Nice! Hey Graham. Nice one the rasmussen project. One of my favourites outside OceAnco. If the weather is right today and you can get some more pictures can you see if (if they move that is) you can get a foto of the passerelle door in open position. Something I'd like to see there. Good luck with the fotos. You have a lovely position to work!
Hi all here are some new comers and one local. Photo 2 is a local yacht and stays here all year round
Galactica!!! boy i wish i could see the interior of that yacht. Sirocco well now Sirocco Of London, her interior is among the best that i have seen.
Hi all here are 2 new ones that arrived. The boats are all arriving slowly but surley from the Caribbean. 1st photo Solemar 2nd Photo Samax
today i see sailing to palma the trinity mustang sally or the janie i am not sure because i don't saw her name
yesterday i saw in club de mar the azurra,bravelove one, lady katryn III ,westport 130 and more yachts
Hi All Here is only one photo today it is Triple Seven. Very nice boat but unfortunately it has a very young and arrogant Captain. I saw Blue Attraction in the boat yard. Hope to get photo tomorrow.