand kids money. But I can't and few people seem to care so, in the mean time, I'll have more than enough money to pay for expensive fuel. On the backs of the little man of course. It's a messed up program.
  11. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I d love to know how much taxes are thoses evil oil companies paying every year? I am sure it is a lot more than a certain large corporation whose CEO is very close to the current administration and who paid 0 taxes on some very substantial profit?

    Want to cut gas prices? How about cutting the BS?

    Like the EPA pulling shell permit to drill in Alaska over some technicality...
    Or stopping the administration from calling that Texas lizard specie endangered...
    Or cutting this insane boutique fuel program !!

    Oil and gas prices are out of control in part because the current administration is desperately trying to promote its social and political agenda and unable to make a serious decision

    Hardly a surprise since our current president has never managed anything in his life!!! not a business, not a town, not a city , not a state... Not even the typical all American lemonade stand since he wasn't even raised in this country!!
  12. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Absolutely wrong on almost every count. Whatever the oil companies pay in taxes are more than covered by subsidies and multi-BILLION dollar profits garnered as the world starves. Why allow the oil companies to destroy another pristine landscape, when pumping more oil only further fills their pockets and gives another excuse to raise prices (have to pay to get the equipement there). THERE IS NO OIL SHORTAGE! Oil prices have nothing to do with the current administration. They are the first administration ever to call for investigations, and the first to even discuss cutting the subsidies. Of course those measures will never get past the last administration's (Just say NO!) buddies in Congress. As for the current Pres never managing anything you might want to re-check that unless you're only counting big oil and such profiteering companies. Those are saved for draft dodging lying whimps to get from their daddies.
  13. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Are we playing horseshoes?

    Here's a link for the NY Harbor area for regular. Scroll to 2008 Jul-14 to Jul-18 and then to 2011 Apr-25 to Apr-29, just to give some data for conversation.
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Per an AP article in today's Newsday the President wants Congress to end $4 billion in annual tax breaks for the oil and gas industry. "We need to end them now". "Exxon Mobile this week reported nearly $11 billion in profits for the first quarter of this year. Competitors also had huge gains." The Senate Majority leader said he plans to consider the proposal as early as this coming week. The President "has also called for the Justice Department to investigate possible price fixing" and said he is also "proding oil-producing countries such as Saudia Arabia to increase production". In the Republicans' weekly address they oppose these actions saying it "will hurt the everyday consumer" and "imperil the jobs of millions of hard working people in American-based companies" Mind you, Congressman Lankford did not say American working people. Makes you wonder exactly who he thinks he represents. This would be a good week to e-mail your representatives.
  15. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Where do you want them sent to?
  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Worldwide problems need worldwide responses. Something is starting to be done here (although I'll believe it when I see it). It sure would be good if every PM, House Member, etc. in every country got P.O.'d e-mails from their locals. NZ is in a particularly good position given the community spirit that should be evident since your quake. Grab their attention while they're still thinking about their constituents.
  17. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    I think he meant where do you want your representative sent to? in, you know, humor? far as your question about who the congressman represents? every other politician including Obama, he represents those who pay him the most money.
  18. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Have you even seen an oil rig? A shallow water oil rig, is literally just a touch bigger than the channel markers for Government cut. You don't even notice them, they're only large enough to land a helicopter on. We hold the largest oil reserves in the world, yet cannot use our own oil. If we did, the US economy would be BOOMING between not exporting our wealth to pay for oil AND all of the jobs created building and servicing the oil wells.

    Since you seem to think Obama is your savior:

    While the BP oil geyser pumps millions of gallons of petroleum into the Gulf of Mexico, President Barack Obama and members of Congress may have to answer for the millions in campaign contributions they’ve taken from the oil and gas giant over the years.

    BP and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Donations come from a mix of employees and the company’s political action committees — $2.89 million flowed to campaigns from BP-related PACs and about $638,000 came from individuals.
  19. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Who cares what they look like. If and when we need them, we'll have them. But we don't need them. The oil companies need them to make more money. There's plenty of oil, and it could be had at a fair price if greedy SOBs weren't in the middle stuffing their pockets at the world's expense.
    The only ecconomy that would be booming would be the oil company's boardroom's.
    He's not bad, but the thing that got him my vote was the damage his predecessor did to us, and that the GOP put up a very honorable, but over the hill senator who quite possibly wouldn't live out his term leaving our nation in the hands of a complete idiot and the people who run her. I feel that a 2nd term for any president should require that he be exceptional or that his opponant be just so so much worse, because during it he's not answerable to voters. Obama gets no pass from me unless he does what's right.
    In my book, campaign contributions are simply legal bribery and should be banned. Let the taxpayers pay equal share for campaigns (budgeted), and let them compete on being better, not outspending. I don't want anybody who buys their office.
  20. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    It's not the gas prices causing it..

    It's the quantitative easing...making EVERYTHING more expensive.

    Seen the Euro to USD value latelty???

    They are dillutiong the heck out of every dollar we it buys less and prices skyrocket.

    Exactly...But lets be absolutely clear here. Barack Hussein Obama is totally responsible for everyone's pain and suffering, and will also be responsible for the upcoming crisis as you put it. We are seeing and feeling firsthand what printing money as fast as possible and monetizing US debt does to the value of the dollar. Then wrap in unrest in the middle east and escalating fuel prices and we get a double whammy.

    The use of fossil fuels isn't the root problem. From where we procure said fossil fuels is the problem. The United States has enough petroleum sources to provide 100% of today's usage for the next 90+ years. We're not using it because of idiotic energy policies that the libs have PURPOSELY forced upon the American people to prevent it. So, yes, Barack Hussein and his liberal cronies are indeed the problem. The EPA (can't drill in ANWAR because some **** turtle might have to nest 200 yards farther East than it does now....), the supposed DoE (wasting BILLIONS on nonsense energy sources that are at least 25 years away from being practical), Middle Eastern lobbyists who control our Congress, and an INSANE hatred of the American oil industry have all conspired to artificiallly keep gasoline prices high.

    Per Capita global energy use rate rising? Yep, they are. China, India, many other players raising the per capita use. We don't have to compete for their finite sources. We have our own. On-shore, off-shore, in a variety of forms, we don't need Middle Eastern oil. We never did. Move the environmental whacko, tree hugging, power-driven libs out of the way and drill absolutely everywhere there is a profit to be made for the American oil industry. THAT is the answer. We also need to build new, modern refineries to replace the antiques we use today. If we started today, it would take a minimum of 5 years for the flow to be sufficient to replace what we now get from foreign sources. We need to start NOW. Enough liberal nonsense.
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