Capt Ralph No this is my first boat ownership looking for using this as my office /liveaboard probably 70% of the time since I am in Florida and then taking it out on the water once or twice a week. I will be taking courses and hiring a Captain to get some good training so initially will take things very slow until I have the right training not looking to hurt myself or others. I am in my late 40's and a business owner so not a crazy kid looking to get in trouble. I have been on high speed powerboats with friends that have experience driving boats. I am looking for an express cruiser style boat in the 50-60 foot range
Pascal appreciate the input. Not attached to this boat just gathering info from more experienced boaters like yourself to understand reality I am not focused on resale value I see buying a boat like going to a Casino the money is never recoupable but there is some fun while it lasts and I have a loss threshold I am willing to accept for that fun
Blimey a lot of doom and gloom merchants on here .Take along a CAT guy and eye ball it , start em up,and run them up. Go from there . If still keen take an oil sample for analysis at the very least . Wait for that report and the CAT guys feelings . Under air or over fuelling = black smoke . Fresh filters - refurbed injectors might be all it needs to stop smoking . The other stuff like refurb water pumps , cleaning the coolers etc are pretty normal ish maintenance regardless wether it’s 4 yrs or 40:yrs old . Step on board with a mental slush fund of $100 K - like you said at the casino table , sit down with €100 K s worth of chips . You might finish up or down .
Appreciate the info Fiametta42, After getting a copy of a recent survey from the selling broker it had way too many other issues than just the engines so it was good to go through the exercise. What I am noticing is most boats in the 50 - 60 foot range and under $100k asking price needs a lot of work. Considering many of these boats were probably north of $500K new bringing them back to life has a pretty large price tag to value both in enjoyment and resale if one is looking at future resale. I will continue my search for a boat and see where it takes me. There is definitely a lot of experience on these forums so it is nice to leverage the trial and errors from others experience.
LOLOLOL, what do you expect for $100k? A good used 25' center console with a single outboard sells for $100k. 99.9% of 50-60' yachts that you could buy for $100k, you will never get the money they need put into them, back out of them, even if you do all of your own work.
I am also finding that 90% of these sellers are full of $%it and can never backup any of the "I've invested 50+K" and can't show one receipt or any work / maintenance logs and the boat looks like it's falling apart, can't do a successful sea trial etc, etc. I am in no rush and if I have to wait a couple years and increase my budget I will in the future or if the right boat comes along. I am not an emotional buyer so I am fine with the outcome good or not. Just a side note I notice several captains on this forum in the Miami / Ft Lauderdale area after speaking to a few insurance companies they stated I would need to spend 40 hours on the water with a captain anyone do training on 50+ foot boats and what are your fees? I was also looking to take boating courses and possible captains license to get some book training. I would rather be prepared vs being in a bad spot and not know the proper procedures or cause an issue for other boat(s) due to my inexperience. I drove 45 foot SUV limos for 15 years but I know boats are a whole different animal. You have given me a lot of info in a short period of time so your experience is valued.
When it comes to personal preferences, each to their own, of course. But 'fiuaskme, as an office/liveaboard boat I can think of many better alternatives. PS: on second thought, I would struggle to think of any worse alternative...
mapism: LOL life is about having fun!!! bayoubud: I agree 100% but I guess they think it will work or I am sure it has worked with other buyers so they keep using the same lines to sell their boat(s).
As a home / office even part time I would not consider an express style boat where the area you will spend the most time is nothing more than a cave with no view. Instead look for something where the salon area is up on the main deck and fully enclosed.
Bingo. BTW, many folks are attracted by express style boats not so much because of speed or better handling, but rather for the "open air" appeal. Then again, flybridge boats, on top of offering much larger and more convenient interiors, are actually better also in terms of open air cruising, when helmed from upstair. Anyway, as I said, each to their own! I still see many technical reasons for not considering that boat, regardless of personal preferences on the boat style.
mapism - I have taken the Tempest 60 off my list based on many factors I looked at a few 1973 45 and 47 Chris Craft Commanders and an 1981 58 Bertram and they definitely were very comfortable and spacious as a home/office scenario. I am sure I will find something , need to get clear on what I really want / can afford so fun doesn't turn into a headache. I am sure all boats can become a headache very quickly. I am starting to understand the boating world a little more everyday. Never learn if you don't jump in.
<<-------- Lived on, worked from and travel on our 58' Bertram MY. In good shape, if you don't mind mind blowing gallons to the mile, makes for an interesting home / office..
Kishore Lots of great advice here from real pros. I’m just 3 years into my ownership after probably 10 years thinking, planning, dreaming. And your posts sound like me 10 years ago. . My learning curve was … 1. There really are no deals out there. Anything priced “low” or “cheap” or “attractive” are to be avoided. They maintenance or work involved are astronomical. “Cheap” boats sellers are looking for newbies to offload their problems. Newbies like you 2. I learned my initial “budget” doubled twice to get what I really learned I needed. And now that I’ve been in boating I know what I have fits me great. So start looking at $300k boats. ($79 tempest doubled is $158 and double that again to get to $300). And once you see what’s avail for $300k half double again. The functional running boat you want is probably $450k at least 3. Marina space is hard is expensive and vast majority do not allow lives aboards. And you can’t live on one parked behind a house off the ICW. Or anchor our to live on. 4.Start going to boat shows now that they are coming back and walk on a lot of boats. Look. Smell go into the engine rooms… then you’ll know what you want. I thought I was a 36-40’ single trawler guy… until I walked onto a few flybridge motor yachts. good luck in your search
Koffee Cruising appreciate the input I see things can add up fast and depending on whether you do the work or not. There is a lot of catch 22's for everything from the boat purchase , insurance , DIY boatyards. Example a DIY boat yard I spoke to wants Full Coverage Insurance and you to purchase all supplies from their yard. The supplies I understand they need to make some money as the per day yard time was low. The catch 22 - most insurance companies won't give you Full Coverage Insurance for a project boat and being a new boat owner / operator. So that boils down to you have to pay a yard to do all the work which then gets to your point of doubling or tripling costs. Also sellers give you very little info or conflicting info about the boat so you get to the offer do the surveys / sea trial and the potential buyer is on the hook for $3-4K with haul out / splash costs and then the seller sees that your vested and may not walk or the buyer maybe emotionally attached and they can't walk. I am glad I am not an emotional buyer and never have been so if the numbers don't make sense to me I don't even make an offer or if I do it will be very low to the point of possibly offending the seller / seller broker based on the asking price.
Offend them. That's what brokers are there for. Thankfully, there are proper yacht brokers. They usually would not be caught in the same town as this topic or have anything to do with this listing. It is this caliber that you need to seek. There are a few among us on YF.
From all the responses on this thread on most of these used project boats they are all worth nothing or close to nothing. The second challenge is finding good reputable vendors to do work it is effecting all industries across the board. Off topic but on a renovation of my Condo many years ago I hired several sub contractors to do things I just did not want or have the skill to do. Most of them did not last more than 4 hours on their first day because they would cut corners or do half a$$ed work . I would pay them for the four hours and ask them to leave. We have definetly gone in a very poor direction in society today always one scam or another someone always hustling and BS to make a buck. I can't afford "dealer" prices but when you pay good money say $125 for a mechanic and they are a hack patience gets very thin and I get annoyed very quickly.