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David Thomson Designs

Discussion in 'Yacht Renderings & Plans' started by tartanski, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. tartanski

    tartanski Member

    Nov 5, 2004
    Hamburg, Dunnon, Buzios
    Hi Everyone,

    Looking back on this discussion with fellow designers with great fondness. As you may have seen in the new thread I started I have found another tool that has inspired me to do my hobby design again. I know VR isn't for everyone but its a very intuitive way to go from sketch in 2D to the full 3D , and because it has multi player collaborative sessions you can review with industry peers like in the video here. I would like nothing better than to do some design and to review it with the fellow designers here in such a tool.

  2. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Hi David,

    Nice to see you here again, and I saw the 3D tool in the other thread. I am afraid I am still not working in 3D in my designs, or rather I have someone else do it from my 2D drawings. We are then milling the moulds from these surface models so they have to be very precise and also made with regards to how you can mould and release the final pieces from the mould. So it is a combination of good looking, seaworthy, practical and what have you, with production and cost considerations...

    I was looking at this Car Design video and I would not have been so polite as Frank was, besides I don't like committee designs anyway. But I hope you continue with the 3D designs and share it with us, I think most of us have both an interest and opinions in new yacht designs!

    BTW, not long ago I tried to design an EV cab, just in 2D of course...

    EV Cab White.jpg
    Apache2k likes this.
  3. tartanski

    tartanski Member

    Nov 5, 2004
    Hamburg, Dunnon, Buzios
    Agreed Sketching tools does not equal CAD. Gravity Sketch is very much in the sketching tool category. I've just tried their iPad app which primarily allows sketching in 2D planes but allows displacement of those planes in 3D so the sketches are ready to turn into 3D. As its primarily designed for automotive design they are focused on getting the sub division surfaces into Alias for Class A, i.e. as you said ,ready for production , with all the tolerances that requires. Yes design by committee, never good, Jon Bannenberg would turn in his grave, however I do like the idea of critiquing other designs together.....