Here in the US, Ive seen a lot of MAN owners only do the 1000 hours service AT 1000 hours and thats usually 8-10 years later and the heat exchangers are always fine. You just never hear of MAN heat exchanger failures and no Cummins ones either for that matter. The CAT seems to be the anomaly.
As info, when we purchased in 2019 we had that A1 service plus a bunch of other things performed on the MAN's. The PO could not provide a record of prior service so it was a real concern. Once apart and before cleaning we took pictures. The HE components were surprisingly good/clear. The boat had/has spent most of its life in fresh water but we were surprised as to the lack of build up, etc although there definitely was some. We had gotten input from a couple of MAN shops/tech's that in fresh water periodic bore scope is fine and to only clean when indicated versus automatic every two years. They had seen boats go several (over 5) years without issue, but to be careful and do the scope checks regardless. I would also estimate that usage also has an impact on frequency so that is a factor to consider.