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Depreciation of a Motor Yacht coming from a sportfisher

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by wiredup, Apr 2, 2024.

  1. MM3

    MM3 Member

    Feb 23, 2016
    New York
    They’ve got several very enjoyable delivery videos. big fan of their content
    wiredup likes this.
  2. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    I do not have access. I might be able to pry it out of one of my broker friends. There is '22 64 SUV on the market, asking quite a bit less than what they go for new. I have seen that video, thx.
    gr8trn likes this.
  3. incoming

    incoming Member

    Jan 14, 2021
    Cocoa Beach, FL
    Back to your original question, I think you’ll find resale/depreciation is more about build quality and brand reputation vs sportfish or cruiser.

    Case in point, as others have pointed out, are Flemmings in the cruising market and I’d add there are lots of high quality down east style US builders whose boats hold their value very well and that cruise easily in the range you are looking for, and have options to add fishability - it’s just hard to find flybridge models. Would you consider a large express/down east?

    The other end of the spectrum are “sportfishing” boats by price point builders like silverton that don’t hold their value any better than their cruising boats (not bashing these for what they are - just meant to be more affordable from the outset)

    If you haven’t looked hard at enclosed bridge sport fishing boats I think you should. Our enclosed bridge Viking was anything but fatiguing to run, and the bridge layout was very social, and you had the option of enjoying the AC or opening up the door, skylight, and windows and being a little more connected to the outside. That said, I did not like being disconnected from the cockpit during fishing (any helm-forward bridge will cause this, enclosed or not), and I just really wanted a smaller boat in general with less to take care of.

    Last suggestion would be to look at Tiara. I’ve always been impressed by their quality and if I were to pivot to a more cruise oriented boat that’s where I’d look first. I think they hold their value well given the build quality and good reputation for support. Recently they’ve trended to outboards, like many of the large sport boat builders, so that’s another consideration. I’ve climbed around on the newer models at boat shows and they are certainly social boats with a lot going for them.
  4. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    Thanks for the advice. I had a 42' custom carolina express for 7 years. Fished it hard, and it was very nice being in the action as the helm chair was right off the cockpit. I actually got tired of being in the action as everyone was gathered around me when running the boat which made it hard to listen to the radio chatter, and hard to concentrate with all the yelling/discussions going on around me. The tuna tower was too tall to really utilize the way I wanted, so I wanted to switch to a flybridge for visibility, and to actually separate myself a little. Went on to a 55' Blackwell custom carolina flybridge.

    Before I got my 62', I looked hard at a 66' Viking enclosed bridge for the reasons you mentioned. After doing research I learned the 62 actually rides better, and is quicker, so went that route. If was going to get an enclosed flybridge sportfisher, I would just stick with what I have, as it is set up perfect. I would also still be inclined to hardcore fish (ie sonar, weekly trips, etc) which is no different than my dilemma now. The Riv is a totally different type of boat that will almost force me to slow down some, but still pick my days fishing. Plus, I like the bow and mezzanine seating areas. I like all the openness with all the windows, and even like the idea of a hydraulic swim platform for a tender. We like to anchor out.

    Tiara's are very nice, just haven't seen a comparable one to the attributes the Riv/Moritimo have. I don't really want outboards. I am intrigued by the palm beach 65. If I was going full cruiser, I actually like a spinoff of the Riv, the Belize 66'.