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Exercise de style

Discussion in 'Yacht Renderings & Plans' started by SVDesign, Jul 7, 2008.

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  1. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Neat photos! That top one is really remarkable quality for a photo taken in 1900.

  2. 'RoundTheHorn

    'RoundTheHorn Senior Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    Salish Sea
    Similar designs?

    First, let me say that I am making no accusations of plagiarism or have any ties to either Feadship or member SVDesign, but I immediately thought about SVDesign’s postings of Cyclop and to some extent Organik after viewing some drawings from Feadship...

    Is it me or is there a striking resemblance between some of the designs features of Feadship’s X-stream and F-stream and SVDesign’s drawings?
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    I edited the link in your post and redirected to the same craft, which I previously wrote a feature on. Hope you are not offended, but diverting traffic to DB's website is just plain... well, is yucky a word? :D
  4. 'RoundTheHorn

    'RoundTheHorn Senior Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    Salish Sea
    No offense taken. I had not seen the feature you linked to and only came across the Feadship drawings for the first time today on the other site as I mentioned. I just wanted to provide the visual reference in case anyone else wondered what I was speaking about.
  5. 'RoundTheHorn

    'RoundTheHorn Senior Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    Salish Sea
    X-stream, too

    Now that I know there was a feature done on the F-stream I reviewed the forums and found you also had a story on the X-stream project. So I thought I’d provide a link back to that article as well!

    (Future Concept - Feadship X-stream)
  6. SVDesign

    SVDesign New Member

    Jul 4, 2008
    Cherbourg - France
    [QUOTE='roundthehorn]First, let me say that I am making no accusations of plagiarism or have any ties to either Feadship or member SVDesign, but I immediately thought about SVDesign’s postings of Cyclop and to some extent Organik after viewing some drawings from Feadship...

    Is it me or is there a striking resemblance between some of the designs features of Feadship’s X-stream and F-stream and SVDesign’s drawings?[/QUOTE]

    Could you be more explicit about the similarities you noticed ? I'm interessed in what you could point out :)

    I discovered Feadship projects when I posted my renders on this forum, and honnestly speaking I was happy to see that somebody else than me was fed up with common white yachts, and also that my brainstorming was not something which could have sent me into psychiatric services.

    I'm not part of "mega-yachting" world usually, but I sailed a lot in different ships (with and without sails) and I designed something I would be happy to have under my feet one day if I could, based completely on my experience and with a very small interest to what were the usual standards for mega-yachts.

    Now, we can find similarities into the development of functions aboard because the needs and analysis have been carried out taking care of same constraints. That's called Functional Analysis in any good engineering process.
    You can note also that final compromise is not the same for deck layouts, for example.

    I've seen nothing like what I designed on Cyclop on any yacht : big rounded glass for wheelhouse and owner's suite, auto-supported decks to give light inside superstructure on the aft side, etc....

    I've seen nothing like the feather and aft supporting arches I designed on Organik.

    If tomorrow a shipyard is unveiling a new concept taking advantage of one of these, I think I should go to visit them. If they paint it metallic blue and white for the top.......:rolleyes:

    I think we'll see more and more concepts like those ones, because we have to move ahead with "green" boats and energy considerations. It goes in parallel with different mind of owners also, more oriented towards nature-friendly sailing than having a sophisticate drink on the sun-deck at midnight in the middle of an over-populated marina.

    That's only my feeling, and I would be happy to discuss of all these considerations with you :)
  7. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Perhaps if you take the three designs from Martin Francis, Eco, Sigma and Crystal Ball, put them in a shaker and you will see your designs come out...;)
  8. SVDesign

    SVDesign New Member

    Jul 4, 2008
    Cherbourg - France
    Thank you for Cristal Ball, I did not know it before, and it looks very interesting. Superstructure style looks very similar to what has been recently built into Barcelona with Agbar Tower and Gherkin Tower in London.

    Please add in my shaker :
    - B24 war bomber, for the complete dome of plexiglass
    - Turbinia and all her torpedo-sister boats from 1920's for sharp and strait bows
    - Airbus, for its nice wind shield
    - Mother Nature, for designing so nice fins on killer-whale back
    - unknown roman and gothic architects for supporting arches
    - Mr. Jules Verne for 20.000 leagues under the sea and all other science-fiction impregnation
    - NASA, for hydrogen fuell cells development
    - Mr. Archimede for floating boat concept
    - etc.....

    I'm sure I forgot a lot of them. I hope they will forgive me ;)
  9. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    There you see, sometimes we don´t even know where our inspiration comes from. I know that many of my ideas are popping up in other boats, but there was only one shipyard that took an entire concept and tried to market it.

    BTW, I like those big white yachts...:)
  10. SVDesign

    SVDesign New Member

    Jul 4, 2008
    Cherbourg - France
    I read the dedicated thread.... Difficult to stay 'zen' when it is so obvious.

    I'm like you : I design things because I feel it, and very often during endless meetings I'm sketching small part of window, of bow, of hull and propulsion.... and one day I have a clear picture of a combination of some of these elements which could work together.

    We all have a personal shaker in our head, but the finale recipe should be unique even if sometimes we are using common ingredients.

    White yachts are there, they made what is yachting today, but with the time they lost wooden hull, steam engines, they got fire insulation and fire fighting devices, they adopted hydrojets and jet gas turbines.

    We had Golden Ages, then we are approaching the end of Oil Ages.
    What could be the next technologic improvement to come ?

    I have a small idea on this issue........
  11. 'RoundTheHorn

    'RoundTheHorn Senior Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    Salish Sea
    What I Saw

    My first impressions of both the Feadship and SVDesign drawings/models were that they had a very futuristic, almost “space ship” appearance. Now as I said, I am certainly not making the case that designs were wholly lifted and repackaged, just that the designs had similarities, and, perhaps, could even be related as part of a design exercise.

    Glass is a prominent feature of all four designs. While the large bubble of Cyclop certainly is unique among these designs, the sweeping spans of glass in the aft end of the vessel’s superstructure hint (in my mind) of the two Feadship designs. The bubble idea is also represented in the F-stream in that glass in the drawings and models almost have appearance of a single, large, elongated bubble actually forming basis of the ship’s superstructure. I also think the narrow, vertical framework supporting the glass panels creates a similar look between the F-stream and Cyclop.

    Organik (more so) and Cyclop have minimal support structures, visually, for their upper decks making them appear to almost float as do the cantilevered decks on the F-stream and X-stream.

    Also the knife-edge bows or axe bows of the four concepts share more alike than they differ in terms of their disregard for the typical amount of flare seen in yacht designs and the narrowness of the forward hull -- although Organik seems to take the narrow shape to the extreme of the four.

    Again, my point in posting was that I had not seen either of the Feadship designs until yesterday and upon seeing them I immediately thought of Cyclop and Organik. I was just curious if others had seen similarities in lines and form.
  12. SVDesign

    SVDesign New Member

    Jul 4, 2008
    Cherbourg - France
    Thank you for sharing your impressions.
    We are all looking at them differently, that's why I wanted to have you point of view.
  13. SVDesign

    SVDesign New Member

    Jul 4, 2008
    Cherbourg - France
    I'm coming back with more advanced renders of big Maritimus.

    It looks better and more developped like this.





    More details can still be added, but I'm reaching the limit of my computer there....

    Next project I'm working on may be not posted on this forum - it is a energy-saving trawler, for ecologic fishermen ;)
  14. SVDesign

    SVDesign New Member

    Jul 4, 2008
    Cherbourg - France
    Organik render...

  15. BjornS

    BjornS New Member

    Jul 7, 2007
    Los Angeles

    Love your designs. Very original and COOL. Can't wait to see more of your future designs. Keep up with your ideas and designs. They are unique from bow to stern. End of story.

    Others who say something about copying of designs are totally off here.

    And to all forum designers, posters and readers ... you may have heard this before ...
    ... good artists borrow, great artists steal!

  16. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    In my view the futuristic superstructure on Organik would work better on a yacht at least 50% bigger. In the present size it needs to be simplified a bit. Too many design elements end up getting in the way of the bold theme.

  17. SVDesign

    SVDesign New Member

    Jul 4, 2008
    Cherbourg - France
    Thank you BjornS for your comments ;)

    I agree that superstructure could be lighten a bit, maybe by removing the three "bubble" portholes which look maybe too much.

    I will try a 100% pure white render this evening, just to see.....

    I added since initial renders a set of portholes on the top level, after consolidation of the GA. I'm consolidating it by now and I will display it as soon as it gets a better format than actual basic hand sketch.

    I try not to fall in the length competition for these yachts, even if they are closing to 90 - 100m for the tallest, because after that it becomes more and more difficult to find a place in medium range marina when you are travelling, or you have to lay anchor outside each time and this can become very boring for daily use.

    Several other renders, with latest configuration of the ship.




    I'm still working on the tender, in parallel.
  18. SVDesign

    SVDesign New Member

    Jul 4, 2008
    Cherbourg - France
    For your information, this is about my official job :cool:

    I found a press release with for the first time a good representative picture of the ship I'm working on.

    Admin Edit: We DO NOT allow hotlinked files, only attached images.

    Complete article here :

    I'm in charge of the design coordination of this complex "black box", for all platform aspects (structure, propulsion, equipment integration and coordination, internal accomodation design, etc.....) excepted weapon systems.

    This may explain things..... including why I'm working at night on my yacht projects to try to save my Kharma :D
  19. SVDesign

    SVDesign New Member

    Jul 4, 2008
    Cherbourg - France
    Here is Icy Lady !


  20. SVDesign

    SVDesign New Member

    Jul 4, 2008
    Cherbourg - France
    Time for a new era ?

    Here is coming a new concept of yacht, based on a different use of the ship and more oriented to full time living on board.

    Superstructure is low and sleek, like futurist scientist station hooked on the edge of a crater, fitted with 360° bridgedeck and a strong helipad on the aft.
    One single mast is integrating up-to-date technology for communication and navigation sensors.

    Main deck layout is dedicated, from aft to fwd, to reception saloon, dinning room with glass roof, and owner suite.
    VIP and crew cabins are located on lower deck, with no window on side shell but window wells on the deck.

    Hull texture, based on a jigsaw type panelling of shell plate above waterline, is giving a strong visual identity, enforced by this black colouring.

    Magma is coming... Are you ready to shift to the dark side ?





    I still have details to add here and there, but I could not resist longer to share this brainstorming again, exploring a new way in surface shaping.

    I'm sure you will have plenty of comments....... :D
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