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Delivered: San Lorenzo Yachts SD122 "Lady Cecilia"

Discussion in 'SanLorenzo News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Nov 15, 2012.

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  1. San Lorenzo's SD122 "Lady Cecilia" delivered

    San Lorenzo delivers another SD122, this time to an owner in Hong Kong. This makes it the first SD122 model to be completed for a Hong Kong client. Her name is "Lady Cecilia" and she is one of the latest SD122 (SD-Semi Displacement) models to be completed by San Lorenzo.

    Lady Cecilia was transported from Genoa, Italy to Hong Kong on a cargo ship where she was offloaded into the water. The composite semi-displacement vessel represents San Lorenzo's intense push to market it's vessel in the Far East and it has been working to a degree, Lady Cecilia is by no means the first San Lorenzo vessel to be delivered to Hong Kong or Chinese clients.

    In the '90s about 20 SL yachts were sold to Hong Kong clients. The good news for San Lorenzo in this region does not end there, the Italian builder secured the sale of a 46-meter STEEL yacht for a client in Hong Kong. That luxury yacht is expected to be completed in 2014.

    For more information:

    San Lorenzo
    Cantieri Navali di Ameglia
    Via Armezzone, 3
    19031 AMEGLIA (SP) / ITALIA

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