What was WOT? You have to ensure still, it's not over propped. High tude robs a lot in just feet. A good WOT is still needed. Even with out tabs, the hull should eventually break free and plane (on top of the water). Move the mother in law forward till the hull breaks free, then toss her over; The Nattily Wood Drill.... (sorry, a past dream of mine).
The Yacht gets on plane now. I sent an email to Formula and want Volvo involved in this as well. Formula was denying that the T2 would help get it on plane and that they ship every 45' Yacht with T3 and never had an issue. I guess we have magical water her in Az.
I'm not sure what happened the three interceptors. Formula said if there are any obstructions the motors can burn out. I sent the info to Volvo to have them replaced but unfortunately the boat has to be out of the water so it's a bit of a pain in the ass to swap them.