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From $2.00 gas to $5.00 gas in 4 years

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Codger, May 18, 2008.

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  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I saw on 60 minutes that JP Morgan CHASE has more refined crude in the US then Exxon/MOBILE and they have it in storage facilities in NJ. They supposedly were buying all of the futures to drive the price up. Supposedly they are trying to keep the gas prices up so they can unload it.
  2. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    A few years ago in the midst of a "gas shortage" with rapidly escalating prices at the pumps, I sat in Port Angeles, Washington on a loaded 125,000 ton crude oil tanker for almost two weeks. We were sharing the anchorage with two other loaded tankers while our refinery destination sat idle.

    Nationalize the *******s is my solution.

    (Hey, that's cool, automouthwash ... I didn't type any asterisks :D )
  3. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Last night gas prices here jumped about $0.20/L, or about $0.75/Gal. This morning I read THIS.

    "Does not compute!"

    Why? Because they can.

    At the peak of last summer's fuel prices I paid ~$1.50/L when oil was $150 per barrel. Now it's ~$40/barrel, yet I've paid between $0.68/L and 0.97/L during the past 4 weeks.

  4. StarDecky

    StarDecky New Member

    Jan 28, 2009
    Fill em UP ! here it comes ! The new UN tax on oil for the Green initiative. ?
  5. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Ah, it's an old game but a good one because it works every time.
    On the way home tonight the radio announced that some agency or another said they expect the price of gas here to reach at least $4.00 a gallon and that another said they expect it to reach $5.00. This despite the fact that the oil companies are paying nowhere near what they were paying last year and even then made an obscenely huge profit while people all over are losing their jobs and homes.
    2 months ago I was paying $1.99 per gallon. (Today it's $2.39). Last summer I paid about $4.19. I was happy to pay the $1.99 after paying the $4.19..... Of course, the previous winter (before it was leaked by some agency or another) it was only $1.73. Listen to that, "ONLY'!
    Let me play Karnak the wizard and predict that we'll see $4.29 for regular this summer. And next winter we'll be so happy when the price goes all the way down to $2.29. While the oil companies are paying nowhere.........
    I know I'll now hear from those saying 'Hey you should be happy. We pay $_____!!!' That only means that someone in your country is allowing you to be______d even more than me. I'm sending e-mails to my representatives asking them to call for nationalization of the oil companies since they won't control themselves.
    With another gouging this summer I might be the one losing my home.
  6. revdcs

    revdcs Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Fowey in Cornwall
    I'm currently paying £4.20 ($8 ish) a UK gallon - 75% of which is Tax. :mad: But my mileage is relatively small, about 18,000 miles per year at a cost of about 15p per mile. What sort of miles do members in the U.S cover each year and at what cost per mile or nm?
  7. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    And there it is. Exactly the conversation the oil companies want you to have. Talk about the tax and mpg instead of the fact that they are ripping you off. Every penny more that the oil companies charge puts people out of jobs and homes. Oil consumption is down. The price of crude is down. The number of people with jobs, homes and money in the bank is down. The only thing up is the obscene profits made by the oil companies. Call on your representatives to protect you.
  8. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    NYCAP- You will find that in the UK the Representatives have been helping themselves for so many years that a recent disclosure of just how much they are skimming off the taxpayer in "expenses" for dog food, duck islands, moat cleaning and mortgage interest on properties where there is no mortgage has caused some sackings, some resignations and some bitter accusations.

    One bitter and twisted old MP ( UK term for Representative) with his snout and forequarters in the trough even ranted on that the public were jealous of his position and that the expenses details should have been exempt from release under the Freedom of Information act, he neglected to say that MP's had already had 2 chances to examine what was going to be released and sanitize it but were foiled by the full version going to the press without MP Censorship.

    England isn't known as "Ripoff Britain" because of tear tabs on the rose tinted spectacles worn by the Govt in many instances.

    I apologise to other forum members in advance if what I have written is too political and Mods please feel free to delete it if you feel it is not appropriate in here.
  9. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    I do about 25k miles per year.

    As of last night gas here jumped about 5 cents per liter (the weekend fleece). I filled up after supper and paid $1.054/L which works out to about US$3.56/gallon. All week gas had been hovering around $0.99-1.00/L. Last week it was $.97-.98.
  10. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    Revdcs: As it is anywhere else, distance traveled in North America varies significantly. There is one blip in the picture that I've never seen off this continent, the long distance daily commute. People that drive over 100 miles a day round trip to work is common enough that it's not even noticed. The alternative means of travel just don't exist much of the time. I don't think twice about 300km each way for a one day meeting at the provincial capitol.
    There's a commuter flight for that trip but with all the fuss and delays at the airports it's just as quick and a heck of a lot less anger inducing to just drive.

    NYCAP123: (partially tongue in cheek) Since you now own a couple of auto manufacturers, buying up the fuel suppliers makes sense, vertical integration. I've dealt with government owned oil companies and "deer in the headlights" or "as quick as molasses dripping down a wall in the winter" are both accurate descriptions of the decision making process in most of them. Be careful of what you wish for.
    Of course, there's another option that'll get your opinion noticed... purchase a few shares of your least favourite oil company and show up at the annual shareholders meeting. Shareholder rights in the US are remarkable.

    Meanwhile I have to get prepared for the Petroleum show. :)
  11. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Slow as molasses would be wonderful since what happens so fast is the spinning of the dollar wheel on the pump. Let them slowly make the decision to raise prices. That would be nice for a change. Government owned oil companies could not be worse. The marginal in our society are already living on the street having lost their homes over the past year. Now it's the lower to mid middle class that are heading for the door. People are committing suicide and taking their entire families with them. K1W1, no need to apologize for getting political on this subject. This forum must be adamant about this subject because it affects us all directly. How many manufacturers have gone out of business or otherwise laid off it's workers this year. How many of you captains, deckhands and staff are now waiting tables if you can find even that. I just came up the ICW to find zero transients at several marinas that are usually packed. This forum reaches a lot of people. It can have an effect.
  12. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I just realized that I was mistaken in post 266 when I said the price of regular was $2.39. That was the price I paid 2 weeks ago before I left for Florida. I filled up last night. It was $2.59. I'm also sending snail-mail to my representatives calling for nationalization of the oil companies.
  13. Seafarer

    Seafarer Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2007
    Hudson River
    Since when have hogs at the trough done anything slowly?

    Raising gas prices in nationalized petroleum companies would happen about as slowly as elected representatives vote themselves pay raises - virtually the only unanimously passed legislation without any debate.
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Obviously the current system isn't working. Anyone have another suggestion besides learn to like it.
  15. HMI

    HMI New Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Tampa Florida
    Pray to God for lower prices.
  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Yeah, let me know how that works out. Besides, he only helps those who help themselves.
  17. HMI

    HMI New Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Tampa Florida
    I really don't have any answers for you NYCAP123. Petroleum and it's byproducts are integrated into every aspect of our lives. Check out this article on fertilizer:

    The only real solution I see, and I'm no expert, is to change the way we produce and use energy. I'm not saying that we should all be riding bicycles. I'd be happy for instance with an electric car with a 100 mile range and a top speed of 70mph as a commuter car. I wouldn't mind some PV's on my roof to help out with peak consumption during hot days. Heck, I'd even take a bus if there was a route that would take me to work and back.
  18. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Unfortunately, everything you've suggested may possibly have an effect 10 years from now, but this is happening now. If nobody has a realistic or even somewhat plausible solution then please try this: Contact your representatives at every level of your government with e-mails, letters and phone calls and tell everyone you know to do it. Deluge them requesting that they call for the nationalization of the oil companies. At the very least it will send a message to the oil companies that trouble may be on the horizon. It could mean the difference between my paying $4.39 and $2.89 a gallon this summer. It may keep you from losing your job or home. It can't hurt unless you're a major stock holder in the oil companies. PLEASE! I personally know people who have lost their jobs and homes. I know people who are about to be there. You do too. We cannot do nothing.
  19. HMI

    HMI New Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Tampa Florida

    Actually when you think about it a large percentage of oil pumped out of US soil is from public lands. And we lease said land to the oil companies. Time perhaps for the D.O.E. to step in? Perhaps some stimulus dollars in the direction of public oil infrastructure?
  20. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    That's productive thinking. Have you suggested it to your representatives?
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