Spencer has built quite a few 43 Express' with the Volvo IPS system, and they have won a few tournaments as well
Hey now.. That's some news. Thx I do remember (just now) reading long ago some SF builder using IPS and they put in an exhaust diverter valve. Their idea was to keep that clean wake behind the stern from exhaust bubbles / noise and dump the exhaust/water conventionally from the transom corners while trolling. The article did not mention any granders hooked yet. For sure the DP or Coaxial don't spin and break any sonic booms. I guess that any noise they make, who knows what fish think of it. It's not that throbbing sound that big DDs and big props make those fish raising stories possible.
All of the Cabo 40's with the ZUES drives had thru transom exhaust. They built quite a few Zues 40's.