I need to replace cracked center front panel currently ez2cy. Got a price using polycarbonate which I read online often has distorted light especially with polarized sunglasses. Clear vinyl (strataglass) seems good for the roll up side curtains. What’s the best material option for the center front panel on a sportfish?
I like SeaAcrylic then EZ2CY IF you have a flat place on the hardtop to attach it to in the open position and don't have to bend it when opening it. However, strataglass is not a terrible choice either.
If you need only a a couple replaced you can just send/take the panel to any EZ2CY / CLEAR2SEA dealer and they'll make you a replacement .
I hose off with water hose and a a bottle of diluted boat soap squirted into the stream of water after every cruise. Creates a nice sudsy rinse. I do that for the decks, house and hull also. I think it really helps keep that EZ2CY scratch free, and the boat cleaner between washes. I use collinite on the stratoglass inside and out about 3 times a season. Even if I don't run the boat, I rinse it that way about once a week