I here ya. Maybe look at the Mainship pilot 34’ . I think they are a nice looking , more affordable down East boat. I agree, the Tiara is a very nice boat too. Sabre and East Bay 36-38 ‘ older ones are nice boats, numbers $$ coming down on them too. Yeah, you don’t want a restoration project. Should be able to fine one , where the restoration was completed already.
Neighbor of mine had a Mainship, about 36. So many issues ranging from service access to just plain shoddy quality …
I did a brief search on YW, saw one in Pompano Beach with a 6LP-STE listed at 350 hp. Either the wrong engine designation , or the wrong hp listed, as the STEs are 300 only. No pictures of the engine, or the compartment , no idea how difficult access may be. In that case, not my cup of tea.. Will keep looking, have also considered trawlers, can live with 8 knots all day long, but not sure how they handle the Gulfstream to and from the Bahamas: Rock and Roll? (No old Grand Banks with tons of external bright work, no cute little Ranger Tugs) Decisions, decisions..
Mainship 34’ pilot is a different boat from the old 36’. 34’ is single screw, sounds right on the Hp. Anyway , it’s fun looking around. I consider my old Ocean Yachts aft cabin a fast trawler, mostly cruise at 9/10 knots 1500 rpm my power is two old DD 471 turbos running fine as wine , then I can make time , burn fuel and run 18 knots 2100 rpm . Nice to have the speed at times. A regular old trawler , top speed is 8 or 9 knots. But, Many of them are quite sea worthy. A good old , refurbished Grand Banks 36’ , many made , is a nice idea. Not to much $$ for one of those. Yes varnish work, or just keep it clean and gray.
If the HP is right, then the wrong engine model is listed. Yup, it is kind of fun looking and shopping for boats, but not quite there yet, sitting on the fence and waiting to see which side I fall. Keep the ideas coming, the budget is fairly liberal as we have no kids, every dollar will be spent before we croak and preferably before wearing diapers in a nursing home. (Personally I don’t need a house, much prefer to live on a boat, but mama is not interested in that lifestyle, so a house it is, for the time being.) The Tiara 3800 is whispering my name, does anybody here have personal experience with one of those? A friend had a Tiara 3500 that he was very happy with, but recommended the 3800 as it had better engine access and more room overall.
Tiaras are good but style wise if I was to downsize I would take a hard look at Sabre, East Bay and the like. Even MJMs although outboards usually mean a gas powered gen
Yes Tiaras have style, but also quality and seaworthiness..? Yeah I am open to open brands including Sabre as long as there is no external wood.. (I owned a 44’ woody in the past: If I never see a varnish brush ever again in my life it will be too soon) I probably should get a steel trawler with a stand-up engine room and comes with a hardworking engineer who loves too cook and looks good in a bikini.
Yeah they look good Ralph, but how is the cooking skills? Looks good too, but I can of like inboard diesels, IF they are easy to service.
Online picture from the engine room on a Tiara 3800 open, looks like good access AND it looks like the same engines this thread is about: The Cummins 8.3 Diamond Series? Max speed 30 knots, seems plenty enough, probably a good cruising speed of 21-22 knots?
IMO, I think they are a very nice boat. Seems to be built well and sea worthy. Yeah , plenty fast enough. 20 knots would be nice, but what's the rush, you still could pull it back off plane and look/feel just fine. Hinckley...WAY over priced. Not worth it. Where's your buddy Capt. J ? He runs all kinds of stuff. I'm sure he has run a few of these.
I really liked the Blackfin 33 I used to run. Had Cummins Diamond 450's but they also came with Cats. That boat could cruise and fish very economically. Perfect Caribbean boat.
I had a Sea Ray Sedan Bridge for 3 years that had the 450 diamonds. Great engines and were reliable. By the way, if you buy that boat and need spare parts, I have a lot of spares I need to sell and get spares for new to me boat.
Who me? Not sure what I am doing or where I am going anymore. Still pondering a new boat, still think it may be a good idea, maybe, but I am also very happy doing nothing, as in being tired and retired from boats and their upkeep, repairs, improvements, etc.. For the first time since I was 16 years old I am now a spectator, not a doer and getting very much used to it. If wifey kicks me out and makes me a single senior citizen one of these days, I will get another liveaboard boat for sure. (The Albin 28TE I owned for 5 years and upgraded extensively, including the Stidd seats, are now for sale again as the new owner realized his dog is not made for cruising the ICW. Perfect boat for a single guy)
I've researched these a couple of times. Depending on the layout, same boat as the 38' pursuit. The pursuits only came with volvo's though. They seem to be good riding boats for the size and people love them - but have to be on the lookout for wet coring around windows and other areas where water can find its way in. Some people have reported walking away from several "wet" boats