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Cheoy Lee split wood panels

Discussion in 'Cheoy Lee Yacht' started by captm, May 5, 2006.

  1. panamagold

    panamagold New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
    San Diego/ Panama
    Its bad,really bad

    Hi I am a boat owner and Artist that works with wood paneling alot and a former Cheoy Lee owner.

    I think your problem is really bad. Chances are CL built your whole interior with improperly laminated wood panels. There iare only cosmetic patches that you can have done to fix it but then it will crack in another place. Your interior will eventually turn into one big patch. You can look forward to a lifetime of having this problem.

    Either the company they get their panels from used too green a wood and the adhesive will not hold. The adhesive was not marine grade or was not properly applied.

    I truly think you have been sold a lemon and will have a lifetime of sorrows with your interior.:mad:
  2. Flyingfishmari

    Flyingfishmari New Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    2004 72'Cheoy Lee

    I have been involved with a 2004 72'Cheoy Lee since owner delivery. There were signs of veneer failure right away. Compass Point and Cheoy Lee were both notified. We were assured that the problem would be corrected. Upon our return form Mexico and Alaska representatives from Cheoy Lee came aboard and inspected the veneers. The problem was becoming progressive and a plan was made to begin repairs. We were eager to use the vessel and did. When we were able, over the years and travel time, we made the vessel available and Cheoy Lee sent a crew onboard to make repairs. Over time the problem persisted and the repairs failed as well. Summer of 2009, Bill Gross and BY Lo become involved and bring onboard an Artist/Technician. In a couple of hours he had inspected and taken measurements of all the failing veneers. We made a plan to meet in San Diego and make the vessel available for repairs.
    The response and commitment to stand behind their Cheoy Lee Product is most admirable today. Without hesitation, BY Lo and Bill Gross have answered the bell and made good on their promise to repair and complete the interior repairs. Going to great length and expense Cheoy Lee has made sure that we were satisfied. I welcome all inquiries about the experience and workmanship that have been performed.
  3. Flyingfishmari

    Flyingfishmari New Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    Dated correction to be Summer 2010

    Dated correction. We returned from Mexico and Central America in May 2010. Cheoy Lee reps, Bill Gross and Paul Yehlan came aboard by direction of BY LO to inspect and review the interior veneers. We moved the vessel to San Diego for the winter season and the work was completed there in fine fashion.