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Companies now putting it to their workers

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by NYCAP123, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. morbert

    morbert New Member

    Nov 23, 2010
    Coconut Grove
    This is the new reality in USA. We have shipped all our jobs overseas. We dont train or have a robust trade school system. Everybody wants to work on Wall Street which has been the catalist for boom and bust economy. Instead of providing business capital they are betting with exotic instuments providing no value to society at taxpayer exspense. Corporate America has become very Un American. The joke is on them because they have killed the middle class and so who is going to buy there products. Trickle down economics doesnt work if there is no trickle
  2. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    I stand by MY Ford quote and raise you 3 FDRs:

    “No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country”

    “The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it comes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group,”

    “The test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those who have much. It is whether we provide enough to those who have little.”
  3. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    The thing is that the US Government is in bed with big business. Look at General Electric right now. The US Government is going to give them EVERYTHING. Today, the big news is massive spending on railroads ... who is the big beneficiary??? Warren Buffet of course.

    With the old administration, it was Haliburton. I was just listening to the numbers regarding the 120 million we give to Egypt EVERY month. There is a string attached ... they have to turn around and spend $100 million of it to buy stuff from Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Haliburton, Boeing etc etc. Just another massive big business scam in my opinion.

    All the moralistic mumbo jumbo means nothing when you are borrowing to make it happen. The U.S. Government is nothing more than another ponzi scheme operator like Madoff or Follieri or Stanford.

    Put through a balanced budget amendment. Then, we will spend the money on what actually desperately needs the money. Just like any business.

    Also, got to make sure every voter has a stake ... so, if you are on the dole, no vote. Sorry.

  4. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave

    Those "on the dole" probably have more at stake then a few others ... unless of course by "dole" you mean corporate welfare.

    If you want to clean out the carptebaggers all ya gotta do is call lobbying a crime and prosecute those who deliver or accept bribes.

    Eliminate "soft money" and all the other gimmicks that disguise influence peddling. Outlaw PACs and other money laundering groups and finally, or maybe this alone will clean it up ... allow only registered voters in a politician's constituency who are legally allowed to cast a vote for a candidate to make any political contribution that supports that candidate. And place a very low limit on that.

    Corporations, unions, PACs, lobbying groups, or any other person or organization that puts money or services into the kitty of a politician is committing bribery, plain and simple.

    Give the government back to the people.
  5. morbert

    morbert New Member

    Nov 23, 2010
    Coconut Grove

    I think you understand. Nobody talks about corporate welfare-farm subsides,military industrial complex as welfare. All the noise coming from Dems and Repubs you would think they are opposites but what happens in Washington is the revolving door between gov and lobbing and nothing changes. Follow the money
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The Ponzi scheme started the day we went off the gold standard, but it's normal. Nearly every nation is operating on money they don't have. Run short...print more. Sure wish I could do that. It works great...until it doesn't. I've always said that if you want to turn an honest man into a crook, elect him.:rolleyes:
    Marmot, you've been coming up with some good quotes. Of course those morals have been gone since the 'greed is good' days.
  7. ArcanisX

    ArcanisX Senior Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Tel Aviv.
    Know, guys, honestly, I figure you don't imagine in full how good you got it: that stops to work when local currency loses all credibility whatsoever, and mr.Buck, aka world-first-currency of the moment, got the most reserve in that regard.

    We here in Russia been through times where it didn't work with Rouble in 90's. That was, uh, errm, "fun".
  8. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    Some of us realize that unless we return to what made this country great, we will surely lose it all. That is limited government and maximum freedom! Our current track is to have more voters on the dole than producing. Once that happens, the country will be just like every other failed empire or nation.

    It is my personal belief that we many at the highest levels of our government that are working with all their heart and sole towards the demise of America.

    Any politician who has voted to increase our debt level above a couple of trillion dollars is part of the problem.

    We need a balanced budget amendment and the government accounting should be to GAAP standards.

    Until we have a balanced budget and begin paying off the 14 trillion you will know that America is on the fast track to go the way of failed civilizations of the past.
  9. bernd1972

    bernd1972 Senior Member

    Mar 1, 2011
    Flensburg, Germany
    When things got out of balance you can´t solve the problem by pointing at some of the consequences. I mean you just can´t cure an illness by surpessing the symptoms, complaining abut them or looking for someone to blame for.
    It´s not nations that produce more and more dept, it´s the currency system. A currency that is not owned and controlled by its nation is a strong weapon against it. Today nations no longer own their currencies, it´s quite the opposite. And those correncies are backed by nothing but the basic need for the nations people to use it.
    "Give me the control of a nations currency and I don´t care who makes its laws." (N. Rothschildt)

    The idea of producing cheaper somewhere else while increasing the profits, the whole globalization nonsense, only works for huge corporate entities. and for the banks, obviously since the charge a trbute on every financed product. When you have 50% financing costs in a product that need to be paid even if the buyer pays cash it´s obvious that those who have to work and produce some value for their money, both employers and employees, are on the loosing side of this game. Some people still believe that there is such a thing as the economy of a nation. I think that only applies to small business.
    Big corporte money is homeless and without any resposibility to anybody. And today it can even make nations and currences fight against each other, both economical and in the meaning of wars.

    No, I am not a Marxist in the meaning of believing in socialism. Socialism is an utopic ideal which only works with idealistic utopists, not with humans. But Marx was an intelligent econiomist who simply discribest the resullts of a socially unbalanced economy. His theories were pretty rough as he experienced a rough fast changing society back in these days. Many of his conclusions were misguided because of that. But it was quite some time after his days when this was converted into a faulty philosohpy.

    I am rather with Ludwig Erhard on these things. Give people the oportunity to make a living and build their own future by paying good wages for good work. Keep the prices balanced with the wages. The basic public needs such as energy production should be public property. Corporate institutions should be kept from building monopoles. A free market needs equal competition and balance between the participants. The labor market is where small individuals sell their work to the employers who are obviously in a more powerfull position. It´s the state´s job to balance this by creating a legal framework that´s fair to both sides. But obviously the whole sitution is too far our of balance for anapproach like this.

    Nowadays you are a slave to the system if you don´t have the capital to cover the interests included in every product you buy with interests earned on you own capital. I believe that for a middle class family that would be at least half a milion of free capital. Show me that family and I can show you real middle class, free people. Doesn´t exist anymore? Not in middle class, they are to be considered wealthy? Well, there it is, the problem with the lost balance. An economy based on depts and interests instead of the value of products and labour is supposed to grow like cancer and then fail in the long run. And we´re right at the end of this story now.
  10. MistrCoffe

    MistrCoffe New Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    Insanity is doing it again and expecting a different result

    It is amusing to read all the viewpoints. I can't believe that anyone thinks one party or the other is truly better. The last administration gave freedoms to business, and they abused it. AIG investing in junk mortgages because the people making the decisions were guaranteed their millions. Then the last administration sending them billions when they couldn't afford the bonuses. Now this administration is implementing laws and regs just to be doing something I guess as they are mostly ineffectual or harmful. Until people stop electing incumbents, allow there to be such amazing pay and benefits in Washington, and for heaven sake there should be NO RETIREMENT no matter how long anyone on the capital managed to milk a lucrative non job there. Lobbying has to eliminated, period. Companies vs. unions? Same deal. If employers had taken care of business there would be no unions, if unions don't stop treating nearly every business like it is an 1980's sweatshop there will be no one to work for. For corporations it has to be the same as individuals, you can have all the freedom in the world, but when you abuse it you lose freedoms. That's the law for all of us walking the streets should be no difference there. Unions who through unrealistic expectations (i.e. US steel industry) are destroying businesses must be accountable. The people in DC are in it for themselves. The only semblance of party difference is in who is buttering their bread and dictates their rhetoric to them.
  11. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    I agree ... The "Halliburton" administration spent all of our money on war and big business.

    The "General Electric/Obamacare" administration is blowing our money on unions, huge government and green dopey dreams.

    This is why the balanced budget amendment and GAAP accounting for government is the answer. Once the money is limited, it will become VERY clear which party is spending the very limited funds most beneficially for the nation.
