Discussion in 'Boat Shows & Yacht Watching' started by hbyachtboy, Nov 1, 2009.
Lazzara's plum-colored LSX.
No matter what color it is, you know it's a Broward.
A hybrid?
For those that like to go slower, Grand Banks
Hood ornament on Northern Lights?
One of the Lady Kathryn's, this is number III.
It's Showtime!
Looks like a Sea Force.
Another blue-hulled beauty. The Azimut 70.
Look for the Neon pot of gold at the end of this Rainbow.
You saw number III, here's number IV. And it's a Westport.
The original Showtime?
Trinity's My Iris.
Seven C's by Delta Marine.
Looks like someone left their props on the docks.
There were plenty of Trinitys at FLIBS. Here's Chevy Toy.
Careful, Capt. Or you'll be in a demolition.
Some bow on Sweet Pea.