Depends on how they are made. If you use chop mat they yes they could be that heavy. (Tons of resin and layers) I used around 4 gal of resin/gel and 1708 bi axle oh and cored the steps. Vacuum bagging would have even made them lighter. They weighed under 50#. The outboard I store under them weigh's a lot more than the steps.
Perfect, thanks. I may need to have them reconfigure them to accommodate the height on our boat. Probably need an extra riser.
Can you tell me the company to contact for a quote for the spiral stairs please? We have a 42 Carver and two Golden's that desperately need stairs instead of the transom ladder. Thanks!
I am looking to get some stairs just like this for our Carver 370. Can you please give me the information on the company/person that is making these for you? Thank you!
Those posts are over 2 years old, so I doubt if you'll get any response. I ended up not getting mine made by Works in Iron and ent to a company in Pennsylvania. They aren't the best fit but I will not blame the company as there was a bit of a communication issue.....I must have given them 3 different measurements and configures. In the end they do what they were intended to do and that's all that matters. There is another person on this board who also had them made by the same company and as I understand the stairs were excellent. PM me if you are interested.
Thanks for the info. Yes, I'm still interested in finding someone that do make a spiral stairs for our boat.
Hello, I was browsing The pages here on the forum and i stumbled on these pictures of a spiral staircase on a Carver aftcabin. I know this post is old but i was really surprised to see these pictures cause it looked identical to my Carver in every way. then i saw the second picture where you can just see the first to letters of the name of the boat and.....It is my Boat! I own this Carver. It used to be Called "Attitude Adjustment" when I bought it.We have since Performed the old Renaming ceramony an renamed her "DEAD RECKONING"! What a Blast to see my boat from its original owners perspective. I would like to thank him For taking top notch Care of her . I purchased this boat in 2016. This post is from 2014. Anyways... Id Like to hear from the original owner if he is still around and if he actually sees this post. Wow! what are the chances of finding a pic of your boat years before ya bought it! Believe it or not...this same thing happened to me before with a 21 foot forester cuddy i used to own. i stumbled on a craigslist post with pictures of it years prior to me purchasing it. Well, We love the spiral stairs and they were really well built. Heavy duty is an understatement. They are sturdy and attractive. it is what caught my eye when i was shopping for a cruiser that faitfull day. The only problem with having a spiral staircase though is that i learned quickly that it is difficult to load supplies onto the boat without an assist from someone due to the railing. its a tight fit when carrying a box or similar item. but i still love them.... well anyway ...WOW! if the original owner sees this post please contact me if you would like . Id love to send you a few pictures of how she looks . just know that she is being well cared for. She is a great Ship!