Well, I have a hard time reacting much to damaged boats and marinas when I see the devastation in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and a couple of other islands. I don't see a way out for those in Puerto Rico unless the help comes faster and in greater volume. Right now it's a survival of, perhaps not the fittest, but those with the least integrity in a fight over food, water, and fuel. There are so many terrified people. People with medical problems getting no care. It's the worst devastation ever to US Citizens and compared to the situation there Texas and Florida barely register. Those sent there to help are still on search and rescue and not really started on helping people recover. Unfortunately, that leaves a lot of people without medical care and a good part of 3.3 million in need of food and water. I feel so much sadness for them and feel so helpless to do anything for them. Now, I know our topics here are boats and marinas and they are important in many lives. Much of the Caribbean depends heavily on tourism and many jobs tied to yachting. And I do appreciate Fishtigua's humor too. Humor of those around me is what has helped me through all of this. We've had a three year old in our care the past week and she has no idea how much her playfulness has meant. Fortunately too, I have a wife who can always lift me up from these thoughts and we are going to escape all hurricane activity for a few days starting this weekend. I feel a bit guilty doing so when so many can't. However, right now there's nothing productive I can do and maybe by the time I refresh myself there will be.
Floating docks are ok for many storms but it gets to a point when the wind pressure combined with the leverage of the docks and boats high on the pilings is just too much. You don't have much leverage when the docks are low on the pilings but once they reach the top, the leverage is too much and either the concrete piling snap or they tilt and the whole dock floats away Don't forget that wind pressure increases exponentially. From 100 kts t0 120kts, pressure doesn't go up 20% but more like 200%. I ve been looking at the damage we ve had here in the grove, which boats made it and which didn't. It s really not surprising and we only got about 100kts None of the boats that stayed on tee heads didn't make it. That's no surprise as for Wilma in 05, the same thing happened. Of all the boats just inside the Tee heads, my hatt is the only one which survived and as much as I would like to think that the work i did is the reason, honestly luck played a part. the way these old boats were built played a big part. Newer boats show dramatic hull failure with large cracks and yet virtually no rubbing marks and scratches. On the other hand, my boat is full of heavy scratches and the area that failed and opened up ( rub rail ) over about 15 to 20' looks like someone took a grinder to the fiberglass. No cracks, just grinding. Very interesting. As to the damage in st Maarten, none of these boats had a chance. Simpson bay offers no protection from winds as its surrounded by low lying areas in all but the eastern quadrant. While closed from the open water it still has a very long fetch for the waves to build. Staying there works for 100kts but was suicide in any thing stronger And let's not forget this was uncharted territory. No 160kts hurricane has ever made landfall in a developed area that I know of
Well, he was asking about boats tied in a slip, so I made an assumption that the lines held, the dock remained intact, and it wasn't a catamaran flipped like a pancake.