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Broward Sportfish Yacht

Discussion in 'Broward Yacht' started by YachtForums, Sep 27, 2004.

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  1. dennismc

    dennismc Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Vancouver BC

    If those pics represent aluminum corrosion after less that 100 yrs, it's pretty sick.. IMHO Broward is not the best builder by a long shot in aluminum..Burger is the standard.
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    As the old saying goes "Don't be a coward, go to sea on a Broward!"
  3. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    Broward certainly built a boat that could turn heads back in the day, and they enjoyed a certain amount of "South Florida Lifestyle" cache... but I don't think anyone considered them to be the industry standard for quality.
  4. kkreicker1

    kkreicker1 Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2011
    Naples, FL or Saugatuck, MI
    I can tell you that the "former" owners of Broward yachts are into a major legal battle. They use to own a huge plot of land and a Broward factory in Saugatuck, MI. And the family is in turmoil.

    I thought of buying a Broward boat but bought a Hatteras yacht instead.I wanted a large supply of parts.
  5. kkreicker1

    kkreicker1 Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2011
    Naples, FL or Saugatuck, MI
    You are so right....
  6. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    It was written with a hint of sarcasm however if you were to look at the history ownership of both this particular yacht and the yard they have been in the same hands at the same time over a number of years.

    Nobody is saying that they are the top of the line but alot of folk have gotten alot of fun out of various Browards and they have kept alot of people in work.

    As for the family turmoil, I would say it is nothing more and nothing less than you would expect to see in a "Dallas" like TV opera, makes for a good laugh if you are not involved.
  7. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    @ Kafue and yacht Jockey -

    you both have a point - however if your discrediting my statements as mate - the photos speak for them selves.

    I speak in facts here on this ship and on it's condition and facts of the reasons why it came to be.

    I have others to back me up and photos to prove my statements. AS a matter of fact it's pretty common knowledge what the captain has done to this boat and others.
    Perhaps if someone had posted about M?Y the Rock - the damgae to Odyssey wouldn't have happened.

    This is not the fist vessel the captain has destoyed. Nor the first owner he's swindled.

    Now if you find my tone as a member of the working Yachting community slighted by this mans actions - that's true enough. And who wouldn't be?

    Only those that his actions don't offend - i would be leary of. As thjey say birds of feather flock together.

    I do understand the statement that you don't know me - true enough I could be anyone. Rest assured i wouldn't come to any board - or talk to any one about this if my reputation in the yachting industry wasn't what it is.

    I'm known in the industry for my work and as my last Captain stated - "Honesty beyond reproach"

    History isn't always pretty folks
    - the history of this vessel - it's condition - what happened to it - why and by whom... isn't pretty.
    Not the best side of the yachting industry by far i agree - actually the worst side.

    Would you prefer me to color the history with flowers like the captain did the damage to this vessel with epoxy...?

    Sorry - i won't stand up here and lie about it - or cover the facts up for you or for Matt. typo's and all.

    Warning you and all of this Captain - sure - why shouldn't i? He give the Yachting industry a bad name - he is the problem with the industry. Him and those like him.

    I've worked with Captains that are hard - soft - Sob's - Good ones bad ones and inbetween - we're not talking about personal conflict here nor a clash of personalities.

    We're talking about intentional sabatoge - intentional destruction - intentionally going out his way to destroy for personal gain
    and what ever other reason he comes up with for doing it. (like not wanting to go to sea for a few months or just being pissed off at the owner)

    If you check with many vessels in the Norht East you'd find he's bee n tossed off many a vessel by the owners.
    IF you check with the the Rock's owners - or perhaps even it's current Captain - you'll find i speak the truth here.
    And that it goes beyond just - destruction of the vessel.
  8. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    Quick add here in response to having seen a lot of corrotion in Browards.


    And perhaps you'd like to know "how he did it"
    I and others know - including Matt himself how he did it.

    That i won't publicize - sorry.
  9. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Although the big news from FLIBS was Broward’s back in business, plugging holes in a Broward is old news. Broward's were good boats in their day, but better built boats have made their way to the marketplace in recent years.

    First mate, it seems you're hell bent on destroying the reputation of this captain. YF isn't the place to air dirty laundry and we take subject of slander very seriously, therefore the captain's name is being edited from your posts. If you'd like to continue on the subject of aluminum and corrosion (duh!), then your experience is welcome. Short of that, take your one-man defamatory campaign elsewhere.
  10. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    Plugging holes in any vessel is old news.

    History of a vessel - as this thread is about - so i read. Isn't always pretty as stated above.

    Aluminuim and corrosion (duh!) one thing.
    Of course if you're not actually a seaman - you wouldn't know the difference between natural corrosion - and a sabbataged vessel.

    First year seaman know what to look for - duh...

    Hell bent on letting every one know that is interested in this vessel what happened - what caused it and by whom... **** right i am.

    The current Captain at the time of this writting has destroyed his own reputation and burnt enough bridges on his own - he doesn't need my hel; in that area.

    Reporting it as news as in the case of this thread as part of the history of the Odyssey - which included the facts names of persons involved and their part in those facts - is nothing more than standard reporting..

    However - Since you take slander / deflamitory statements seriously then you must know what it meands ie:
    1. law
    a. defamation in some transient form, as by spoken words, gestures, etc
    b. a slanderous statement, etc
    2. any false or defamatory words spoken about a person; calumny"

    "Defamation is an injury to the reputation or character of someone resulting from the false statements or actions of another. Defamation is a false attack on your good name. Your good name is regarded as a proprietary interest, not a personal interest. Defamation is an improper and unlawful attack against your proprietary right to your good name, your reputation."

    Unfortunatly - That has not occured here... but do as you will.
    I understand your fears... as a web master. I'm not looking to get YF in trouble - nor posted anything that could.

    You don't mind if i post when she goes down do you... and the names of the little kiddies that died aboard her as a result?

    See how you feel then about protecting his name.

    Heck even he was almost in tears when he discovered he'd be liable if something like that occured as a result of what he had done...

    (FYI - a one year old was on board when she started giving way - close to the Bahamas - so this is not an unlikely misshap.)
  11. CaptPKilbride

    CaptPKilbride Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    On the water
    If you are as reputable as you say you are, sign your name to your posts.
  12. dennismc

    dennismc Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Vancouver BC

    Invitation to a lawsuit of or a gunfight !!!!!
  13. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    Posting my name has nothing to do with my reputation - nor this thread.
    As much as you might like to make this about me - it's not.
    My reputation actually has nothing to do with anything stated here.

    It has to do with M/Y Odyssey - what has happened to her.
    Why it happened to her and as a direct result of one Captains actions at who's hand it happened to her and how it could have been prevented and to give merrit - a vessel this same Captain was in charge of before in which similiar happenings occurred on.

    For all i know - To those reading this, the Captain in questions repution is great after reading what i've stated here - you may think he's the best Capatain for your ship - heck you might even view him as the best thing since sliced bread.

    I personally - don't work for long for Captains like this - i don't particiapate in BS like what has taken place on the Odyssey nor did i on M/Y The Rock.
    I don't go into jobs thinking Hey how can i scamed my Captain or the owner. and if asked to - I turn those jobs down or if i discover that is what is being done - i walk. I want no part of it.

    And in six years working in the industry i've run into very few Captains that do go along with that form of thinking. - Thankfully.

    I guess that is what keeps me working and Captains and Owners trusting me.

    I won't ride with the current Odyssesy's Captain - can't trust him. Could you?
    What else has he done to damage the ship - heck if i know and i don't want to be 90 miles out there and find out.

    It's too far to swim... and i hate missing dinner.
  14. First Mate

    First Mate New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Florida
    @ CaptPKilbride

    You're a true captain?
    USCG certified as what - up to what tonnage?
    (if you don't mind me asking that is)

    As a true Yacht Captain - you now we in the industry rarely publically speak about our boats... or guests - we just don't do it.

    You know it is protacal not too. Some crew get along some don't. That is the way it is - you look for a vessel were you get along with Captain and crew.
    Common knowledge amoungst us - just the way it is - no harm no foul if you don't get along with one - you will another

    And you know as a seasoned Captain - if one - this is far from a tell all. We all have stories we could tell.. but don't.

    And you know as a Captain - there are natural corosions
    - and a few ways to cause intential corrosion. And many ways to sabatoge a ship - this being one of them.

    So it stands to reason a fairly seasoned mate such as I - coming forward like this - speaking publically - something seriously must be wrong. A line has been crossed here so grossly as to warrent it
    - something or someone has to speak out - even if it is just in the manner of updating the history of the vessel to current statis.

    So think about - why would i bother - there are too many vessels out there - we in the industry wouldn't waste our time. Unless... something like this comes up.
  15. CaptPKilbride

    CaptPKilbride Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    On the water
    As much as you would like to make this about me ... it's not.

    However, you just joined this online community with what appears to be the express purpose of calling out someone. Which you did.

    We all know there are 3 sides to any story.
  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    First Mate. Not saying you're right or wrong, but you really need to talk with a lawyer. Whether right or wrong, if that were my name, you'd have a summons at your door by close of business Monday. Win or lose it will be expensive to fight, and you'd best be able to back up every statement. I hope it comes to nothing, but.... Good luck.
  17. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Are you trying to say that this Captain you write about has done some action to expedite and cause the crud you show i the photos?

    I can't say I have ever heard of this before, everyone I know puts a lot of time and energy into preventing or reducing corrosion.

    Would you care to elaborate as to how he was managing to cause this phenomenon?
  18. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale
    First Mate

    First Mate,

    Let me give you a few words of advise.

    There are some on here who have many more years experience than your 6 years and although I am not sure what CaptPKilibride's experience is I do know what mine is so after 42 years during which I have been around the block once or twice you need to learn that if you have strong views like you appear to have there are other ways to put the word out that does not put you into a position for a law suit or a good hiding. Violence is never good so voice your opinion in a manner that does not bring the attorneys knocking.

    Do not let your strong views cloud your judgement, even if you are absolutely sure that you are correct a smart attorney could tie you up defending yourself for years and cost you many tens of thousands or bankrupt you and ruin your credit for years.

    I do not want to get into an arguement with you but I suggest that you take some of the advise that has been offered to you and listen to some of us "old farts"

    PS. I was at a Broward only this morning that has the aft end of the aft fuel tank removed plus 4 feet by 3 feet of the hull plating removed between the rudder posts caused by mastic being used at a wire run below the Euro steps that allowed water (a lot) into the steering gear area. Should we name and shame the captain for not making sure this area was kept water tight and dry. Repair estimates are between 20 & 60,000.
  19. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Calm down a bit, Mate ...

    I think there are few here who don't have similar knowledge or experience with certain boats and certain people. That sort of thing seems to be a part of this industry that ranting won't eliminate.

    I can't speak for Yachtforums but he voiced what I thought when I read your first post. Bottom line, unless you are prepared to sign the post with your real name and are prepared to be called as an expert witness to sustain your claims, you are very close to or have already crossed the divide between professional indignation and libel.

    What you ( and I ) think of what we see and think we know isn't always as black and white as you claim and not every mistake is made with criminal intent. If stupid was a crime the Broward County jail would be full of "captains" and "owner's reps" but so far, as your own posts show, it isn't illegal.

    This might be a good time to go to a quiet place for a while.
  20. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I think that was stated rather clearly, along with the man's name.
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