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Fleming Owners?

Discussion in 'Fleming Yachts' started by Fall Rush, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. Piers

    Piers New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
    British Isles
    We have a Fleming 55 and I'm a newbie to this forum!

    Hi All,

    I have been told about this forum by 'Fishtigua' who I've met over the last few days as he's been helping me in an extensive service on the Fleming 55 my wife and I own.

    So, I see questions about Flemings. Well, what can I say? We bought ours new in 2003 and have loved every moment. In fact, we've kept this boat than any other and have no intention of changing unless we win the lottery in which case we'd move up to the 65, which as has been said before, feels enormous in comparison.

    Why the Fleming? Outstanding build quality, excellent engineering, and unbelievable back up. Perfect. The separate pilothouse is a boon. Having the galley at the same level as the saloon keeps chef involved with the guests at all times.

    And what a great boat for 2 to handle and live aboard.

    Having been a speed freak for many years, we now enjoy cruising at 8.5 knots (is this a sign of old age?) although she will do 17/18. At top speed, the nose rises just a bit but the trim tabs soon sort this out.

    At 8.5kts, fuel consumption is tiny (1.6nm/UK gallon), life is enjoyable, and we feel so relaxed when arriving in port at the end of a long day. The longest sector we have done is 15.5 hours non-stop, ending with crossing the Dover Straits at midnight!

    I like Tony Fleming's attitude. No mid cabin on the 55 since 'engines and space around them are more important that people'.

    Can I add one more comment? She's so beautiful!

    Piers and Lin
    Play d'eau
    Fleming 55 #129
  2. PropBet

    PropBet Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2007
    Is Everything!
    Welcome Piers!
    Nice input and recap on your 55.
    She sure is a fine boat! Here's hoping you win the lotto and get that 65 you're after!
  3. Piers

    Piers New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
    British Isles