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China marine board new yacht build rules and regs

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by gerwood, Apr 5, 2011.

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  1. _________
    From the moment you do understand that the visa is a money machine you will understand that you need to pay for one.

    When the Bosch guy want 1 year visa he get it. But when he is Bosch in China means he works here. That will say has to pay tax and get a working permit.

    Without any face or who you are you have to obey the rules and trust me I know what I'm talking about with that visa trouble.

    I invest a lot here but just to earn my money but all I earn go out, let that be clear.

    And China invest in attracting foreign capital and investors as long China owns it.

    So yacht building they promote to give people a job to build it. And to export it to get money in, thats one.

    Second they promote huge in marina's to show better life and lifestyle to the rich and famous....why?

    Too many rich Chinese leave the country...they want them to stay. So create here a good life.

    And that is possible very well....

    Ahum, as long as you're a Chinese with all respect.
  2. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    Willight, when your business visa expired during the olympics you couldn't buy a new one whatever you tried. I've seen it happening many times and all with business owners living either in HK or overseas.
    Regulations are invented and applied overnight and you can own whatever you like in China but unless you're high up in the party or have the right connections you'll be screwed and have no rights to fall back on whatsoever. What basis is that for a long term investment?
  3. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    A lot has been said about China in the past but I'd like to make one more addition to this tread.

    I'm not sure about the background of the latest marina projects in mainland China but I do know for a fact that 2 of the largest marina's in HK are developed for one reason only which is to increase the value of the property surrounding them. This also explains why these marina's have no basic facilities like dry-stacking, hauling out and launching ramp. They are mainly used for advertising of the high rise surrounding them.

    The reason why wealthy Chinese leave China is simple.
    China has a corrupt system; a market economie that is based on on kick-backs. you can not make serious money without handing out kick backs. You can not even make small money without deviating from the law. China carries the death penalty for corruption and more and more officials and business men are arrested and locked up these days. Apart from that you can be arrested and locked up under very dodgy circumstances at any given time for reasons you'll may never find out. You won't have access to a good lawyer and you're completely surrendered to the mercy of the party bosses. (like Ai WeiWei, the famous architect of the bird's nest olympic stadium recently)
    When you want to ensure a good future for yourself and your family the best thing to do is to make as much money as possible and as fast as possible, then get the hell out before the **** hits the fan.
    This explains why so much crap leaves China. Builders are not interested at all in building something up for the long term; they want to become rich as fast as possible, have their wife give birth overseas and aquire a 2nd nationality by doing so. Then they can leave China and settle elsewhere (Canada). Now they can live a life in peace and luxury without the fear of being arrested and locked up and maybe even executed as countries like Canada do not extradite to countries that carry the death penalty.

    The entire system is corrupt to the bone and the only ways of being succesfull in China is either to have influencial friends at strategic places or to keep a low profile. I am sure that all the builders that do produce good quality have friends in the right places. There is just no way that someone would seriously invest in a production yard while risking to loose it all overnight.
  4. _____________

    Hi tirekicker,

    Yes, you're right for a great part but that was the history and even very short ago. I've seen it all.

    The guys who are captured now did very bad things and didn't share, that was their mistake.

    From 2 years ago all were warned and they started with sorta clean sheet. Who after that still is busy with fraud and corruption will face serious trouble.

    Therefor still a lot leave to not take the risk.

    For the rest I know lots of companies (foreign) who invest here and do great business and that is what government want...JOBS FOR THE PEOPLE!!

    You think they will shoot their own leg spoiling that? Nope!

    The people who we read about in the newspapers like the architect you mean they got the opportunity to become famous and rich by the system here and after that they start to scream that it is **** here and ll need to have more freedom. Hey, why you insult the hand who feed you?

    In China is simple, there is freedom for all who can handle,....when you cannot? The government helps you but you do as they say.

    Look even in western countries what become of unlimited freedom....a bloody mess as 75% of the people need to be guided and cannot handle freedom.

    Now yachting: government here gives you all money and facilities you want under conditions:
    Create jobs for people! nothing more nothing less.
    Indeed, real estate around increase in value, more businesses are attracted and so on...I think that is good.

    Do you own that marina then? Of course not, you build it with government money....but Jeezzzzz, they let you harvest till you drop.....only share it...when not? you're out.

    So when you want to build yachts and benefit people who are willing to work hard, low labour costs and easy're on the right place.

    The guys who couldn't get their via extended during Olimpics? They say they own companies here, they invest here and so ask them if they have a working permit....99,9% answer...NO!

    Then China start to you since the Olimpics and all were warned 1 month before...START PAYING YOUR INCOME TAX IN CHINA!!!!!! GET A WORKING PERMIT!!!!
    I had the same and resolved it like that and I took the warning serious....not like many did...Huh, what the hell they think? I invest in China so I have all rights....yes you have...follow the rules...nothing more nothing less.

    I NEVER faced trouble here at all....but I obey them and earn my money and have a great and above life here.

    By the way..... I hate production I select a great foreign owned yard and build there, hire the best manager world wide and I'm doing great.
  5. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    Good points.

    nevertheless it's a rotten system that keeps itself in place by non-transparant social and political rules.
    In order to do business in China you've got to understand the system and that's why foreigners better use consultants like yourself in order to avoid being hassled around.
  6. __________

    Yes sir, 100% agree with you.

    Most of all RESPECT the system as you will always lose in case you don't. No problem at all, but don't try to do business then here.

    I love it here....the freedom is huge!
  7. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Around here we used the term 'You can't fight City Hall'. It always pays to know the rules before you play the game.
  8. __________

    Couldn't say it any better... :rolleyes:
  9. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Indigenous Chinese Market for Yachts

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the market for yachts to the indigenous Chinese businessman (the ones who could afford such items) is extremely limited due principally to the fact that these yacht items do not represent a status situation yet in that culture.

    When a Chinese businessman first gains some financial success he buys himself a status vehicle such as a Mercedes (highest per-capita ownership in Singapore) or a Rolls (highest per-capita ownership in Hong Kong). These are symbols of financial wealth and standing among their peers.

    Next comes a concubine...and we all know how expensive these can become.

    He is also 'driven' to succeed, so his fee time is limited. Taking fee time to go sailing in a sail powered vessel will likely very seldom accrue, so I would never try to market sailing craft to the Chinese culture. Power boats....maybe...but it needs to grow more before I would get involved.

    China is a source of low cost labor to build boats for the outside world.
  10. Bill106

    Bill106 Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    Beaufort NC
    For what is considered a repressed country by the rest of the free world, they sure are forward-thinking in that area! Too bad our founding fathers didn't write that one into the books because it doesn't stand a snowball's chance of ever getting voted in with our current "leadership".
  11. ____________

    Yes I will correct if you don't mind as indeed you're very wrong here!!

    Cars they have by dozens, houses, villa's, golf course condo's......dozens as well. Does this mean a few rich ones only? There are a sh.t load of these guys and more to find then in Europe.

    Where western rich people spend there hard earned money careful the Chinese search for everything which confirm his wealth and waste his money on a way you will never believe!!!

    Right now after having all others stuff yachting is booming here but they search for other vessels then we do.

    Only what is in common is they must be big and fast. They only want big KTV's inside to entertain their friends and relations, an 80' with 2 bedrooms is enough as long as it has party space. 5 bedrooms? What the hell that is used for? You want to sleep on a boat? 2 bedrooms for other things if you know what I mean is OK.

    Next is that they look, pay and want it now, not next year by waiting till it is ready. Ups, small problem as well but some rich builders or importers put simply stock.

    Sailing you're little right, the market is small but not to under estimate. Like Shenzhen yacht club just ordered 10!! 40 and 60' racers to extend there activities. And mark my words, the younger generation gets rich now which are more educated and mondial travelling so sailing is matter of few years more.

    When people are interested in the Chinese market you have to be here now, after few years you're too late and others are already settled knowing how to handle it.
  12. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The standard rule of business is 'If someone is successful keep piling in competition until the market is saturated, the keep more coming'. That's why that good song is played on the radio 20x's a day until you hate it and why, if you put up a McDonalds, there will soon be a Burger King, Wendys, Checkers, Jack In The Box, and a White Castle within sight of it. China will be no different.
  13. ____________

    Agree 100%,

    Only right now you get it all for free here by government support and easy start.
    From few years from now it requires same struggle and money as starting a company in any other western country.

    Then it will be very hard to beat the "locals".
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Used to be here that you'd find at least one hardware store in every little town and a marine store in every little coastal town. Now it's all Home Depot and West Marine.:( When you're dealing with mega corps. "Locals" are only temporary inconveniences. And they deal in so much money that they always get preferential treatment. Cherish these times.
  15. _________

    Sure cherish the time and above all take care to stay flexible. Do not stick solid to ground.
    Take care YOU are the business, that moves easy.
  16. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    The discussion wether and when China is going to boom into a yachting nation is always alive in these regions. Some are very positive wish-full thinkers but I am not one of them. Providing that China is going to boom into a 'yachting nation' like Hong Kong and Taiwan then still it's a tiny small minority of Chinese who will own yachts. The majority of yachts build will be for export. I have no reason to believe that Mainland Chinese are going to 'consume' more than HK or Taiwan Chinese.

    We've had a similar discussion here a short while ago with IMO very good contributions from Toolmaker.
  17. We've had a similar discussion here a short while ago with IMO very good contributions from Toolmaker.[/QUOTE]

    Hi TK11,

    Just read the thread you told started by Toolmaker. I'm very much agree with him. His general idea is that it is NOW the time to invest in China yachting. Indeed market is small but profits are good enough to cover.

    But his main point where he's right:

    Get your self government relations and good friends here.....when not? keep visiting the culture and forget business here!!

    Therefor indeed stay here few years and investing/losing money and see that as a very well paid school. When you're open minded it will pay back ...HUGE!