Well, it looks like 2006 won't be my year... I'll be stuck here in Montreal this time around, sorry guys.
well we are currently under contract which means the 'Neenah Z' will not be in the show. However I will be there.
FLIBS 2006 - What to see, what to miss Hi All, All you FLIBS experts out there..... I need your advice. This will be the first year we are actually able to attend the show, as we're currently "looking" - ha ha - just a polite way of saying unemployed! Anything we absolutely must do / avoid etc? Is it worth it at all from a job-finding aspect? I'm sure the brokers are all flat-out busy, so I'd hate to waste their time; but I have heard that it's the place to be if you're looking. What's the deal, please?
Reids, I've been on both sides of the display, as a vendor and a customer at these shows. It's just my opinion, but after I've spent a fair amount of money and far more time than most can fathom to get to these shows, set up a display, find a place to stay and hire warm bodies... I'm hoping to meet a few customers, NOT people using the event to sell a product, a service or advertising. The same would hold true for people seeking employment. Maybe it's just my warped mind, but someone who approaches my booth at a show is basically telling me they *think* their time is more important than my own, because they are using the proximity and access of several potential empoyers to their advantage. Here's my view... if you want to work for me, send a resume and follow up with a call. If you REALLY want to work for me, stop by the office and show a level of interest and education that is beyond the typical. If you want to work on boat, walk the docks... but not during the show.
Reids, I would say that the show is a great networking opportunity. I wouldn't recommend handing out resumes, but I would carry a boat load (pun intended ) of business cards and only offer them when asked. You will probably see lots of people that you already know and meet many that you don't. I consider it like a great big class reunion and enjoy the people as much, or more so, than the boats. Don't count on walking away from the show with a job in hand, but also don't be suprised if something comes from it down the road. Primarily, just enjoy the show and take the opportunity to walk all the displays. I learn tons every year just checking things out and collecting literature. Good Luck. Ken
Go there and meet the people. Talk shop and try to learn what people are doing, get a feel of what is happening in there company or what ever, all the while keeping your job hunt undercover (unless asked of course). Grap a buisness card or a brocure on the way out and then follow up on them later when things aren't so hectic with them.
Thanks Gentlemen! You all pretty much confirmed what I suspected already. Looking forward to the show.
reid, Go with what C4eng said. If you hand out resumes, they'll get misplaced. And people you talk to may not be the folks you want to contact. Netowrk and talk to as many folks as possible. Give your card and get their card. Write on the back if it's someone you want to follow-up with an e-mail (after the show), or if they are not a good resource. Your card goes in their pocket with many others and at the end of the day or show, they don't know who is who. Capt Tom PS Make sure you join us for the get-together.
Sorry won't be there to catch up with everyone Just so happens that I will be departing for Panama that weekend, but have one for me anyway.
FLIBS is a week away and we wnat to take a roll call to see when YF members will be attending to coordinate a get-together. Carl, any thoughts on time/location? Maybe in the big tent right next to Bahia Mar with the bar in the middle? Respond accordingly (I'll start) Capt Tom - Friday & Saturday - anytime is good as long as it's local (working)
Hi Tom, Logging in from a hotel wireless network in Clearwater, FL... Lazzara and Volvo are debuting something new on Friday and they've flown press in from around the world for this. I passed on the plane ticket and drove over. I should have something to post on late Friday or sometime Saturday, depending on traffic going across the alley. On the FLIBS meet-up, I think one of the floating barges, either on the north or south side of the main tents would be easiest for everyone. As I mentioned previously, these barges will be busy, so I thought the barge on the far north dock might be a good option. (just north of the Hall of Fame docks) For me, 3:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon would be best, but let's leave it up to our members who are travelling from way too far. I'll be at the show on Thursday and Friday, but will probably skip the weekend, unless this is better for the majority of members? I'll return to the show on Monday because attendance is down and it's a good time to catch up with friends. I'll log in tomorrow night. Night all!
I'm planning on being there all day Friday and Saturday, so any time works for me. Look forward to meeting ya'll.
I will be at the entire Show. Can't promise that I will be able to join you guys (at the mercy of any serious buyers) but will give it my best shot. Stop by the Las Olas docks for a visit aboard anyhow. Best Ken
Flibs I like Carl's idea of the 3:00ish to 4:00ish--heck, anyone can slam a beer after 5:00! North booze barge works. I'll be wandering around on both Thursday & Friday. Ken, I'd like to stop by ("Curt C", right?), say 'hi', maybe take a peek as well if you're not mobbed. BTW, how will we recognize each other in the bar? Fright wigs? Nixon masks? To all the folks who don't show up: we'll hoist one for you anyway. And to all who have to w-w-w-work the show (like Judy on her, ahem, sailboat), good luck and make a buck.
The 3-4 timeframe works for me too, especially on Thursday as I have broker coverage then for my sailboat. I'll be onboard SV Z, 48' Mason, at Pier 66, C 80 on Friday and Monday for sure should anyone want to stop by for putting faces behind names.
also I'll be making every effort to meet up but will have to play it by ear. I'm in the same boat as Ken (not in every sense) and I have the new buyer coming to view on thursday and I have the current owner in town. It's a captains life for me....... or is pirates?
Let's add in a Friday gathering also, same place and same time. If you go on Thursday, feel free to come back on Friday as there will be new faces. Perhaps same schedule for Saturday? BTW, I'll have a camera with me as I'm working the show and getting info on new/innovative products. I can take some pics and post them here for those that don't mind (and give permission). And I want to do a story about YachtForums for The Triton paper and get Carl some PR for the site, but need some folks to show at the time for a picture and some comments. I plan to use handles or real names, whatever you like (and maybe to keep your identity a secret). Oh, and I'll be there Friday and Saturday. Capt Tom PS Stan, will you be intown?
Hello All! Hey Carl! Hey Yachtforums! I have been on Hiatus trying to get something started on the East Coast lately. Carl, Stop by the Windy USA display on H dock as I have something to show you (Technology Related...) I'll be there the whole show. Will PM you my cell.