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Dehumidifiers: Pros/Cons

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by csalkows, Jan 26, 2012.

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  1. csalkows

    csalkows New Member

    Jan 17, 2012
    Kemah, Tx
    Good inputs. So some on this thread have suggested simply running the existing vessel AC systems in dehumidification mode. I guess I'd like to figure out how to measure the current draw for this case. I'm still wondering if a stand alone dehumidifier drawing only 5A would be more economical.
  2. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    If your built in AC unit has a dehumidifying mode, you don' have to run it continuously. There is a setting to adjust the interval. Mine recycle every six hours for half an hour in the warmer months in addition to 120v cabin fans.
  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    There's more than just power consumtion to consider. There is the cost of the equipment, and the convenience of simply setting your thermostat as opposed to installing the dehumidifier in such a way that it will stay put and be out of the way while the boat is in use or storing it each time you come on board and having to run your a/c to cut the humidity even when you don't want cooling. There are also the times when you'll be on board for extended periods, want dehumidifying but not have to listen to a seperate unit. Then there's the fire hazard. Granted the dehumidifier wll be UL rated, but every piece of electrical equipment you install adds to the risk even if only in a small way. But if you uninstall and stow while using the boat, will it ever bounce around or maybe lie in water while you bounce off waves? Whichever way you go you should look towards making it a permanent installation.