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Cigarette Electric 42' Raceboat

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Capt J, Aug 19, 2013.

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  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Anyways, the reason I brought this up is that electric boats and such, the technology is getting to where it's becoming useful with advances in Battery technology and the like. I think if Cigarette designed the boat to have a top speed of 60mph maybe 70mph tops, and you can run electric motors all day at full capacity, you could get a diesel electric version to have a good range and have it work out. If you lost a few of the electric motors so it only needs enough to do 60-70 MPH max, then added a diesel generator lets say a 12kw and 20-40 gallon fuel tank if thats what you need to equal a 50amp-250v shorepower connection and get some decent regeneration/charging of the battery banks... while you're at a restaurant or swimming or whatever....You could have a diesel electric raceboat that for the occasional users needs works without having to maintain problematic engines and such.......And most cigarette guys aren't cruising more than 50mph except for short bursts usually anyways.