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Ferry sinking in South Korea with 476 on board

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by German Yachting, Apr 15, 2014.

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  1. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    I have enjoyed many of Ed's posts and also been annoyed by a few, but that's good because it means he has his own character and way of expressing himself. Most important is Ed's willingness to help whenever he can.
    As for this argument, it seems clear that ALL that was necessary was either an apology by NYCAP or a simple edit of a post which is offensive.
    Carl, as much as your point is correct: that "we would all get on if we met at a bar and had this same conversation" the fact is this is not a bar.
    Many thousands of visitors and members are reading these posts and when a post is made that is a joke, but at the expense of a nationality, not to mention the sort of humour that belongs in a school yard, then it is very inappropriate.
    A racist joke I may tell in my own home or over dinner is one thing, if I use a microphone at a radio station with 700,000 listeners then that is an entirely different issue.

    Ed, you were wrong. It is not a character flaw, just a bad choice of words probably on a bad night. Just withdraw the comment and lets get on with enjoying each others company. Sharing arguments, laughs and knowledge.
  2. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011

    You beat me to the punch, Kafue, and you articulated what I wanted to say much better than I would have. Well written!
  3. dennismc

    dennismc Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Vancouver BC
    The thing about forums and the 'net, is that people can insult each other etc and not get a punch in the mouth or a good talking to face to face, hence, loose lips sometimes do sink ships..Ed, you and I have had our difference on here in the past and am surprised at you wimping out so easily.
  4. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    Seems to me there's overeaction from all sides here. Take your pick. Between getting the PC vapors because of a reference to an old WW II joke versus the standard Interweb hissy fit "I'm done posting here" - which is of course almost always posted by someone who doesn't go away.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  5. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Over reaction? Not much, more like a behavior pattern that seems to repeat on a regular basis. If one were to research previous posts I believe a well calibrated Rude-o-Meter would read in the high red quite often and the I'm-outta-here light would flash regularly.

    In internet speak, "I'm outta here" is the equivalent of the kindergarten threat to run away unless you tell me how much you love me and how you can't live without me. It is, in the kindest terms possible, a juvenile attempt at the psychological manipulation of strangers who have become a surrogate for real relationships.

    Or something like that ... o_O
  6. jspiezio

    jspiezio Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    Nycapt123's joke was in poor taste and it was a mistake on his part to post it. Confronting Nycapt123 about that joke was legitimate. Nycapt123 often can be brusque and even rude to other posters whom he thinks are letting their mouths outpace their knowledge. Nycapt123 is also a very good resource and is willing to help other board members when he has knowledge that might benefit them. In other words, he behaves quite similarly to several other posters and overall he is an asset to the board.

    I do not think that Nycapt123 is leaving over the joke or the posts that referenced it. I think that he is leaving because, it seems to me, that his posts and his opinions are attacked very quickly and quite doggedly on many threads, e..g. posts #60 and #61 on this thread. In post #60 Nycapt123 simply reflected on the differences he saw in the response between the authorities in Korea and Italy. It was a pretty straightforward and non-confrontational post. Kiwi's response is nonsensical, and I think intended to incite/insult. Kiwi achieved his aim and Nycapt123 responded rashly, immaturely, and foolishly.

    The thread spiraled from there, with Nycapt123's pride preventing him from admitting his error, and Kiwi happy to stoke the flames. I have seen this same dynamic play out among other posters and on other threads here, which is one reason I often chose to lurk rather than post. It might help for all involved on the board to step back and look at themselves, then reassess how they interact with each other via this forum. Specifically, Nycapt123 should continue to post here, albeit with thickened skin and increased self-awareness. Several other posters would also do well to decrease the hubris they inject into their posts and increase the humility with which they approach all board members. Couching the answers that you provide to a forum member's questions in sarcasm and mild insults does not increase that members desire to engage and participate in the conversations occurring on the forum.

    I will now go back to lurking and allow you all to publicly crucify me, fulfilling the blood-lust of both Kiwi and Nycapt123.
  7. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    How the **** am I supposed to have stoked the flames? I didn't ridicule any particular race or religion, I did not endorse nor praise the actions of either Captain ( I am talking of the two Captains whose commands sank) not the 100 ton one from NYC.
  8. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Let it go guys. Let's move on...
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