late congratulations ! you had a right choice, i have spent some time on it. She is pretty but demandful...
Where would you be keeping her in Sarasota? If you need work done to it while it's there let me know if you like. I know some good people down there.
She's going to be a lot less demandful when I'm done with her. In a lot of ways (mostly aesthetic), she was exceptionally well cared for. However, I think she was used mostly for day trips, and some of the systems needed a little TLC. Right now, she is on the hard, going through a 2 month "mini-refit". We're taking a good look at most systems on the boat, and making lots of little upgrades that should help to reduce the amount of maintenance in the future. She's also getting a few cosmetic updates, some added safety features, some "Americanization", and a few items that will make her a little more pleasuarable to operate. She should be done in about a month, and then we head south.
She'll be at Marina Jack. Feel free to PM me your contact information, as it would be great to know some names for routine maintenance. Thanks for the advice.