Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... your camera stays home. No photographs will be allowed. Sorry, but that was a requirement for making these arrangements.
Some shots from the show. Anchor doors on Trinity yachts? Trinity Yachts Mustang Sally Ominous skies over Janie Hargrave Missy B during t-storm Sat AM at Pier 66 Lazzara yachts at their usual spot More to come, just a bit weary tonight. Be well. Capt Tom
Nice photo shoot, Brandon... I walked past all the same stuff you did---hope your knees hurt less than mine did! In no particular order... the boat in post #30 is one of the larger Vicems I've ever seen. Ref. the first shots in this thread of "Floridian", Huizenga's Oceanfast, I was having breakfast with a prospective client in the Marina restaurant just fifty feet away. He knew when Greg Norman had it and how the "dinghy" ( if you can call it that) up on the boatdeck required a land-based crane to lift it on/off. Wonder who made that call. Finally, when I saw that Hooters Hargrave, I couldn't resist and grabbed Mike Joyce, the guy who runs things there, and asked why didn't the owner just call her 'Tits' or something. Mike was quite serious when he told me how many Orange Restaurants that guy owns. As Judy mentioned in another post elsewhere, we both tried to find some of youse guys over at the booze barge on Thursday afternoon...scanned faces....but could find no one cool enough who could be part of THIS bunch. Only been going to this show for a few years but believe the Thurs/Fri crowds were a bit thin and became only more convinced when I actually found a table under an umbrella during lunch at the food court
Monday night, 9:00 PM... just got home. Thanks to everyone who attended, or tried to attend the FLIBS Meet-Up. Special thanks to Kenny Bracewell for being the courteous captain that makes us proud to call him a member. The award for greatest distance travelled goes to Jim Hawkins, president of Queenship/Crescent Yachts. Jim came all the way from British Columbia. Billy came from the west coast too, ahem... of Florida! Thanks for making the trek. To Neil... it's OK to post now (you're incognito). And finally, the vote for the person we all wanted to meet the most goes to Loren! Somehow, he gave us the slip and was last seen with a hottie that likes slow boats. Good to see old friends and even better to makes new ones. I look forward to FLIBS each year, but somewhere around Sunday/Monday... I start looking forward to it being over. I stayed until the boat bugles broke-out in song, then I smiled... and thanked my lucky stars I didn't have to dismantle a display! A shower followed by too much sleep is in order. Night all!
Ken, So the flukes actually stick into the yacht, and not upward? Interesting either way and a much cleaner look. Carl, Can't wait until Miami... Loren, So that's what you do, go to boat shows and troll the docks? LoL See ya all at the next show. Capt Tom
After years of being chained to a boat or three, w-w-working diligently 'til the fat Kahlenbergs sang on Sunday evening, yeah, just walking around the show and yakking with old friends and looking at the boats (is it me, or did Bertram & Hatteras hire the same design guy? Also, note to Brad & Dick-- next time, hire a few fat girls to stand on the bow of your new LSX so the great unwashed can really see the fruit of your labors, i.e., the four IP drives) is THE way to enjoy FLIBS. Notwithstanding a client meeting or two, plus visits to a handful of vendors in the Builder's tents concerning a new project, yep, just goofed off! See you all in Miami, gang.