I have to say the same Stevenpet. Loving ones kids can be hard enough at times. Loving someones elses troubled teen back on the straight and narrow is a noble act. Sadly in todays climate of paranoia such a selfless act would raise all sorts of 'concerns'. Yes appearance matters in the yacht industry. You have a nice shiny toy, gleaming in the sun, pretty as a picture, then a crusty sea dog appears and leans on the railing and spoils the photo image lol. Reminds me of the time I went and had a meal at a nice restaurant. After I had eaten the chef happened to come out to check on the food, it was smorgasbord. I was shocked, he was unshaven, looked unkempt, didn't look that clean, I almost threw up what I had eaten. Didn't go back for a long time, even though the food was okay, his appearance put us right off the place. I would like people looking at my yacht to remark to each other, nice looking boat and crew. But beauty has to come with brains and ability. I am not talking model looks, but just in shape, well groomed and courtious.
Cleanliness is one thing, but you do realize that many chefs start their day at 3AM and by the time you saw him had been working in 100* heat most of the day. One thing I learned early is that if you want to enjoy your meal don't look in the kitchen. I once worked a boat where the captain had us cleaning from the bilge up all day and then expected us to put on dinner uniforms and look spiffy. What you get depends on how things are managed from the top down.
Just for the record, if the tugboat captain is the guy in the upper left, according to dress standards, his tie should be touching his belt.
That's a big boy with a big belly. It's hard to find a tie that will make it to that belt. No respectable tug captain wears a tie (too dangerous). Besides, that door looks like it belongs on a tour boat or water taxi.