From Heesen Yachts Unfortunately, because of hurricane Wilma, Heesen Yachts will not exhibit at this year's Fort Lauderdale Boat Show. Please contact us at 954-522-2300 for any further information. We will see you all at next year's show if not sooner. Good luck to all of our neighbors and friends in the Fort Lauderdale area.
International Superyacht Society As the result of the membership survey conducted during the past 5 days, the ISS (International Superyacht Society) has made the decision to reschedule both its Awards Gala and its Membership Meeting slated for last week. The reschedule events will be held in conjunction with the Collins Avenue Brokerage Show in Miami, February, 2006. Exact dates and location information will be forthcoming in the next several weeks. Amy Halsted ISS
From Palmer Johnson Yachts. As a result of the damage and difficulties caused by Hurricane Wilma, along with all our clients' change in plans for obvious reasons, Palmer Johnson Yachts has decided not to participate in the 2005 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show. We look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming show in Miami 06 and wish a successful recovery to our employees and all those affected by this devastating storm. Mike Kelsey Jr. President, Palmer Johnson Yachts. October 31st 2005.
Amels will not exhibit at the 2005 FFL show As the seriousness of the after mess of Wilma becomes clear, Amels has decided that we will not exhibit at the FLL show. We are extremely unhappy with the decision of show management to postpone the show with only one week. As many people will consider this as a very greedy and inconsiderate decision. In our opinion it would be best to postpone the show until March 2006. So that yachts can come to the show before coming to the Mediterranean. We wish the local FFL community all the best in restoring their "normal lives". Victor Caminada Amels Marketing & P.R. Manager
From Generation Marine... Although we have lost power, telephone service and several yachts in our marina were damaged, we are all well and expect our office to be up and running by Monday, October 31. Depending upon a number of factors we have not yet made a decision regarding Generation Marine's participation in the show. To our South Florida based customers, if your boat has suffered any damage from Wilma please let us know if we can assist you in any way with regard to repairs, dockage, etc. We appreciate your continued support and please feel free to contact us at any time at the numbers above! Best Regards, Your Friends at Generation Marine
Lurssen has decided that it will attend this years show and we have also decided to host our Beach bash as well as it will give all who have made great efforts to even be there an opportunity to relax in by now familiar circumstances. Same place same time. and hopefully no more curfew...!!
From Trinity Yachts... Posting on behalf of Billy Smith... While many companies are wary of participating in the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show due to Hurricane Wilma, Trinity Yachts will be there in full force with five (5) yachts on display. “Our decision to participate was never in doubt, since we knew that Show Management and their staff would find a way to get the show up and running in the manner we all expect it to be. So we invite everyone to come and see us at the show or at our new location in Gulfport!”
From Westport... Posting on behalf of Ron Nugent... Westport WILL be at FLIBS. They are still without power or internet at Westport's Ft. Lauderdale office.
Shadow Marine Debut The newest conversion from Shadow Marine, the 170 foot Paladin Shadow, will debut at the FLIBS. She is moored front and center at the VIP Entrance located at the Hall of Fame Marina. We are on site and witnessing hundreds of staff and crew busting their tails to put on a great show. Hopefully the no-shows are the beer drinking, candy cotton eating dock walkers. There should be plenty of room for the serious yachtsmen without the usual mass congestion - could be a good thing to weed out the truly disinterested. Good luck to all and with a special thanks and best wishes to all the fine people of Ft. Lauderdale who are, to a person, welcoming us with open arms and are sincerely showing an appreciation of the economic stimulus that this show brings to their city. Stan Antrim Managing Director
Posting on behalf of Marlow Marine... Hi Carl, Marlow Yachts will not attend the show. The following Press Release has been issued. They will still be holding their Open House event previously scheduled at their Snead Island facility this weekend as planned. Dottie Rutledge *********************************************** FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA - Marlow Yachts, manufacturer of the Explorer and Prowler Series of yachts will not participate in this year’s Fort Lauderdale Boat Show, now rescheduled for November 3, 2005. After a considered assessment of the damage done to the City of Fort Lauderdale and surrounding area by Hurricane Wilma and the shortages of support services currently available to local residents, Marlow Yachts will not further stress these limited resources. "I cannot suggest to my customers and staff they come to Fort Lauderdale at this most difficult time based on the current situation.", said David Marlow, Chairman of Marlow Yachts. "The limited fuel, water and other resources should be directed to meet the immediate needs of residents and emergency personnel." In lieu of attendance, Marlow Yachts will be donating the funds earmarked for the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show to assist in the recovery of critical needs currently overlooked in Florida and the upper Gulf coast disaster areas. For further information contact Marlow Marine Sales at (800) 362-2657 or email
The final word on FLIBS 2005 The final word on FLIBS 2005... Ft Lauderdale show reports 29 per cent decrease in attendance Organisers of the Ft Lauderdale International Boat Show said that attendance at this year's show was down 29 per cent compared to last year. Last year's attendance was reported to be around 129,000. "We did not expect to set records in terms of attendance or sales," show organiser Kaye Pearson told IBI. "Frankly, I thought we were going to be down less than that. But we also believed that the total attendance at the show wasn't as significant as the buying activity." A number of exhibitors reported strong sales during the four-day event, despite the challenges posed by holding the show a week later than scheduled. But other exhibitors said that sales were spotty and complained about the early rescheduling of the show. Organisers said that, due to scheduling conflicts with the show's five venues, that was the only choice of dates. Most exhibitors that IBI interviewed at the show said that communication from Show Management about the status of the show was not well-executed. Pearson said that his company is looking into better communication systems for next year. "We are setting up a number of systems so we can communicate both domestically and internationally," he said. "We will try to do more with the Internet and email since it's the most instant method of communication. And we will communicate with our European exhibitors through their marine trade associations." Pearson said that Wilma was the first storm of its size to hit Ft Lauderdale in over a century. "Hopefully it won't happen again in my lifetime," he said. He also added that he has been approached by different companies to purchase business interruption insurance — which the show did not have this year — but he has decided not to purchase any. "We look at it every three or four years and it's not totally an issue of cost," he said. "It doesn't provide good coverage. The end result is that you don't gain anything if you can't cash in on the claim." Next year's show is scheduled to run October 26-30, 2006. By IBI Magazine/Michael Verdon (22 November 2005)