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Duffy Electric boats....?

Discussion in 'Center Consoles, Tenders & Dinks' started by Norseman, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I don't think 98F is too hot for a bearing that's not designed to be water cooled. Does the bearing have grease in it? It seems like it should be fine to even higher than that such as 130F, I would think. I'm sure auto wheel bearings get a heck of a lot hotter than that.
  2. todd kromer

    todd kromer New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    friday harbor, wa.
    Thanks. I just thought I'd compare with another Duffy owner. Was thinking another Duffy owner could say they run real cool or they get so hot you can't touch them, some indication. Bearing has grease. Your right about 98 degrees but that was at less than full throttle and the temp. was still climbing. Tomorrow I'm going to let her go for a longer run and see there the temp. goes at the hottest. Also in a few days I'll have a hand held digital thermomter which is better than this thing I have hooked up know for temp.
    Thanks for your thoughts.
  3. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    I have not temperature tested the forward shaft bearing (yet)
    On my boat it is also the thrust bearing so it needs lubrication.
    The grease point (not a nipple) was pointing down on mine, so I took the bearing off and turned it 180 degrees for easier lubing.
    My Duffy is a 2006 so we may have different bearings, shoot a picture and post.
    I don't know more about this bearing than you, best to email or call the Duffy folks in California, if you get the right guy, they can be quite helpful. (It could take a few tries :cool: )
  4. todd kromer

    todd kromer New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    friday harbor, wa.
    Thanks Norseman ! I'm having a hard time posting a picture. I see your set up in message #109 and mine is the same with a diferant motor. My grease point was facing down also, strange. Duffy called it a forward bearing so I did also, you call it a thrust bearing but we have the same thing. Its a link belt Dura- Klean 200 series intermediate duty ball bearing WFX 3S216E. After your next good spin reach down and feel the outer white housing and the inner black sleeve....I sure would appreciate it !
    Gerardo, at the factory, has been helpful along the way with e-mails and I don't want to be too pushy as he has gone silent on me ? It might be too windy today but I want to go out with my heat gun and see what I really have for temperature. Maybe more beer would help cool things down ?
  5. todd kromer

    todd kromer New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    friday harbor, wa.
  6. todd kromer

    todd kromer New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    friday harbor, wa.
    Norseman....I did it ! The black thing on the bearing is a heat probe. The wood block is just in case the metal support were ever to give way the motor would not smash into the dripless water connection.You'll notice a shim behind the rubber bearing block, that is so things aligned up correctly. When I installed this new bearing I did not know that the bearing would pivot in the housing for good alignment.
  7. todd kromer

    todd kromer New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    friday harbor, wa.
    I took the Duffy out for one hour at a constant 80% throttle ( 5 m.p.h. ) and with a infrared thermometer recorded the bearing temperature. It toped out at 140.9 degrees and then came down to 135.6. At 140.9 degrees you can touch it for 7 seconds before you burn your finger. At a nice middle throttle position ( 3 m.p.h. ) in went to 117 degrees in 20 min.
    The old, but reworked, motor reached a max. temperature of 151 degrees.
    Any thoughts if my bearing is getting too hot ?
  8. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Hmm, I never checked my bearing temprature per see.
    I shoot the belt occasionally and the motor frequently.
    My motor topped out last year at 340 F..Way too hot.
    Ended up installing an extra cooling fan on the Starboard side of the center console. It lowered the temprature by 60 F right away. Normal hot now is 240 F, and average 220-230.
    I need to install another colling fan on the opposite side. I would think a cooler motor runs more efficient, which will make up for the juice draw of 3 fans.
    Did not go Duffying today, took wifey to the movies to see the Dinosaur flick.
    Quite well made despite classic Hollywood handsome hero, sexy actress and cute kids. The Dinosaurs were ugly though...:eek:
  9. todd kromer

    todd kromer New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    friday harbor, wa.
    That a boy....take her out !
    Shoot the bearing next time, I can't wait to see what you have ?
  10. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Yeah, I will do a spin today.
    Take the River Rat cruising almost every day anyways, rain or shine.
    Stay tuned, full report to follow.
  11. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Initial bearing temp before launch in the mighty Duffy: 92.3 F
    (Typical summer June summer day in South Florida, 92 F in the shade)
    After 35 minutes running at full power: 130.4 F.

    Low tech, just push some lube in there, even a spray can lube from Ace Hardware should keep that bearing lubed up,
    What is it doing? 500 RPM or something, 5 HP motor?
    If your bearing is heating up it must be dry.
  12. todd kromer

    todd kromer New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    friday harbor, wa.
    I started out at 60 F and after 1 hour of 80% throttle I topped out at 140.9F. The bearing is 12 hours old ( new ) and I've confirmed they come pre-greased from the factory plus I gave her 2 addtional pumps. I did tell my tale to Gerardo at Duffy in a second e-mail and he responed " let me do a test to see what happens ". I'll let you know what he says.
    Do you know if you " topped out " at 130.4 or could it still of been climbing ?
  13. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Don't know for sure, all that boat driving was cutting into my beer time, but my gut feeling says it probably peaked out at 130.

    Soo you have a brand new bearing with plenty of grease and still running hot?
    Must be normal then and not really a high temprature, but any temp build up is wasted energy.
    I would not be too concerned until it smells hot or burned.
  14. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    How much does the bearing cost? If it's cheap, just run the thing and see what happens.....
  15. todd kromer

    todd kromer New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    friday harbor, wa.
    The bearing only costs about $100.00 and I most likely , with what I'm learning, I'll just run her. My concern has been that in taking this whole thing apart with new shaft and drippless and new bearing etc. I have some alignment or tention wrong that could cause her to will really over heat or cause other problems. Did I screw up ? ( I don't think so ). I also just love the process of figuring stuff like this out.
    Thank you both and I'll post what the factory's to ya !
  16. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    How hard is it to remove the belt? Also if the belt is too tight, it could pull the shaft out of alignment. A thought is to try turning the shaft by hand or with a wrench/pliars with the belt disconnected and see how much resistance there is.
  17. todd kromer

    todd kromer New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    friday harbor, wa.
    Thanks for the thought Capt. J. I want to see what the factory comes up with before a take her apart agian. My problem in doing that is the set screw on the pulley and 2 set screws in the bearing are on with "red " high strengh Locktite. I've never dealt with that but don't you have to take a blow torch or sodering iron to it to get it loose ? The package says 500 degrees.
  18. todd kromer

    todd kromer New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    friday harbor, wa.
    Gentlemen,the bearing mystery is solved and I don't have to tear mine apart ! Norseman gets 130.4. The factory ran a boat for an hour for me and got a 130. I had a spare bearing and ran a bench test using the Mrs. mix-master for power and got a 133.5 after 2 hours and a 157.4 at a much higher speed. The manf. has a heat range on the part " up to 225 ".
    So I'm not too concerned about seeing my 140.9 out in the bay.
    Whats next ?
  19. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    What's next?
    Enjoy the boat.
    If you stay away from lighting strikes and power surges, feed the batteries with distilled water and check the belt once a month, the Duffy should be about maintenance free.
    (I know, no such thing on a boat, but darn close)

    In the meantime the stinkpot guys are busy changing oil 'n filters, and always swearing and smelling of diesel, with dirt under their fingernails, while the Duffy guys are clean, well behaved and always get the girls...:D
  20. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    If the girls aren't already long gone by the time the Duffy guys get there :D