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Custom Diesel Duck "ICE"

Discussion in 'General Trawler Discussion' started by OrthoKevin, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. TeKeela

    TeKeela Member

    May 1, 2012
    NC & Puerto Rico
  2. TeKeela

    TeKeela Member

    May 1, 2012
    NC & Puerto Rico
    And sorry my italics edits carried thru the whole bottom half even though the preview showed otherwise. I can't seem to edit it to be more easily read.

    CaptHolli , I'll stop here, did not think it would be a popcorn incident, I hate popcorn. I don't mind someone else being right if they want. Bottom line that motorsailor boat trawler thing is kinda cool. Thanks for sharing ortho!
  3. Chasm

    Chasm Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2013
    Same tool as always, a Google search.
    The problem was reported in this thread, so of course I clicked the link and scrolled down:
    Looks like Chinese spam has been added.
    So grab one of the terms and ask Google when Google indexed that term on the site.


    You may have to change search options to make the date visible.
    Occasionally you find more pages of the site, or even whole subdirectories that have been added.

    One more note on the date, its not necessarily the date when Google indexed the page or updated the result. It may also be taken form the content of the page. So I just looked in to the Wayback Machine to double check, the spam seems to have been added this year, between January and March. The January 2014 version seems to be clean, March has the extra content.

    IIRC Google behaved a little bit better in the past when it came to time limits on the searches.
  4. tristanrowe

    tristanrowe Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    Falmouth, Cornwall
    Taken directly from Wikipedia, but the most concise explanation I have come across:-"Building a ship to an ice class means that the hull must be thicker, and more scantlings (aggregate of girders, beams, and bulkheads resulting in stronger structural integrity) must be in place. Sea chests (openings in the hull for seawater intake) may need to be arranged differently depending on the class. Sea bays may also be required to ensure that the sea chest does not become blocked with ice. Most of the stronger classes require several forms of rudder and propeller protection. Two rudder pintles are usually required, and strengthened propeller tips are often required in the stronger ice classes. More watertight bulkheads, in addition to those required by a ship's normal class, are usually required. In addition, heating arrangements for fuel tanks, ballast tanks, and other tanks vital to the ship's operation may also be required depending on the class."
    I understand that the scantling upgrades are to allow the vessel to handle (I suppose trapped) in 1 year pack ice, which equates to about 1metre.
  5. Opcn

    Opcn Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    Nordland (near Port Townsend), WA, USA
    For those of you looking to avoid chinese malware is an option, you can look at past versions of the site, which you should be able to figure out from the information already shown in this thread.