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Duffy Electric boats....?

Discussion in 'Center Consoles, Tenders & Dinks' started by Norseman, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. joules

    joules New Member

    Sep 2, 2016
    southern USA
    Hi Eden, thank you so much for joining the conversation. Sounds like you are the kind of person I've been looking for. I've had to speak with Duffy to get any meaningful information about my '83 Duffy, built by W.D. Schock.

    I've noticed that both their 10" propeller and the 12" seem to be copies of Michigan Wheel's machine pitch and DJ335. I have both urethane props from Duffy, currently using the 12" although it does drive my motor RPM down to ~1500, I am running a different motor, Motenergy ME1305 brushless PMAC. There seems to be a large efficiency improvement from spinning a larger prop at half the speed but it does cause motor cooling issues. I need additional gear reduction past the 2.8:1 ratio, like a Baldor speed reducer gearbox.

    I am looking for a part that comes from the W.D. Schock era. The curved brass/bronze toe rail chock at the stern of the boat that sits at the corner of the teak toe rails.

    Attached Files:

  2. Susanrisa

    Susanrisa New Member

    Jun 23, 2017
    I recently had my 2004 Duffy motor cleaned up as the brushes were stocking and sparking. When I put the motor back in it seems that the motor and shaft are out of alignment because the shaft wiggles and makes a loud grinding noise when I run it. Is there a diagram of which holes I should be using to attach to the mount or what position the motor should sit at in relation to the shaft? Thanks.

    Oversized image removed. Please resize and upload at 640 pixels or less.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2019
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I was in Stewart a couple of weeks ago. Just south of Sunset Bay Marina I noticed a Duffy sign.
    Nothing on Google Earth but around the 400 SW Federal Hwy (34994) address schema.
    A public boat ramp rite behind the building. At the N/W corner of the lil canal and UseLess1.
    No idea if the shop is still open. Just know a few members chat about these electric boats when I noticed the sign.
  4. JSwenson

    JSwenson New Member

    Apr 25, 2020
    I'm new to the forum but live in Massachusetts so I get to do my own service too. No one around here knows anything about Duffys. I recently replaced the brushes and put the motor back together. Looking for tips on how to properly align and tension the belt once it's in, how do you know if it's right? It's running well, maybe a bit slower than normal and it's whinier than normal.

  5. Hi Captain - I purchased a Duffy with an Alltrax SR controller installed. When I push the throttle I only get a click sound and the prop doesn't respond. Any suggestions?
  6. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    if you have good batteries and good connections, it smells like a bad controller.:(
    Don’t know if you have read this entire thread or not, but somewhere in there
    I described having to replace the controller on my 2005 Duffy Balboa TWICE.
    If you get a new controller it still have to be calibrated by Duffy.
    A few more troubleshooting steps before you order the new controller however:
    When I owned the Duffy 7-8 years ago, The Duffy factory gave good tech support over the phone and email.
    Give ‘em a call. Good luck.
  7. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Don’t remember the details on aligning the motor/belt, but if you do a good job with it, is like night and day with noise and belt-heating: I used an infrared thermometer to check the belt and pulley temperature.
    Pretty low tech adjustment, take a good look at it and experiment a bit and you should get a good alignment.
  8. Is there a way to test the controller?
  9. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    There probably is a way to test it.
    Find you pr nearest Fork Lift Dealer/shop ask if they can do it.
    (Same controller as in electric Fork Lifts)
    If not, Duffy can most likely test it for you.
    My controller was some Italian brand with the importer in North Carolina, they can probably test it too. From my limited experience it seems like the controller is the first item to go wrong on these boats..:(
    The throttle could be shorted out, I got a new one on eBay for $10. (Not the handle, just the rheostat insides the center console)
    What year model boat?
    I have only experience with the 2006 Balboa, there is other motor/controller combos on older and newer Duffy’s.
  10. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    For those of you who prefer an outboard on your Duffy: It has been done:
    This Frankenstein popped up in my neighborhood recently:

  11. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Given the lack of local support, cost of batteries and limited speed, I'd gladly have a small 4 stroke on a duffy.
  12. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Aye Capt. J: You are not a purist: A clean and mean Duffy guy, like yours truly, would get a stroke and a hearth attack from looking at the above picture. Almost rolling in my grave. :confused:
  13. alaketrick

    alaketrick New Member

    May 28, 2020
    Hello all,
    New owner of a used 21' Duffy Cruiser. Very glad to have found this forum, thank you for adding me.
    I'm looking to replace and align drive belt. Should drive shaft bearing be removed, or should I remove the entire bearing assembly from the motorbox/bulkhead? Does the packing gland need to be loosened (the large brass nut around the shaft?)
    Very new to this, and inboard propulsion in general, not even certain of terms/identifying parts. Having difficulty finding any motor/drive train schematics, any available anywhere?
    Thank you for any help!
  14. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Hi, and welcome along with our journey, we are all learning.

    Dag will be along shortly, with his Scandi swear-words but they are all true. Loved my Duffy, perfect for the Yacht Club.
  15. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Welcome aboard Alaketrick.
    Can’t help you much as I never worked on a 21, only knew my 18 Balboa, and I had to pull the shaft back to fit a new belt. Alignment was done with the motor.
    Don’t loosen the packing if you can avoid it, it needs to be adjusted while in the water anyways.
    Post a few photos of your shaft, belt, pulleys etc, easier to help then.
  16. alaketrick

    alaketrick New Member

    May 28, 2020
    Hi Norseman,
    sorry, it was a few days before I saw your response. thank you.
    Looking for instruction on how to pull back prop shaft to replace belt. Some pics of what I have:
    20200601_175120.jpg 20200601_175203.jpg

    How does the shaft disconnect from the bearing box? Loon set screws on brass bushing and stainless collar?

    Not sure why there are a series holes drilled down in the groove of the lower pulley, maybe someone did it to balance it? I've got the added fun of having most set screws stripped out by previous owner/mechanic. It appears the brass bushing has a extra hole where someone drilled out a set screw and then tapped another hole.
    Thanks for any advice

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  17. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    Best guess is that the recesses in the shaft are the original locations for the set screws from the locking collar. That collar is what is holding the shaft into place, riding on the blue bearing. Remove those set screws, and it should all slide back far enough to clear the belt. Curious as to the adjustment for the locking collar location. Wonder if that bearing is a replacement that tweaked the dimension a fraction? When you get the collar loose, perhaps nudge the shaft aft just enough to get these holes into approximate location, then look to see what's happening around the prop? Might be able to return the shaft to these spots, or you might learn that the setup at and around the bearing has been changed.

    If you must, drill out the old set screws, then retap the collar for new set screws to replace the old stripped ones. Likely overtightened and stripped doe to not having these original holes to seat in...
  18. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    ...angle of the camera, perhaps, but is your pulley alignment proper? That same collar area appears to define the location of the pulley, so it's somewhat critical to get that right going forward...
  19. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    View attachment 88785

    Don’t quote me on this, but I believe you remove the entire bearing assembly to slide the shaft back and then slip on the new belt.
    While you are at it, turn the bearing assembly 180 degrees to access the grease nipple, then when back together, grease it up good: The bearing is a thrust bearing, it pushes the boat forward, year after year, it needs good lube,

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  20. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Looks like the Zerk is up, just hidden above the port mounting bolt.
    I agree with Norse. Unbolting the bearing from the frame looks like a better idea.

    Got to get the pics down sized.